Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Which Team?


Every Jōnin-sensei stood in front of the aged Hokage who looked at them with a warm look on his face. Kakashi looked out from the window and sighed, "It's time huh." Kakashi rhetorically stated.

"Everyone knows why I summoned you here... I give you time." Hiruzen says as he takes a smoke from his pipe. Every Jōnin walked ahead one by one and started speaking.

Kakashi was the first person to come up. "I, Kakashi Hatake nominate Team 7 for the Chūnin Exam," Kakashi said leaving several nods. Team 7 had the Rookie and Kunoichi of the Year including a talented young civilian. They had pretty much the most chances of survival.

"I, Sarutobi Asuma nominate Team 10 for the Chūnin Exams," Asuma said raising various brows but before they got time to voice their opinions, Kurenai walked up and said, "I, Kurenai Yūhi nominate Team 8 for the Chūnin Exams."

Now the instructors had various doubts in their minds. Team 7 was reasonable considering their position, but teams 8 and 10 were far from ready. Sensing their doubts, Kakashi said, "We know our students better than you, don't even try to judge our decisions." This made everyone who doubted shut their mouths.

Suddenly, Gai walked up and said, "I, Maito Gai nominate the most youthful Team 9 for the Chūnin exam." Gai said with a grin and a thumbs up.

Hiruzen takes another smoke from his pipe and suddenly Yūgao appears in the office bowing at the Hokage. "You may stand," Hiruzen says and Yūgao stands up with a small nod. "Do you believe Naruto Uzumaki is ready for the Chūnin Exam?" Hiruzen questions and everyone adopts a questionable look.

"Naruto is ready for the Chūnin Exam..." Yūgao says with a proud smile. Iruka suddenly stood up from his seat and said, "Naruto just passed the academy 3 months ago, he can't have grown so much in these months to even think about the Chūnin Exams."

Now, Yūgao had very few things that pissed her off, which includes fangirls and perverts, but she also learned that she hates one thing above all these, someone who belittles or insults her students. "Watch your mouth Chūnin, or are you questioning me?" Yūgao said as she released some Killer Intent at Iruka. "Yes... I am, Naruto was my student, and I won't let you throw him to a place where he is most certain to die." Iruka said unaffected by the killer intent.

Hiruzen sighs and commands, "Stop it... You shall not argue in my presence. If Yūgao says Naruto is ready, then he is ready... Everyone who nominated their teams for the exam shall be accepted. Dismissed." With that said, everyone left the room except Yūgao who knew that she wasn't dismissed yet.

"So, how's Naruto doing?" He questioned already knowing the answer. "I just want to say one thing, perform a thorough inspection of the Academy teachers," Yūgao said and Hiruzen nodded his head. "Naruto's taijutsu was worse than some citizens, his ninjutsu was non-existent, and overall, Naruto didn't even have basic knowledge of things." Yūgao goes on with a frown. "The Academy needs a new staff overall." Hiruzen sighed, he was always afraid that Naruto's education was altered.

"But, about Naruto's growth, during the month, I had him use his clones to study various materials which at the very least increased his knowledge to a certain degree. Physically, he's a monster, he had some problems in the initial stage but now, no matter how hard his training is, he's muscles are repaired the next day without any setbacks which helped him increase his growth by ten folds." Yūgao said and Hiruzen adopted a small proud smile.

"All in all, I can pretty much say that Naruto is the strongest in his generation, surpassing the likes of Sasuke Uchiha and Shino Aburame," Yūgao stated with a small smile. "My my, that's a very powerful claim coming from you," Hiruzen says with a surprised look. "You haven't seen my student in action yet, he can beat pretty much any genin, and by that, I am not saying Naruto will use thousands of clones to overpower them," Yūgao said and Hiruzen laughed slowly.

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