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I lay in the bath looking down at my stretched road map skin, herbal baths are the only thing that helps soothe the itch from where the stretch marks have ravished my normally olive toned skin.

Peeta is obsessed with tracing them, he looks in awe every time the baby moves, always sneaking feels through the day when he's around, the only thing that doesn't frighten me is Peeta's love and dedication for this baby, he's been nothing but attentive to me and his need.

I say 'he', I'm 99% sure that baby is a boy, every-time I dream he is in them, in small combat boots with muddy knees, carrying sticks and trying to climb trees.

I can never see his face but I feel like I know him, I suppose I do.

Peeta knocks on the door gently and peeks round the corner.

"'Tea's ready", I can smell the sweet scent of plum stew waft through the door.

"Is Haymich here? I want to tell him what we decided last night".

We had finally made a decision on names, I wanted to see his face when he finds out.

"He's already started on the bread rolls, you need to be quick before he inhales the rest".

I waddle downstairs to the kitchen, the baby is doing flips and keeps catching me under my rib, I swear I can feel each individual toe.

Once we start eating a sway the conversation.

"So Haymitch I know you've been pestering us about names and we've finally decided".

"Go on then, I hope it's nothing weird and capitalised, I can't cope with another Flavius".

"So for a girl, we said Willow Rosalie Rue, obviously for Prim and Rue but we found boys so much harder".

"Go on then", he laughs.

"Rye Samwell Zander", I grin.

"Oh sweetheart, that's lovely".

We both decided that we would have our late fathers names, Peeta wanted to have Prim and Rue there for a girl too but with me feeling like baby is a boy I felt like that name needed to be perfect.

"So the real question is, when your godchild comes to stop, will they be sleeping with the geese?".. I wait to see if he catches what I said.

"Really?, is this you asking", he has tears in his eyes.

"Not only will you be un-official grandpa, you'll be officially godfather too, if you accept".

"I'd love nothing more".

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