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Here's another one of those stupid opening author note but it's not like any of you read it anyways so it's whatever.......whatever* tears*

Naruto: Stop being over dramatic lilwofie515, it's not needed.

Lilwofie515: Hey! I made you smarter and stronger not meaner....

Naruto: *sighs* Well anyways you guys know the deal Lilwofie515 doesn't own anything except for Mizuki and anything she decides to add.

Lilwofie515: wait what are you doing!! Don't start my story y-


3rd POV:

Naruto's eyes suddenly became dark as his usual happy emotions left no trace on his new stance. His back was straighter as he had a new aura surrounding him that held strength and Cautiousness to his enemy before him. Naruto then disappeared from where he stood which was near Sasuke then appeared behind Haku. He was able to nick Haku's shirt before Haku jumped away barely escaping Naruto.

"H-how did you suddenly became faster?" ' And somehow look different.'

Naruto crane his head side to side as if trying to crack his neck before opening his eyes to answer Haku's question.

"There was only one person who knew the truth...about me and my strength and that was Mizuki. And I bet you wondering why I hid my strength..." Naruto then spread his arms opened as if embracing the air around him as he had a smirk on his face.

"What do you think a village will react to their demon being quite smarter and stronger than them. My death would've been granted by the age of 4 of that occurred. It's thanks to my 'sister' Mizuki that we later found about my heritage and secretly sparred and helped each other gain strength...but let's not go on about me. After all, behind me are to very close people in my life which you killed and you will pay back with you life. "

Haku's gasped as he felt a sudden wind go by him and his mask cracked on the left side.

'Damn it, I don't have enough chakra to do my technique. Heh. ..I guess it's my fate to die now and I'm sure...Zabuza will be fine without me. '

Haku allowed Naruto to attack him out of anger knowing that with the strength Naruto has now, he couldn't really be able to inflict any damage on him. Finally as Haku neared through the pain of Naruto hitting him from his fists to his kunai, Haku's mask finally broke apart showing that it wasn't durable anymore. As Haku waited for the hit that never came, he opened his eyes to see a surprised Naruto before him and smiled.

" Why aren't you attacking? Oh is it because I look familiar. "

" I - it's you...but why?"

" You're making a mistake of pitying your enemy and letting me have my life. This is a mistake which many shinobis make. You don't understand...not having a dream...not being needed and yet we still continue living."

" Wait..you don't mean.."

Haku gave a sad smile," Zabuza doesn't need a weak shinobi like me and my reason for living was just taken away."

Naruto glared at Haku and clenched both his teeth and fists." If he's that important to you then why?"

"It has to be done...there was another time when I had other important people. My parents.. I was born in a snowy village in The country of Mist. We were happy and kind people...but soon I learned of the ways of the world and grew up. But one day my father killed my mother then tried to kill me and you want to know the reason why?...... It's because we held a bloodline and many clans hide their bloodlines and if you were found out then death was awaiting you. Before I knew, i killed my own father and I had to notice....that I'm unwanted."

Mizuki:  The Moon Princess ( a naruto fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now