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Author's note: sorry for the late update but  i would've update sooner if my chapter i was working on didn't erased -.-'. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

I don't own Naruto or the pics/videos I post but i wish I did because Naruto and Sasuke would be together and Sakura wouldn't be annoying.


    ( please remember she is 3 here)I was meditating just like father taught me , so that I can tap into my inner animal which is a wolf. Suddenly wolf  ears popped head but before I can get my tail I heard a scream.' That's coming from the direction of the clan" I thought as my wolf ears poofed away and I started running. Sadly by the time I was there blood and bodies were everywhere.' Everyone... is... gone.' I thought but then a thought went to my head and I ran home.'Oka-san,Tou-san,kyo-nii!!! I hope you're okay! 'When I was infront of my house tears stinged on the corner of my eyes and the smell of blood was brought to my nose.' Please not them' was the only thought that came to my mind as I opened the door and walked to the living room. There I saw the bodies of my father and mother on the floor." Tou......san, Oka......san please get up don't leave me," I went closer to them and didn't see my brother anywhere.I looked around the house pleading to kami that he is alive and trying to find me.I went outside and saw my brother but saw someone standing above him.Before I could've gotten a closer look the person disapeared only for me to see a red cloud on there cloak. I ran towards Kyo-nii and bend down to him" Kyo-nii, everyone is.....everyone!" I stopped and stared wide eyed at my brother." Kyo...nii you have to get up. Tou-san and Oka-san are gone, everyone is gone!!" I shook his body and then felt something wet on my hands.' What is this?' When I looked closer I noticed its smell and the color.' This is......blood' I stared at Kyo and my eyes turned blue with a quarter moon on it while I was crying.' I got tsukimo but at the price of my parents and brother dead. I wish I could of trade this back for them.' I cried for a while but then stood up and went inside the house. I came back with a shovel and started digging holes.        Everyone was burried with a black rose on each grave by the time of morning.( The massacre was at night and  she meditates at night since wolves are out at that time)I walked into the house and grabbed scrolls and clothes. I also took my clan's secret weapon that is called Bloody Rose and Black rose which is two katanas that can change to different weapons like daggars and guns.( Her clan was taught by the chief and his wife about their world weapons but they don't have them since at the moment it can't be made) I changed to a outfit mother said to wear if I was ever to leave our home for a while.( its a short black and blue kimono dress with ninja sandles) I packed other clothes but put them into a seal inside a scroll.I ran out of my home and clan's home but not before putting a seal so no one can enter it but me.

Week and a half later

 'Oh great I'm lost and now hungry' I thought as my stomach growled while I was walking through a forest.I sat on top of a branch feeling light head and pain all over my body.' I'm soon going to die but I rather die in peace so I might as well sing mother's song'( Its on the side) I finished singing and fell into unconciousness but before I did I saw a flash of spiky silver hair." what... the ...hell"

____________________________________________________________/  ________________

I woke up and saw everything white and bright.' ugh where am i?' I turned but to only see an old man sitting right next to me."eek!" I gave a surprise squeak and the old man smiled at me."Hello I'm Sarutobi Hiruzen and I'm third Hokage of this village." I tried to sit up but my stomach was in pain then I felt warm hands help me. I looked up to see the Hokage helping me sit up and gently smiled at me." Hello Hokage-sama"  I was about bow a bit but he raised his hand to stop me." No need for formality . You can call me gramps if that's fine with you." I nodded my head  and relaxed a bit." Well what's your name?" I stared at him and smiled," My name is Wakahisa Mizuki of the Wakahisa clan." He suddenly turned serious and asked me," Do you have any clan members that were traveling with you?" I then felt empty and said," No they were all killed at least a week ago." Gramps face soften and he brought his hand to pat my white hair." I see. Well what do you think of staying in Konoha?" I stared at Gramps with hope in my eyes and nodded very quickly. He chuckled and said," Well then I'm going to get someone who will very most likely take you in, so do you think you can wait for a few minutes?" I nodded and watched him leave the room.I turned my head and looked at the window and saw happy people while a smile was on my face.I then heard open and didn't notice that I was staring outside so long.I turned my head to see Gramps with a man that has black hair,a dark blue kimono top with a fan on it, pants and shoes. He glanced at me and introduced himself," I am Uchiha Fugaku. You?" I noticed his strict nature so I straighten up a bit and said " I am Wakahisa Mizuki, Uchiha-san." His eyes showed a bit of approvement by the way introduced myself and we had a stare down at each other until Gramps cleared his throat." Fugaku, this girl needs someone to take her in and I believe she will fit right in with your family if you can take her in that is." After Gramps said that Uchiha-san looked at me up and down then stared at my eyes." Can you fight?" Gramps was about to protest but I quickly answered" yes I can." Uchiha-san stared at me seeing if I was lying then said," then you will fight my oldest son immediatly." " Of course." I slowly got up ignoring the pain I was in and didn't show that it hurt so bad that I would just collapsed right then and there.Luckily I was still in the clothes I came with so I just put on my shoes and grabbed my katanas Bloody and Black rose then stood infront of Uchiha-san." Ok then follow me." I followed him with Gramps following us and we went to a training ground but there I saw a boy with his hair in a pony tail training there." Itachi." The boy turned around at bowed a bit infront of Uchiha-san." Hello father." He stood up straight staring at his father wondering what does he want." I would like you to spar with Mizuki here" He gestured toward me which caused the boy to turn and look at me." Hello my name is Wakahisa Mizuki." His eyes widen a bit when he heard my last name and said," Uchiha Itachi." I nodded my head and turned to his father." Do we start now Uchiha-san?" He nodded his head so I went to the middle of the training ground with Itachi-san and turned off all of my emotions.I got ready and unsheathed my katanas then unleashed tsukimo at first stage.Itachi-san seemed surprised by this and unsheathed his katana then unleashes his sharigan.We stared at each other until we both heard Fugaku say," Begin." I quickly appeared infront of Itachi and swung my katana. He quickly dodged it and swung his katana.I tried to put him under a genjutsu but as if he knew, he used his sharigan against me canceling it out. We kept fighting using our katanas and jutsus if we had the chance." Fire style: fire ball" My shirt got burnt on the corner." Sorry Itachi-san but I have to end this now." He gave me a confused look while I said" Demon style: energy abyss." A black ball formed on my palm and suddenly Itachi fell." W...what" I stared down at him." My jutsu sucks up all of your chakra so that you can't move." I cancelled my jutsu and helped Itachi up." you were a great sparring partner." I turned to him and smiled. He looked surprised and smiled." yea so are you." I made it infront of Fugaku and Gramps." hmmm she will stay with us Hokage-sama." He smiled a bit and patted my head." of course let's go do the paper work. Oh and Mizuki can you take Itachi to your new home?" I stared at Gramps and smiled." hai! let's go Itachi-san." By now he was able to walk a bit but had to lean on me for support as we walked home." Oh and just call me Itachi, san is too formal for us now that we're living together." He smiled at me and poked my forehead with two fingers." hai Itachi." We finally made it to the Uchiha Compound and I was holding Itachi's hand tightly." You're nervous?" I nodded not trusting my voice and he patted my head saying," trust me you're going to be fine and remember I'm here with you." His smile calmed me down and I nodded. We walked in and I saw many people talking happily.' Wow they look so happy' People began turning to me and whispering about me. I held Itachi's hand tighter and got closer to him. Some people started waving at me and I shyly waved back. We finally made it to Itachi's- I mean our home and we walked in." I'm home oka-san and with a surprise." We took off our shoes and slowly walked towards the kitchen." Welcome home and what surprise you got me, it's not my birthday yet." Her voice was silky and sweet just like a mother's voice. Itachi hid me behind him and told her to close her eyes. Once she closed them Itachi pushed me forward and mouthed go. I slowly went up to her and pulled on her apron.She opened her eyes and let out a surprised gasp." eh uh my name is Wakahisa Mizuki. It's um nice to meet you." As soon as I said that I ran and hid behind Itachi. He chuckled and said," Oka-san Mizuki will be staying with us from now on." I peeked over to the lady and saw her smile kindly at me." Come here I won't bite." I giggled a bit and slowly walked back to her." Aren't you pretty. How old are you?" She bent down to my height while running her fingers through my hair." Uh um I'm 3 years old." He giggled at me and said" oh that's how old my other son is too. You want to meet him?" I nodded and she picked me up. Itachi was following us while we went to the back to see a boy playing with a ball. He turned to us and smiled." Nii-san you're back!!" He ran to Itachi and hugged him. "  I'm back and will you like to meet Mizuki there since she will be living with us for now on." The boy turned to me while Mikoto put me down.The boy stuck out his hand and smiled" My name is Uchiha Sasuke.What's yours?" I grabbed his hand and smile" my name is Wakahisa Mizuki nice to meet you." After that Sasuke and I played for a while then Fugaku came home saying he was done with the papers and patted my head. We had dinner talking and Itachi took me to the guest room that will be my room which is between Sasuke's and Itachi's rooms.I changed into a black long sleeve shirt with white shorts and fell asleep smiling.

~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~

( she is now 5)

I'm finally out of the academy for the day. I'm made a lot of friends through the years except for Sakura  and the rest of Sasuke's fangirls. Ino and I got along because me and her love flowers and since I told her I don't like Sasuke that way. Hinata talks with me without stuttering and being quiet about it.I'm friends with Naruto,Sasuke,Kiba,Shikamaru,Choji, and Shinto but I'm best friends with Sasuke, Naruto, and Shikamaru. I finally went straight to a training ground. I've been practicing the 4th Hokage technique Flying Thunder God which I might of seen while reading a huge scroll. I've been practicing this for a while but still can't get I right. " Why do I always end up only transporting 1 foot from where I stand." I was getting tired from all of the chakra I've been using and it was afternoon now.' wow time flies by' I was about to leave when I was suddenly hit in the back of my neck and all I saw was black dots.' ....Sasuke'


I woke up to be tied up and in the middle of a forest with rouge ninjas surrounding me." Ha I bet we're gonna get a lot of money for this girl since those people want her." I heard yea from the others and one of the noticed that I was awake." Oh she's awake." They all turned to me and started walking closer. I was about to scream when a guy looking in his early 20's with black hair and red eyes saw me ans beat up one of the rouge ninjas." Now now you shouldn't gang up on a little girl and you can't treat her like this. if you don't mind i'll take her off your hands now." The rouge ninjas all attack at once but the man unsheathed his katana and brought them down in one swipe." Now that that's done," he turned to me and untied me" what shall I do with you?" I felt a little scared bit the next question he said took me by surprise." Do you have any family?"  I shook my head and heard him say troublesome. I giggled and her turned to me." why are you laughing?" I stared at him and smile"  you just sounded like my friend. " He starred at me a bit longer and said" Do you want to travel with me since you have no family." I starred at him like he was joking and he said" why are you staring at me like that?" i shook my head and stood up." sure i'd love to travel with you. " " then lets go" he started walking away while I ran after him.I felt a hand on my head and looked up." now you're my apprentice you got that?" i smiled and nodded.

~~~ 7 years later~~~

i stared at the huge gate in front of me.' I'm back here huh?' I tightened my grip on my bag and slowly walked into my old home....



Well that's the prologue since I thought you guys should know more of her past. just to let you know she didn't think Itachi and Sasuke as family just close friends. I don't know the pairing for this story but so far it's going to be Sasuke since there's more action in that pairing like forest of death and their childhood. Tell me what kind of pairing I should do or should I do a little short pairing then go to a main pairing. I honestly don't know. the guy on the side is the guy who took her in but instead he's wearing a black and red kimono. Any questions just comment and I'll answer them.

bye bii~

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