I'm back Konoha!!!!

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( naruto doesn't belong to me and so does the pictures/videos i may post.)

Hey guys I would like to thank you guys for reading this book and will try to update as fast as I can. I plan to update every week once or twice but who knows. I would like to thank two wonderful and amazing people for voting and commenting on this story:

~ rottingbells3189

~ Zayabel13

Thanks for being the first to vote and comment on my book so yea....

Anyways, the actual story will begin now and Mizuki looks like what she does in the cover just a bit younger.Also you will learn a few more things from her past in Konoha that I hope you will find entertaining I hope.Now let's begin......


I went through the gate to see Izumo and Kotetsu sleeping again.* sigh*' they really shouldn't sleep not the job since an enemy can come in easily.' I walked past them and went through the streets of Konoha.' Everyone is happily living here and thank kami that they don't know what is really beyond these gates like I do' I was so into thought that I didn't notice that I was already infront of the Hokage's office door.' I really have to stop doing that.' I sighed and knocked on the door then heard an 'come in' so I went in. I then stood in front of Gramps desk and had a short stare off with him. After a while he cleared his throat and asked," Hello young one how did you get here?" I stared at him with an emotionless look and said'' I just came through the gate and came here" He muttered omething under his breath probably about Izumo and Kotetsu.' I guess he doesn't remember me or that I changed so much.' He looked at me again and gently smiled." So what are you doing here?" " I'm coming back to Konoha and staying here." He looked confused and asked," So you were here before." I nodded and took off my emotionless face so that a happy smile popped up on my face." I'm back Gramps." His face quickly changed to a surprised/horrided face and he go up to hug me which I gladly hugged back." Mizuki is that you? We all thought you were dead after you were kidnapped and we couldn't find you." I sat him back down on his chair and he patted on his lap. I sat on his leg and told him what happened." I see and you stayed with that man since then?" I nodded and Gramps asked" Where is he? " "That old pervert is somewhere but i just don't know where.He'll come back though when he needs me to pay for his bills though." I suddenly felt scared and shivered,' Stupid Master making me pay for his bills'( yes this is a D gray man moment. Sorry i just had to put that in) gramps chuckled and patted my head." Well at least your'e back and I'm sure you heard about that incident that happened a few years ago." His face was serious and I nodded knowing he is talking about the masscare." So Gramps can i go back to the academy" I wanted to lighten things up and he smiled while nodding. I smiled and gave him a bingo book." What is this for?" " Just open to page 15 and you'll know." he opened the book and finally found the page and gave me a surprised look." You're in the bingo book.Why?" I giggled," to earn money I mostly captured rouge ninjas or criminals and fought a few S-ranked criminals so i guess they wanted to put me in the book." I felt a pat on my head and heard a sigh." Well anyway, if you want to go to the academy you should go now but you will only observe since your'e already way above a genin." gramps opened a drawer and took out a black leaf headband. I tied it on my head( like how sakura does it) and got off his lap. " Well i'm going then see you later" I did Flying Thunder God technique which instantly I was in the front of the classroom.' Luckily I was able to master that technique and put a seal here from when I was younger or I would've have to walk here.' As soon as was here I saw Naruto on the floor tied up while Iruka was scolding him.' It seems like those two didn't notice me yet but sadly the rest of the class did.'I looked around with my emotionless face and saw that everyone grew up a bit since when we were 5.( Just to let you know she is sitting on the teacher's desk) I just watched iruka scolding Naruto which Naruto ignored so he said," We will have a re-test on the Transformation Jutsu!" everyone just groaned and complained except Sasuke who was staring too hard for my liking. They all lined up but kept their eyes one me which caused Iruka to turn to me. He looked surprised and said" Hello who are you and why are you doing here?" He saw my katanas and took out a kunai." Calm down I'm a Konoha ninja who came back to this village.Plus I was told by Gramps to observe your class." I bent my head a bit so he can see my headband which he quickly put away quickly and bowed to me." Sorry for my rudeness Its just that I haven't seen you in the village." I waved it off and stared at the class." So do you mind introducing yourself to the class?" I put my elbow on my knee and said," hey I'm Wakahisa Mizuki nice to meet ya though some on you might remember me already." everyone had a surprised look on their face even Sasuke then I suddenly pushed down and fell on the floor. I opened my eyes to see Hinata hugging me tightly crying so I patted her head." I thought ...... we all thought you died years ago." I slowly got up with Hinata still hugging me and said" Nah I was just kidnapped and almost sold off til my baka perverted master saved me. Well then I just became is student so he took me in and we travel the 5 great nations together unless he left me at a village then later came to pick me up just like the situation I'm in now." I muttered the last part but it seemed like everyone heard me." Well anyways we can talk later you guys are still at school so line up and listen to Iruka." I patted Hinata's head and gave her a small smile before it disapeared while she went back in her place in the line. I went back to the desk and watched Sakura go." Haruno Sakura .here I go" I watched her transform into Iruka and changed back. If you look closely you can see her inner self or is it just me." Did you see that, Sasuke?" ' I was actually impressed for a second until she ruined it with Sasuke. I guess she still is in love with Sasuke as well as the other girls except for Hinata.' Sasuke just ignored her but was staring a me. I ignored him and watches as Iruka called Sasuke up which he transformed correctly then went to the back of the line." Next Uzumaki Naruto." I was watching Naruto carefully knowing he would do something stupid. The next thing I know is that I see an older naked girl version of Naruto which caused iruka to get a noise bleed.I covered my mouth trying so hard not to laugh but I couldn't hold any longer so I fell off the desk laughing on the floor. everyone was staring at me laughing while Iruka was yelling at Naruto.I stopped laughing and saw the boys blushing which cause me to wonder why but as soon as I was about to ask an anbu poofed into the room." Wakahisa Mizuki the Hokage request for you." I sighed and stood up then took my katanas off the desk and turned to everyone," sorry guys but everything will have to wait til tomorow and Hinata I will see you later." I grabbed hold of the anbu which he poofed us to Gramps office." What do you want Gramps?" I walked to his desk and sat on it." Well I wondering if you know where you will live at and do you still want to be a genin?" I thought about it and said " I'll stay with Hinata til the day we will all be put into teams and I will be a genin but with jonin skills." He chuckled at my idea and nodded." That will work out so now you can go." I jumped off his desk and jumped out of the window to see Naruto cleaning the Hokage monument.' I guess I should help then.' I jumped across and made it right next to naruto which cause him to jump a little." Don't do that Mizuki-chan you scared me." I giggled and said," sorry naruto do you need help?" I picked up a rag and started cleaning too. "but.." I waved it off and continue washing.Iruka said that he'll take us to ramen but I told them that I had to go Hinata's house. I made it to her house and knocked which Neji opened." Yo Neji is Hinata home?" I took off my shoes and walked to Hinata's room or her old room if she changed rooms. Luckily she was in there in her training clothes about to leave which caused her to bump into me." Hey Hinata I see you're about to train so how about a spar with me?" She nodded quickly and dragged me to the training room. When we both finally was at the training room we see her father there and it seems like he was waiting for us." Hello Mizuki I heard from Neji that you were here and it seems like he was right." I bowed a bit and crossed my arms" You know that a little kidnapping wouldn't kill me but it seems like everyone did since I didn't come back but whatever." I went to the middle of the training room with Hinata and whispered into her ear" Pay attention to me not anything else or no one else and you'll do fine" before separating ourselves and got to fighting stances." Don't think I'm as weak as I was when we were younger Mizuki I've gotten stronger." I looked at the corner of my eyes to see Hiashi surprised at his daughter sounding so confident in herself. I whistled" well don't forget I've gotten stronger myself." I turned on Tsukimo at first stage while Hinata turned on byakugan. I ran up to her quickly and started fighting with taijutsu. I landed a few hits on her while she hit a few on my chakra points. I separated with her and said" stop holding back because I had more energy in me." I chakra coated my hands and used Flying Thunder God since I put a seal on her earlier. I started hitting her quickly put that didn't stop her from surprising me time to time when she landed hits on me. After a while Hinata started getting tired so I quickly ended it by aiming a hit behind her neck but stopped before hitting it." I win this time again. I guess I have to put you on harder training than I did years ago." I saw her shiver and patted on her head" but you did do a good jobs and you are stronger than I remember so I guess I can give you some slack." I saw her sigh in relief as I went to pick up my katanas." Now we have to work on your power to your hits and chakra control since even a small amount of chakra can help you fight your opponent." I left the training with Hinata following me and out of the corner of my eyes I see Hiashi following us also. We end up at a pretty tall tree in the backyard and I turned to Hinata" Okay you're gonna climb this tree with your feet by using chakra and remember this is even hard highly trained ninjas. After you make it to the top and make sure your control is good we'll go to a lake If you finish early.Do you want me to show you how?"She nodded so I put chakra on the bottom out my feet and cart wheeled to the top and ran to the bottom." There it is but first start walking then run and lastly cart wheels or flips. Now go." She nodded and did the chakra hand sign which a blue glow showed on her feet then she start walking up the tree but then she fell. She wiped the sweat on her forehead and tried again. I walked away and stopped when I was next to Hiashi which allowed me to also see Neji training keeping his eyes on Hinata. " How did you do it? I never heard her sound so confident." I watched Neji train while answering" She feels calm around me and knows that I won't judge her on how strong or weak she is since she already knows. She's been trying to beat me for years now and she's getting closer so give her a few more years and she'll be really strong." I saw Hitachi nod so I went to my own area which had 10 of dummies on one side and 10 on the other. I felt everyone's stares but I ignored them and unsheathed Black rose by a inch before sheathing it back in then walking away to the other side. As I walked away everyone saw that all of the dummies were not harmed until my katana did a click noise to say it's sheathed and by then all of the dummies were cut in half. I heard a surprised gasp and smirked as I was finally infront of there other dummies. I went through them quickly and went walking straight to the house.As I was about to walk inside I stopped" Neji, Hinata you both aren't near my strength so I suggest you both get stronger before you both get killed by being so weak. oh and Hiashi you'll need new dummies." I opened the door and closed it and by then all of the dummies turned to dust. I was walking through the hallway going to Hinata's room thinking about what I said.' I'm sure Hinata got the hidden meaning behind it but I'm not sure about Neji. Oh well I'm sure he'll figure it out soon.' I went to her closet that has Hinata's kimono and took out a black and white kimono that has a moon and wolf on it.' Wow this had to be made for me since I'm sure Hinata won't wear this' I went to her bathroom and took a shower. I came out wearing the kimono and went back to the backyard with art supplies with me. I sat down on the porch and started drawing Hinata training which by now she was doing flips on the tree. I was so focused in the drawing that when I looked up she was done training. I did the final touches and called her over. When she came to me I said," Ok you're done for today go take a shower and get ready for dinner." She nodded and ran to her room. I went to a different page on my sketchbook and started to draw Neji training. By the time I finished it was time for dinner and Neji walked past me and looked at my drawing. As I was packing I said" Neji I hope you got the hidden meaning into what I said earlier. I can't wait for you guys to become stronger so I have to become stronger so the only thing I can do is slow down a bit but even with that it will take a while for you to come close to my level. So good luck and challenge me later some time when you're stronger." I got up and walked to Hinata's room and just went in then closed the door because Hinata just finished with the shower. As she got dressed I put away my art stuff and sat on the bed reading a book." I'm done so let's go to dinner." I nodded and followed Hinata to the dining room which I sat right next to Hinata who sits on the left side of Hiashi while Hanabi sat on the right side and right next to her is Neji. The food was set in front of us and we're all eating formally and quietly until Hiashi broke by saying" Hanabi you're training was well so was yours Neji and you also Hinata but all of you need to become stronger to beat Mizuki as of now understand." They all nodded and I said" Hiashi the only one close enough to beat me is Hinata right now and probably Neji and I'm sad to say that your daughter Hanabi isn't close enough even if I did went easy on her." The tone in my voice meant I was serious and Hanabi was glaring at me so I calmly stared back at her." Girl do not glare at me. it's not my fault you're weaker than me and them two." They noticed the venom in my voice but it seemed like she didn't so she raised her voice at me saying" I'm way stronger than my weak sister and I bet I'm stronger than you!!" I summoned my bingo book and threw it at her and told her to read page 15 out loud." Fine!" She found the page and read it out loud." Wakahisa Mizuki ranked S rank ninja so please beware of her and especially her special summoning which can not be told. Killed 90 rouge ninjas and about 50 criminals.She also killed 18 S rank ninjas and is very high in all jutsus. Take caution when trying attack her since she has high sensing skills. Likes: Pocky, dango, wolves, weapons, and training. Dislikes: everything else pretty much. If you want to capture her you better bribe her with one of the likes above if not you'll be instantly killed. Reward of bringing her alive is................." I was eating while she read that amount of money she stared wide eyed at me." So as you can see I'm pretty strong already and I'm mad they had to add the bribe thing. it only happened once but the guy died when he lied about it. oh well may his soul rest in peace. Anyways I'm much more experienced with everything outside these gates than you are so shut up about being stronger than me and try to be it." I closed my eyes so she can see the 3rd stage of tsukimo which I achieved years ago." Ah the 3rd stage you told me about. so who died this time?" Hiashi is the only one in this house that I told about my clan and how to achieve tsukimo." Deaths? What is he talking about Mizuki?" Hinata stared curiously at me as did Neji and Hanabi." Well it was when I was 3 when my clan and parents was murdered which caused me to get the first stage. After that I got the second stage when I found out my older brother died and the third stage I got when I heard about the Uchiha massacre years ago when I was gone from Konoha since I was traveling with my baka master So to get to the next stage you'll need a death of someone close to you which is a great price for us and is unlike the Uchiha who lose their eye sight overtime from using their sharigan too long." I spoke calmly as if this didn't scare me which it didn't since I knew this for years already. Hinata hugged me and I was surprised so I patted her head with a smile face. " Oh no you're crying again. How many times are you going to see me without crying? So far you got zero since everytime you came to me you were crying even when we were little you still would cry." She giggled a little and I yawned then stood up with Hinata holding onto my Kimono." Well thanks for the meal. We gotta go to bed since we have academy tomorrow and you have a test Hinata." We bowed to everyone and walked out to go to Hinata's room. We changed to our pjs which is a black short kimono dress from her and a blue one for her. We climbed to our bed and talked a little which we finally fall asleep.

Mizuki:  The Moon Princess ( a naruto fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now