How Dare You...

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Mizuki POV:

Gramps cleared his throat before speaking once more," Before I explain The Third Part of the exam I should explain the true purpose of the Chunnin Exams." Everyone stared curiously at The Hokage wondering what he meant.

'True purpose? What do you mean Gramps?' Gramps tilted his head down," Why are all the alliance countries taking the exam together? Well there's many reasons that are possible like " to promote friendship between countries" or " to raise the level of shinobi". Well the truth is.... that it's a replacement for war among the countries. Back in time the allies were once enemies who fought for each other's land ,so to bring order the Chunnin Exam was created."

' I see that actually makes sense. Instead of countless deaths and ninjas constantly fighting each other, they created this exam to ensure peace and lessen the violence between allies.' A sudden yell from someone brought me back to reality as Gramps continued his conversation.

" The strength of a country is the strength of the village. The strength of a village is it's shinobi strength. The true strength of a shinobi is found through life threatening battles. This exam is where each village proves its strength and whether they're stronger or not."

"But what about the "friendship" aspect?" I looked over to see that Tenten said that.

" I didn't want to confuse you of the purpose as I said in the beginning. Losing a life and establishing balance is the friendship in the world of a shinobi. Before beginning the Third test I will tell you that this isn't a test. This is a life risking battle with your country's prestige and your dreams on the line." A few murmurs were heard around as Gaara told Gramps to hurry up with the exam which Gramps coughed at meaning there's a problem. Someone jumped in front of Gramps and asked to speak which he allowed.

"Hello everyone I'm Hayate. Before the third test, there's something you guys have to do which is a preliminary for the third test so we can decide who goes to the final matches."
"What do mean by that!?"
" Why can't people here participate in the third test?" There were protests around as glares were thrown at Hayate which I smirked at knowing why the preliminary were needed.

"It's because there's to many us, isn't it?" Many genin turned surprised in my direction like they just noticed me as I spoke with a smirk on my face and arms crossed.
" Right Mizuki. It seems like the first and second test were much too easy for you guys ,so as it states in the rules we have to do preliminary. We have guests from around the country coming and there's just too many of you. So, if you're feeling unwell or you feel like quitting come forward now since we are starting the preliminary right now." It was silent around the area showing no one wanted to quit.

"Um I'm going to quit." " And I as well." Both this kid from Konoha and Haku raised their hands while I heard someone talk to that kid about his decision.

"I know you will prove all these people for both of us Miki. It's just I know I'm not ready to fight yet and I will have to take care of you after this preliminary knowing you will get hurt." I turned to Haku and gave him a hug then whispered," It's fine because whoever my opponent is will regret getting me since I need to blow of some steam due to earlier events." Haku nodded and hugged me one last time before walking forward to take his place next to Gramps which people questioned but didn't get an answer. I heard Naru's team have an argument ,but I ignored it yet I'm pretty sure I heard my name.

' Seems like even the senseis over there are debating whether to put Sasuke in the exam. Knowing Sasuke, he will continue no matter what ,so I don't understand why they're trying to stop him.' Gramps looked in my direction and silently asked me the question which I nodded at. It seemed like that was all he needed and told them that Sasuke will continue.

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