Answers and Forgiveness?

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Mizuki's  POV:


I grumbled feeling sunlight poke at my closed eyes as a warmth surrounded me causing me to snuggle deeply into what I assume is blankets. Knowing that I wasn't going back to the dreamless sleep I was in, facing reality was the only option left. I tried to sit up ,but a sudden pain at my abdominal brought me to the conclusion that I would have to stare at the ceiling. Finally noticing my surroundings of my bedroom, my body completely relaxed as I tried to recall any memory to explain why I'm in bed. Sudden memories of the battle against Akane and how I lost control of my powers appeared in my mind as if I was watching a movie. My arm covered my face as angrily scolded myself to let that happen.

"Hey, you're awake. I take it you remembered what happened" I turned to my right to see Master siting on my window while looking outside. I looked outside as well and let out a sad chuckle.

"Yea.........I was pretty pathetic, wasn't I? Allowing the darkness to take control of me and even threatening the people I care of." Master finally looked into my eyes which most likely shown the anger and sadness I felt.

"Hmm, I don't think so. After all, the end is what matters and you were able to push away the darkness allowing yourself to come back to reality." I was surprised that my master comforted me since he'll usually tell me to man up and stop being a crybaby. I smiled grateful of his presence as we continued to look at the bright sunny sky through my window.

"Do you remember when you had to do your first kill?"

" Of course, how can I forget when it was my first time taking a human's life."

"Well, after that you were so scared that you would constantly stay by my side and wouldn't let go of my hand. It was hard for me to gamble and find women with your pestering to stay at my side."

"Hey! I was a young child then, so of course I was scared and horrified."

"True ,but how about that time when you saw a rat and screamed then refused to sleep by yourself."

"I was a child then too."

"I'm pretty sure that was before I left you by yourself."  We bickered back and forth about our past and whether I was correct or Master was........but we both knew this was his own way of trying to cheer me up.

'Thank you Master.'

~Time Skip~

It's been four days since I woke up and now I'm fully healed. Haku and Master were constantly checking on me and making sure I was feeling better. Though I was a bit depressed that no one else came to visit me except for Gaara and Hinata. 

I stretched as I dressed myself in my usual training clothes which was a short lavender kimono with a flower design and ninja shoes. I finally found out who I was against in the next round which was melon boy and whether I'm happy or annoyed is questionable.

"Mizuki, you ready?" I turned to see Haku and Master waiting a the door frame.

"Yea, let's go." Today was the start of my training with Master and Haku is going to help out in the hospital ,so he can learn more about healing. He was talking about me constantly being injured but I don't know about that. Walking out the house, we separated watching Haku walking towards the hospital before we went to our own training ground which was in the forest near a river. We both stood across from each other as we analyzed any weakness of our opponent.

' Of course my master won't show any weakness in front of me.  Though, he at least have to be weakened a bit from the last time we saw each other ,but who knows since he is a sage.'

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