Wow they really suck at teamwork '-.-

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Hey minna-san!!! Thank you for reading this book and voting. I dedicate this chapter to PiiEpiha & hackKite for voting and reading my book. This chapter will begin right. ......................................................not........ yet........................................................................................................ ... . .   . . . ....... now \('.'\)


I woke up in my room due to my alarm clock.' Really? Can't I please get anymore sleep Mr.alarm clock.' It kept on ringing and I sighed.' I guess I have to get up then.' I got up and went to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took a 45 minute shower. I got out of the bathroom and search through my closet for clothes for today. I put on my usual clothes( it's the cover) and jewelry. I walked to Sasuke's room and went inside. I stood right next to his bed and stared at his relaxed sleeping face.' It's sad that the only time he doesn't have a scowl on his face is when he is sleeping' I sighed and left a note saying where I was going and added a bit of something else in there. As I silently giggled while leaving his room and putting on ny ninjas shoes.' Now I should have everything.' I looked over my body and nodded to see I have my daggers, scrolls with my ninja weapons.' Now I can just train until it's time for the mission.'

I walked to a training ground just to see Might Guy and his team. I turned around and tried to quickly get away but sadly Guy saw me and said," Ah Mizuki!!!!! Such a youthful child, what are you doing here?! Are you going to train here?!" He ran up to me and dragged me back to his team." Guy,  can you please let me go."  He chuckled nervously at my emotionless face and let go while his students look surprised that he listened to me. I crossed my arm," Now that you dragged me here what do you want?" Guy turned serious and said" I would like you to spar with my students that is if you don't mind." I turned and looked at each student which two of them made me a bit angry.They boy who had long hair and lavender eyes act like he was stronger then me by ignoring me but I know he's interested in me ever since I started training Hinata. The other boy who looked like another guy didn't show that he believed that he was stronger than me but his eyes. I was happy that the girl didn't underestimated me and looked at me as if i'm an opponent." That's fine with me. Now won't you three follow me." They looked surprised at what I said but it seemed like they didn't hear the venom in my voice unlike Guy who was nervous for his student. We stood in the middle and they boys still looked uninterested while the girl got her weapon out." Now before we start I would like you guys to introduce yourselves." The girl bowed a bit and smiled" Hi I'm Tenten" I nodded and looked at the next boy" Hyuga Neji." Then I turned to the last boy who struck a pose which I'm too familiar with " I am Rock Lee."  " Mizuki please go easy on them.I don't think they're ready for it yet." They looked agrivated that their sensei suggested me to go easy on them but I nodded and pulled out my daggers while getting to a stance. I crossed my arms in front of me then Tenten asked " Hey why don't you say your name?" My daggers changed to katanas while I said," Wakahisa Mizuki." They got into stance and then Guy said go. I appeared in front of Tenten and brought down Black Rose while I sheathed Bloody Rose. If she didn't block that moment I would've cut her down. I put more pressure onto her spear which caused her to go deeper into the ground that and her spear to have a crack. I quickly moved back to the middle of the training ground since Lee was about to land where I was earlier.I sighed and sheathed Black Rose" You guys are too easy and weak. This is no fun so if you don't mind I'm going to end this quick."  I appeared behind Tenten and hit  her behind her neck which knocked her out then dodged a hit from Neji. Everytime Neji tried to hit me I blocked it and returned it which I made an actual hit on him. I kept on hitting him and then punched his stomach which he coughed and fell down. I turned to Lee and had a short match like Neji but I kicked him instead of hitting him in the stomach. I stood in the middle of all three of them while Guy came up in front of me." Would you recommend anything for them?" I knew they all would be hearing this and they slowly sat up in pain. I stared at all three of them" Tenten just needs to work on her speed.Neji has to fix his mind and Lee.........well do whatever you want with him." I waved him off and Neji said " What... do you mean fix my mind." I narrowed my eyes on him" Your mind is fixed on hatred that even I can see and you gain strength from that same reason but it won't make you stronger. What I mean from that is soon you will see what it means to get strength for someone and not yourself." I turned to Guy and bowed a bit" Thanks for this interesting training session. I look forward for one with you and them again." I walked away but stopped when I heard this question from Lee." How much of your strength did you use on us?" I knew they all wanted to know the answer" I used ten percent of my strength on you guys.Now goodbye." I walked to another training ground and prepared for the worse income out of it.' Let's hope they'll do a good job in teamwork.'

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