So it's you..............Orochimaru

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Mizuki's POV:

Anko began to explain about the forest and what has to be done for us to pass which was to capture the heaven and earth scroll. From here, I could tell Naru was irritated whether if it was from the boring explanation or what had occurred earlier which I can't confirm due to leaving after the event. He muttered something under his breath glaring at her as Anko must've heard since she narrowed her eyes , then threw an kunai in his direction. I flashed between Naru and Anko as our kunai clashed with an angry glare facing her.

" Don't you DARE touch my brother." Anko must've known she's already angered me by what had occurred earlier ,so she silently backed down with calculating eyes while putting her kunai away. I kept mine in my hand as a slippery tongue went by the left side of my face.

"Here's your kunai..." I looked at the corner of my eyes to see a female wait no... male? Well whatever, they handed the kunai to Anko who gave the....thing a closed eyed smile.

" Thank you..but for your information you shouldn't stand behind her like that. She already has a kunai point towards your heart." It looked down at its chest to see what Anko said was true ,so it backed up and pointed a sly smile in my direction.

"I apologize, its just that I get excited when I see blood plus my precious hair was cut..."

"Sorry about that." She didn't sound sorry at all as the she/he/it walked away while I decided to put away my kunai.

" Looks like we have bloodthirsty ones this year. This should be fun." Anko chuckled before yelling out loud that she has something for us while waving a whole bunch of paper in the air. She explained that they were agreement forms due to possible deaths occurring in the forest and that she doesn't want to be responsible for them. She continued to talk as Naruto pulled me next to him and whispered harshly, " What just happened? You know I can handle that."

" I know ,but I had to blow off a bit of steam with what happened earlier."

" Me too ,so next time let me do what I have to do."

" Sorry ,but I will protect you no matter what. You know that." Naruto glared at me for that and threw my hand out of his grasp as if it was burning him then walked away.

"Naru..." Though I didn't look like it that move he just did really hurt me as I grasped my left hand clutching it close to my chest while Naruto walked away without turning back.

' Can't show any emotion right now, they'll know that he's my weakness and go after him.' But that didn't stop my eyes showing hurt as I tilted my head down muting out Anko's explanation about the exam. I felt something caress my right hand causing me to look up. There stood Neji whom decided it was better to comfort me by holding my hand.

".....Your'e strong. I've seen you train and fight ,so just keep your head up. There's a destination you have to make it to and don't let that idiot drag you down. You're better than that and it'll disappoint me if you go down with your mood."

I stood silently staring surprised at Neji who continued to look ahead before looking down at me, " Well?"

"......what books do you read? I need to find those kinds of book actually...." I giggled as Neji who is embarrasses turns his head.

"......Are you speaking about the exam or metaphorically?" He turned to me just to me smiling genuinely at him as just as quickly turned away and stared off into the forest.

" Hm...who knows." As we stood there the papers were handed to us, just for Neji to look at our connected hands and reluctantly let go. Neji signed on a rock as I signed on his back for mine while his team was coming towards us.
I smiled at them before saying goodbye to them and thanking Neji as I walked to Haku who was near Naruto's team. Naruto saw me going that way ,so he told his team that they should get their scroll which they agreed and followed him. I stood next to Haku smiling sadly Naruto's way while Haku noticed and questioned why.

" mad at me."

" Hmm that's why he looked aggravated when he came over here though I do give him credit for trying since we all noticed it." I nodded while walking to get our scroll and gate number.

' So we got the heaven scroll and number 30.' Both Haku and I looked at each other before running to our gate but not without wishing our friends luck.

________Time Skip_________________________ Time Skip____________________Time Skip______________________________

Haku and I hide in the leaves of a huge tree trying to figure out a plan when we felt an odd powerful amount of chakra a bit far.

" Who's that?"

" Hmm I don't know, it doesn't seem like Naruto." We looked at each other before we felt three chakra signatures near us.

" They don't feel that strong....must be a team." I nodded before coming with an idea and looked hopefully at Haku who raised an eyebrow.

" They're weak enough that you'll be able to take them down by yourself ,so..."

" NO! I'm not letting you fight that strong chakra without help."

"Please. I know I can do it and plus if it gets out of hand I will just run away, okay?" I pouted cutely at him while he sighed.

"...You'll run away if things get bad?" I nodded as he sighed once more before nodding and gave me a quick lecture then left. I smiled as I sped towards the strong chakra making there in a few minutes at what was there shocked me to the core....

Naruto unconscious on a tree branch.....

Sakura petrified but standing away from the real problem.........

Sasuke with a terrified expression on the ground........

And farther away was Orochimaru ,but even I can identify him from this far. His neck stretched towards Sasuke who was too scared to move ,so with narrowed eyes I teleported myself in front of him and clashed my kunai to Orochimaru's teeth. He had a surprised expression as he retracted his neck back to his body with a smirk across his face while I heard my name being whispered by someone.

" Now it's great to see you....Mizuki~" I put my kunai away as I glared at him with an annoyed look across my face.

" So it's you... Orochimaru."

Mizuki:  The Moon Princess ( a naruto fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now