I see we meet again

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Hey guys I did say I was about to update again so I hope you'll enjoy this chapter.Oh and this Chapter is dedicated to YumiEvans for voting and commenting on my story.And sorry if Sasuke is ooc in this chapter.

lilwofie515: I'm really sorry guys for not updating quick enough.

Sasuke: you got that right

Naruto: yea yea, I wanted to see the fight between Mizuki-chan and Zabuza

lilwofie515: Shut up bakas. I will make sure you won't get a date with Sakura , Naruto( not that I was going to) and Mizuki won't go on a date with you either.

Naruto: I'm sorry!!! Please forgive me lilwofie515-sama!* bows*

Sasuke: hn* bows*

lilwofie515: yes my subjects bow down to me.* evil laugh*

Sasuke: lilwofie515 doesn't own Naruto or any of the pictures/ videos she may put. She only owns Mizuki and any other oc(s) she'll probably put later in the story.

Mizuki: Now start the story!!


Everyone was quiet around me but Sakura asked me" Mizuki you're appearence..." I sighed and turned to everyone behind me who all had surprise looks on their faces." Sakura this my cursed form.In my clan there were only the royal family which had cursed forms which we call our demon forms.This is the closest look I have to make me look human when I'm like this.I have not achieve my true forms yet for both my angel and demon since that's the last stage for Tsukimo. The only thing I have are my fangs,horns, and tail but I'm keeping that hidden right now from you guys."  Naruto was the first one to come out of shock and asked" But what does that mean?" I sighed again and gave him a bored stare" That means I'm not human but I was raised with humans. Only the royal family wasn't human but the rest of the clan was.That's all you need to know for now." I turned back to Zabuza who had an amused look on his face and I turned on Tsukimo while transforming Blooding Rose to a  Katana," Now Zabuza let's begin." He chuckled as I  flashed in front of him and brought down Bloody Rose but he countered it with his sword." Is that all you got Mizuki? I expected far more." I was about to shoot him with anger in my eyes but he disapeared from my sight.I looked around for him and felt his presence behind me so I brought me katana behind me back as it counters his sword. I heard a gasp come from the group but I was too focused in the fight to notice. We kept on flashing while clashing our swords that I bet it was hard for everyone to see. We appeared in front of everyone with our swords crossed as we try to stop eachother's attack." Mizuki, let's step this up a bit. If we continue this any longer then we'll be here forever and we both want to know who is the strongest ever since then." I narrowed my eyes trying to figure what he was trying to pull but he disapeared from my sights once again." He's there on top of the water!" There Zabuza was forming handsigns that I know so well so I tried to make it in time to stop him but sadly I was too slow. Yea I was slow, me being slow is like Naruto eating no ramen. I went back to my team and covered them a bit trying to see where Zabuza has gone." Mizuki I think well have to work together to defeat this guy." As I nodded at Kakashi's statement, we're trying to sense zabuza anywhere but then we heard his voice." Eight points. Larynx, spine, lungs, liver, jugular vein, collarbone, kidney, and heart. Now which organ shall I strike first?" Kakashi released a bit of his chakra so that the mist could be clearer, but in the air was filled with bloodlust. Everyone near me except for Kakashi was shaking in fear especially Sakura and Tazuna.' Hmmm oh yea I  forgot my bloodlust is worse than this so no wonder I'm immune to this.' Sasuke brought up his kunai and was about to hurt himself until I stopped his hands from going any further." Sasuke," He looked at me with frightened eyes which stopped after I gave him a small smile" We will protect you guys so don't worry. We'll never let our comrads die." Kakashi nodded and gave his signiture closed eyed smile which helped everyone calm down a bit." I don't think so." Zabuza was in between the team and Tazuna so I ran up to him and before he could've brought down the sword I clashed it with mine." Zabuza," My bangs covered my eyes as I said this with as much venom in my voice which caused everyone to shiver but they shivered in fear when I chuckled" I see. You meant to bring them into our fight. That's what you meant when you said to bring it up a bit earlier.Well sorry to disapoint you but," I let my true appearence show ( it's on the side. Just imagine the horns and her claws like that and add a demon tail that has a sharp triangle at the end. I'm pretty sure you guys know what I'm talking about. And ONLY the horns, tail and claws nothing else.) and showed him a serious look to his surprised one" I'll die before you'll kill them." We both separted and before he could've done anything I slashed his body in half but it was a clone. I gripped my throat and started to breath heavily," Mizuki he's behind you!" I turned only to get slashed in half ............ if that was the real me I would've been killed. Zabuza chuckled when I appeared behind him and had my sword to his neck," I see that you already copied my Water clone technique. That Tsukimo you have there is quite a scary Kekkei Genkai no wonder your clan was killed and what you are is a plus at that." I glared at him and slashed him knowing that was a water clone." Zabuza, where are you? Anyone that says anything bad about my clan will die.No one will ever disrespect them and until i kill the ones who killed them, I won't die and never will give up." 

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