A little birthday surprise

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Hey guys this is not a legit chapter it's just a birthday gift for one of my best friends lily and here's her first oc Sayuka who is Sasuke's older sister hut more cheerful.

Oh if it is your birthday then happy birthday and put yourself in Sayuka's POV. If it's not your birthday then here's a Kakashi x reader short and if you guys like it then message me if you want more with either you or your oc with description.

Welp anyways hope you enjoy

Bye bii~


3rd POV:

Sunshine graced itself through the curtains as it gently made its way to a sleeping figure snoring softly in her bed. The light caressed her face as if waking her up for her special day yet she just scrunched her little nose and eyebrows and in protest, she turned away from the light with her blanket covering her head. Soon her room glowed yet she continued sleeping soundly and in the distance you could hear a door open loudly with hurried footsteps coming closer to her room. Her door then was slammed open as a small figure jumped onto her bed trying to wake her up.

" Wake up! Ne, wake up Ka-san!"

"Mmm. What is it, Haru?" Sayuka slowly opened one of her onyx eyes staring at the 5 year old boy with her eyes yet he had silver spiky hair while wearing a dark blue Uchiha top with black pj pants.

Sayuka's POV:

" Get out of bed, ka-san. Today's a special day!" Haru tried to pry the blankets away from me yet I held onto them tightly snuggling closer to the warmth of the bed not noticing a pair of heavy steps come closer.

"Mmm no I think ka-san is going to stay in this warm comfy bed."

" Well tou-san doesn't think so." I gasped hearing his voice as I tried to hold onto the blankets but before I knew it they were taken away as arms circles around my waist pulling me to a warm chest.

"Kakashi! You knew I wanted to stay in bed longer, baka!" I gave him the harsh Uchiha glare yet it didn't faze him at all as he gently smiled at me with his mask covered face.

" Good Morning and we did give you extra time since it's 11 already." I was shocked how late it was as Haru jumped onto Kakashi 's lap laughing at me for losing the track of time.

I smiled sheepishly, " Sorry lost Track of time so to make it up what are we going to do today, ne Haru?" I turned to our son as his face brightened even more that I allowed him to take control of the day.

" Oh then can we go to the latern festival since it's your birthday ka-san?" I laughed before nodding as Haru ran quickly to his room trying to find his yakata to wear.

" Hmm are you really sure you want to go?"

" Hai Kakashi and it's a plus that Haru will enjoy the festival too." Kakashi nuzzled into my shoulder and I shuddered feeling the soft caress of his breathe against my skin.

"Hmm that's fine then. Now I think we should get dressed. "

" Of course, baka."

Time Skip

Hand in hand we walked down the trail covered with lanterns as the night sky was already covered with its bright stars. Kakashi being the sweet man he it's already won me and Haru a few gifts like a wolf teddy bear for me and a mask that looks like a crow for Haru. Both Haru and I were wearing our Uchiha kimono and yakata except Haru's is gray with the fan on the back while mines the usual dark blue. Kakashi wore a similar gray yakata with Haru except his has a dragon design at the bottom.

Anyways, we were walking up to the hill to see the fireworks from high above and at the top was Konoha's biggest yet beautiful sakura tree. I gracefully sat down with Kakashi as Haru ran away seeing his friends near the pond that was not too far away.

I leant against Kakashi 's shoulder feeling like today was the best day due to just spending time with my son and husband which is rare due to either me or Kakashi being away on missions , but I've been taking days off for Haru and the sickness I've been feeling lately.

" Hey Sayuka, close your eyes for a second please." I stared him curiously before doing as he said. I felt a gust of wind gently blowing my hair in front of my face but before I can move, Kakashi does it for me then puts something around my neck.

"Now open your eyes."

I opened my eyes to seeing Kakashi staring lovingly down at me and I look down just to gasp in surprise. It was the necklace I wanted which was a crescent moon covered in vines with rubies as the roses. ( I had to since this is Mizuki's fanfic)

" I thought they sold out since it wasn't there when I wanted to buy it."

" Yea well I had enough to get it and even Haru pinched in a little." I jumped into his arms as I pulled down his mask to kiss him fully on the lips. Not even a minute later the fire works flew bursting the night sky with many colors and designs as we separated. With our foreheads touching he whispers,

" Happy Birthday Sayu-koi. Love you."

I giggle before giving him a quick peck," We love you too Kashi-koi. Surprise."

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