Ch. 29 What Just Happened?

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Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
I have to talk to Optimus now. Sideswipe takes Lily to play video games, and hopefully, it's a good enough distraction to avoid upsetting her.

Optimus thought someone other than me would request to enter his office alone. As I sit on the chair in front of the desk, I realize I can't tell him about the medication Lily is now on.
"Uh, sir, I request a meeting to discuss the issue of most bots at this base avoiding Lily. Also, a meeting with Lily's family with Lily present."
"I understand the concern about the Autobots and soldiers avoiding Lily, but why the meeting with her family?"
"Lily is afraid to have this meeting, and as much as I want to wait until she's ready, talking about our relationship will help her. Unless her family hates that we could end up dating rather than being just friends and forbids her from seeing me."
I hate the silence, waiting for Optimus' answer.
"I will arrange the meetings, but the one with Lily and her family might not happen until next weekend."
"Thank you, sir."
"I can tell you like her," Optimus smiles as I stand up, "I trust you won't hurt her."
I just hope her own family doesn't hurt her.

I didn't think Lily would run up to me and hug me as I walk into the lounge room.
Before you say anything, there's a problem; she will not do this if anybot but you, Crosshairs, Drift, and Lightning are around. Well, maybe Rung and the medics. I explain to Sideswipe.
Damn it, that's fragged up!
Optimus will deal with it... I hope.

The rest of the day flies by. With Lily not being terrified of me, I'm hoping we can have breakfast together in the cafeteria before Sideswipe takes her to school. Even with today's conversation, I wonder if Lily would be ok with me taking her to school.
Optimus and Prowl find it odd I'm willing to take somebot's morning patrol.

Lily's P.O.V.
"Can I take you to Panera Bread?" Sunstreaker asks after dinner, "alone, please?"
It's late enough that no one but Prowl should see us when we return. Though I wonder if Prowl will react as Ironhide does.
"I don't know. What if we get in trouble?" I ask, not expecting tears to roll down my face.
"Lily," Optimus says as he approaches us.
"Easy, it's ok," Sunstreaker assures me.
He has me sit on the floor and holds on to me, worried I'll pass out, as Optimus crouches down beside us.
"It's ok; I hope to talk to everyone in the next few days. I don't tell anybot whom they can befriend or date, but if it helps you, I'm not stopping Sunstreaker from befriending you or dating," I suspect Optimus would discourage a friendship or relationship if he felt it was a bad idea, "I will be talking to your parents to assure them you'll be safe."
Optimus smiles and puts my hand on Sunstreaker's.
"Come on, before it's bedtime," Sunstreaker insists, helping me up.

We enjoy warm chocolate chip cookies and milk at the park nearby. It's funny how Sunstreaker brought candles. I suspect he's wishing I'm not going back to school.
"You know how much I'll miss you?" Sunstreaker smiles, "I swear not in a psychopath way."
I can't help but laugh, "I know, but I can't have my friend come to the base, and I don't know if you'll be allowed at my house or even near my friend. I'm sorry, I hate this —."
"It's ok; it's my fault my reputation will cause issues. Please, don't run away from me like everyone else."

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
Lily promises she won't run away, but she doesn't know what I do to humans who piss me off. The challenge is to keep that a secret and not look soft to the annoying humans.
I never thought I'd find a femme to love. Add she's a human finding out she's a hybrid thanks to her fragged up uncle.

Even with the short drive, Lily fell asleep.
Good thing she's wearing something comfortable. I don't think we're at the point where she'll be ok with me seeing her nude.

"Oh no, you're smiling. Who did you kill this time?" Sideswipe asks as I sit on my bed.
"Geez, I thought our bond would tell you everything."
"Can you just ask her out already?"
"Can you mind your own business for once?! I don't know if she loves me or we're just friends. She knows I'm a psychopath, and I guess I have to point out that if I tell her I love her, but she doesn't, she'll worry that I'll be possessive."
"I can't believe she's not thinking that way with you two being friends, ow!"
"It's too soon to think this is good," I sigh, grab clothes, and go into the bathroom.

You're a monster, and no one will love you!
My sire's words haunt me as I stand in the shower.

By the time I'm dressed and sitting on my bed, tears roll down my face. I scroll through my phone to a picture of Lily.
"Maybe he's right. Even if Lily loves me, few like we're even friends."
I try to fall asleep, hoping to stick to my plan tomorrow morning.

Lily's Dream
I'm finally home for the weekend and have my friend over.
"How long has it been? Two months?" She asks.
I have to be quick to figure out a lie. Everything is fine until Sunstreaker barges in.
"You're supposed to be at the base!" He rages, "and who's this?!"
Before I can answer, he throws my friend down the basement stairs. He rushes down the stairs, revealing a knife.
"I'll make sure you stay away from her!"
Unlike with the humans who kidnapped me, he enjoys dissecting her, enjoying her screaming until she dies from blood loss, "I'll do this to you if you disobey me!" He rages as he walks up the stairs and forces me to his alt mode.

"Lily!" I hear, before I see Sideswipe, "calm down, you're safe," Sideswipe sits me up to hug me, and I listen to his heartbeat, "you're ok."
"He wants to kill me," I cry, "going to school puts kids in danger, but I'm not safe here."

Sideswipe's P.O.V.
What just happened? Everything was going great, but this nightmare is concerning.
Do I get Sunstreaker here or not?
Sideswipe, why do I feel you're worried at two in the morning? Sunstreaker asks through the bond.
Scrap, he will not like this, but he will not like it if I ignore him.
I don't know, everything was fine, but Lily had a nightmare that frightened her.
I feel so much sadness, not just because of what I told him. This feels like he's been thinking about something else.
Then our sire is right. No one will love me.
That explains it, damn it. 
Lily is asleep quickly. I want to text Ratchet, but he'll be pissed that I'm waking him up at this hour. I don't think he'll have any answers. I hope this isn't a serious setback.

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