Part 2

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They go to the canteen and sit on their seats there, they are having fun and Ada points towards Diya who is coming inside the canteen.

All of them started hooting as she entered and nishant went close to her.

"Guys look who is here Our very own Diya."He shouted grabbing everyone's attention in the canteen. All turned to them.

BLUE DEVILS with yogita circledd around her.

"Hi! baby! what's up kaisi ho?" ritwik asked bending to her level because of their height difference. Diya looked down and smiles a little.

"oh! Ritwik Have you forgotten that she's nothing but a bad luck? Her face and deeds all are so shit that she should die somewhere" Yogita commented pushing Diya a little.

"Actually Yogita you arev right but you know she is an amazing source of entertainment for us so Ritwik what the plan for today"     Nishant said rubbing his hands together as he impatient to record one more video of her for his channel on youtube.

Ritwik who has looking her face continuously smiled evilly and asked Diya,"are you ready baby?"

"Ritwik how can you call this bitch baby dont talk to me now" Yogita chided to which Ritwik looked her and said taking her in a side hug," Come on Yogita! you know she is nothing but a shit ! dont spoil your mood because of this shit now come on smile "

All this while Diya was silently standing looking down with a smile on her face.

Ritwik with his group was sitting on the table where Diya was standing looking down. All were waiting for Ritwik to unfold his plans.

"Come on ritwik! kab se ussey dekhe hi jaa rha hai she won't die with your looks! tell us the plan man ! i cant wait for fun." adaa said.

"Patience Adaa I am not looking at her I am waiting for someone" as Ritwik said a waiter came with two glass filled with red drink.

As Nishant looked at it he said," Don't tell me you stole my special recipe Backstabber! I thought we are true friends."

All rolled their eyes on his fake drama while Diya smiled and admired on their bond.

"Nishant! stop your drama and Let's begin the fun," Ritwik said went near Diya.

"So baby! Today you don't have to do much just drink these."

Diya nodded looking  down.

"Won't you ask what this is ? " Ritwik asked her to which she just gave her smile making him roll his eyes. "Fine! As always you won't utter a word! So I'll tell you It's just your favourite red chilli powder drink."

"Ritwik yaar Let's make her  eat some green chillies also may be after that she will speak something"  Nishant said laughing as he ordered the waiter to bring some green chilli with them.

"Yaa ! Nishant you are right Let's have some chilly  she loves to add spices in others life to make them cry." Ritwik said gritted his teeth.

As ordered, waiter brought the chillies.

Diya had it without protesting.

The red chilli drink and green chillies turned her face totally red. She was sweating because of chillies but not even a single tear fell from her eyes. After having  the whole drink she started runnig around the canteen for water but nobody gave her water instead laughed on her condition.

She ran outside in search of water where student didn't let her drink from the water cooler so she went in the washroom and had it from there as in need all she wanted was water.

All this while Blue devils and Yogita was laughing on her condition except Ritwik was looking silently with blank expression.

After having water for her life. She returned back and stood in front of blue devils.

"Awww! how obedient she came up to us with herself." Adaa mocked on her who has turned red due to chillies.

"O God Adaa! You know she won't do anything unless there's a profit of her." Yogita said as she again pushed Diya a little to which she stumbled.

"Correct Yogita ! she clearly knows if she won't return back then we will stop our trust work which we have been doing since her birth and she will be restricted from the college." Vidhi said glaring her.

"So Ritwik what's the next plan stored for us ?" Om said rubbing his hands together for fun.

Ritwik looked at Diya and said greeted his teeth," I'm tired guys Let's go and you shit face I don't fucking want to see your face in this college anymore. So better you leave the college right now."

Diya nods and as per his order she left the college.

After walking for few minutes she couldn't make it up so she sat down on the rock placed on roadside but due to the fever and sun rays she fainted over there.

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