Part 16

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Ritwik takes Diya to his room and puts her on the bed, closes the door and comes downstairs and goes to Raj's room where everyone is waiting for him. Ritwik gets emotional after  seeing his father and starts crying very loudly and only says Dad, we have done wrong with my Diya my laddoo 

Raj gets tense seeing Ritwik like this and asks the rest of the Blue Devils members what is the matter the Blue Devils are already crying seeing Ritwik like that, but when Raj asked, then they tell Raj everything. And after knowing the whole thing, Raj also feels very guilty that he also misbehaved with that little girl.

Ritwik: Dad, we have hurt my laddu so much, made her so upset, made her so lonely that she has started imagining things.

Nishant: What are you saying, tell clearly what happened to my doll.

Then Ritwik told everyone what happened last night and what the doctor said.

Everyone was in shock after hearing Ritwik's words, everyone started crying.
Vidhii: What have we done with my doll, I will never be able to forgive myself

Nishant: No, Vidhi is not your fault, Ritvik had given me the responsibility of the doll, I could not fulfil my responsibility, please forgive me, please you guys. and Nishant starts crying

Om: No brother, it was not only your fault, it was the fault of all of us. he starts crying too

Seeing everyone crying,

Adaa wipes her tears and says what are you all doing, it is a mistake, it is done, now think about how to correct it Ritwik bhai Vidhi Om Nishant, don't you guys want your doll back why? Ritwik bhai, don't you want your laddo, tell me.

Ritwik: Adaa you are right, we all cannot sit and cry like this. First of all, we have to make a police complaint so that the police can start their investigation because he has killed my Anu Maa but also Neha Aunty.

 Raj: Whatever you all want to do, I am with you guys, but in the process of catching the murderer, do not forget the medical condition of Diya because now it is very important to cure her, we all have to love her a lot, take care of her. And Ritwik son, as you told me that the doctor has told you to keep Diya away from her flat, then you take her to our Bangalore house.

Ritvik: Yes Dad, I was also thinking of taking her away from here but due to her treatment, I dropped this idea and now there is a danger to Laddoo because that murderer has come to know that we all know everything and we are trying to find him and that's why I didn't take Laddu to mumma's house because there could be a danger to her life there when someone tried to kill Anu Ma in front of everyone. then he can try to do it on my laddoos as well and now I can't be careless about my laddoos because I don't want to lose her again.

Nishant: Brother, I am going to the police station to file the report, you give me that video copy.

Om: Nishant, why did you ask Brother to copy that video?

Ritwik: Because someone might try to tamper with the video and we should not lose the only proof of Diya's innocence, that's why right Nishant 

Nishant: Right brother

Om: I didn't know Nishant had a brain too

Everyone smiles a little after listening to Om and Ritwik quickly copies the video and gives it to Nishant on the pen drive.

Om: Nishant, I will go with you, it is not right for you to go alone.

Nishant: Om don't take tension, I will come soon.

Raj: No, Nishant is right, you will not go alone, you will also win, we need to be careful.

Ritwik: yes Nishant papa is right now we also go papa you take rest now you also need to rest

Then everyone comes out of the room and comes to the living room

Nishant and Om leave for the police station and Ritwik notices that both Adaa and Vidhi are quiet for a long time.

Ritwik: Why are you both so silent, what happened, what are you thinking?

Ritwik's voice brings both of them out of their thinking.

Adaa: Nothing bhai

Vidhi: I am not thinking anything

Ritwik: Ada and Vidhi, you both know that you can't lie to me, so why do you speak? Come on, tell me quickly, what were you thinking?


First of all, I am sorry but I was not in a state to write anything so please forgive me from now  I will give you at least two updates a week 

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