Part 3

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In the night at 8 Diya got her consciousness. She looked around and found herself in the place where she fainted. She walked to her apartment where there six flats but all were empty with no watchman safety.

She went to kitchen and after drinking a glass of water she went to the other room in her flat to talk to someone.

She peeked inside  and looked for the person, smiling when she found that person she went inside and said," Sorry Sorry I know I am late and before you start firing your question I'm telling you everything. So I'm late because I had a workshop and yes I had lunch in canteen. I didn't went to shop today and before you will remind I know that it's last leave for this month otherwise I'll  be thrown out from this awesome work of waitress. Yeah I am looking red then I'll tell you a secret I'm in love so it's blush haha! okay don't give these looks I know that was a bad joke. Actually ummm! Today in college we had practice for sports competition so I was practicing. okay! Don't look at me I know I never participated in these stuff but actually Ritwik sir has told me to participate how can I say no to him. He has done so much for me. Because of him I'm studying in this prestigious college. If he hadn't told Vidhi mam's father then I wouldn't have been able to study there. That's why I couldn't deny him. So now that I have explained you everything then can I please sleep early today I'm too tired!"

After getting the approval she smiled brightly and ran to her room shouting " I LOVE YOU"

After having a conversation she came to her room and slept.

On the other side, Ritwik with all the friends was enjoying the party when Nishant hooted gaining everyone's attention," Guys ! Today's video on that Diya hit again wuhoo!"

All looked at video except Ritwik.

Suddenly out of nowhere he shouted, "Enough guys"

All looked at him, " I don't want to talk about her. Don't start her topic again."

He went to his room and Yogita ran behind him saying, " I'll look after him. He needs me."

Others nodded and called it a night.

Next day, Diya got ready and went to college. To her relief blue devils or anyone else didn't bother her as all were busy.

After college she went to cafe. After working there as per her working hours she was returning to her apartment when her eyes fell on the lavish car on the other side of her apartment where Ritwik's house was.

She was so busy with the car as she was so attracted that her smiling face stretched more making her smile wider. In her trance she don't know that she was crossing the road and about to reach when she saw Ritwik coming to the car with his hand tangled with Yogita. Her steps halted and she stood there still. Yogits was blindfolded. Ritwik opened it and said handling over the keys to her, '' Yogita I know you love me a lot and I'm lucky to have you with my side on every step this is for you. You can say it a bribe because I am going to ask for something. I know it's not a perfect place but this is perfect time. So Yogita sharma will you marry me ?"

Yogita's smile faded as she heard the last line but faking a smile she nodded in yes and before Ritwik could react they heard a scream.

Startled they turned towards the voice only to find Diya lying in the pool of blood.

As she saw them coming she was still and her trance broke down when she heard Ritwik proposing her, she was about to move back but before that a car came from nowhere and hitting her.

Ritwik ran towards with an annoyed face Yogita behind him.

Ritwik takes her in his arms in jiffy and about to take her to his car for hospital when he heard Yogita, " Baby let her be!  Let her die like a rotten piece! She deserves this. Don't you remember what she did in past. It's her karma. I think we should throw her in side of ro......

Before she could complete Ritwik shouted, "Are you out of your bloody mind Yogita. we need to take her hospital and you are uttering this shit. I seriously never expected this from you. Forget it. Give me this damn keys."

Without arguing anything she give him keys and took Diya to the car.

Taking her in lap he drove the car as fast as he can.

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