Fate and Missed Opportunities.

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BadGirlCoven: Hey uhh- I just read back, wtf happened..?

Abomination_Darius has came online

Abomination_Darius: Uhhm.. Well-

Abomination_Darius: Here let me just come over to your house quick to tell you.. It'd be better to say in person.. If you're available..

BadGirlCoven: Yeah, that's fine..

Abomination_Darius: Alright I'll be over in 5


~~~~  5  m i n u t e s  l a t e r  ~~~~

Suddenly Eda heard a knock at her door. She opened it, and Darius was standing outside.
"Here, come inside and sit down." Eda said, letting Darius inside.
Darius walked inside, and sat down on the couch in the living room.
"You, uh.. You should probably sit down for this, too..." He said, motioning Eda to sit down next to him.
"Okay-?" She replied, and sat on the couch.

"So.. Uhm, you probably have already heard about the Emperor's Castle setting aflame, right..?" Darius asked. Eda nodded, and he continued. "Well, uhm... Raine.. They got trapped inside their room during the fire, and uh- they got hit by a falling piece of the castle and got.. severely injured.. They're in the hospital right now.."
Eda covered her mouth with her hands as tears began to form in her eyes..
"A-Are they okay??!" She asked, voice breaking.

Darius looked away, desperately trying to hold back his own tears.
"N-no.. Unfortunately not.. The doctors told me they.. might not make it.."


"N-No! No!.." Tears slowly began to trickle down Eda's face. "I-I can still go see them, right?!.."
"Yeah.. We can go visit them right now if you want.."
"Yes, yes! I-I need to see them..!"

"Okay, come on.." Darius stood up and headed towards the door, and Eda followed behind, trying not to fall to her knees and sob.


TOH Groupchat cuz everyone else is making one but mine has so much more angstWhere stories live. Discover now