Pools of Time

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"What?! A-Are you insane?!" Luz exclaimed after hearing Lilith's idea, "We-- We can't just mess with time like that!!-"

"Luz.. I know it's.. not my smartest idea, but... .." Lilith hesitated before finishing her statement... "But.. I-.. I'm willing to do anything to get her back.."

"Lilith..." Luz sighed, "I-I know.... We all never wanted this to happen, but-.. ..We - We can't risk messing with space and time just to get Eda back..."

"But- we had no issues when we--"

"I know!-" Luz suddenly stood up, her tone a mixture of anger and misery, "I know, we had no problems when we met Phillip, but the only reason for that is because you and I didn't exist during the Deadwardian Era!"
Luz pauses, sighs, and sits back down on the couch.
"If we go back to the castle fire, and- And we convince Eberwolf to stop this fire, there's-- There's a lot more weighing on that... S-so much more risks... ...Listen, I.. I want Eda and Raine back just as much as you do, trust me, but I-... I can't risk losing more than just them when trying to get them back."

"I-.." Lilith hesitated.. Luz had a point...
"I'm gonna go lie down."

"Lilith..--" Luz started, but Lilith was already walking upstairs.

"Luz?.." King asked, crawling onto the couch and into Luz's lap, "Is... Is Eda gone forever?.."


Luz's eyes widened at that question as she tried to hold back more tears... King's just a little kid, he shouldn't have to be going through this...

Her voice breaking, she responds, "U-uhm... No, King, she's just... She's gonna be gone for.. for a while...."
Luz knew she was lying... She really didn't wanna lie, but she felt she had no choice... This was probably for the better..

• • •

Lilith slowly opened the door to Eda's bedroom, and walked inside. She had been sleeping in Eda's room whilst taking care of Luz and King, while Eda was in the hospital...
Lilith climbed into the nest, and couldn't stop eyeing the box of Raine's belongings.

If it weren't for them dying in the castle fire, Eda would still be alive... And if Eberwolf never started the fire, Raine would've never had the chance of dying whatsoever...


"...Who cares if Luz doesn't want to.." Lilith mumbled to herself, "I'm gonna get Eda back. no matter what I have to risk."

Soon enough, night time came around. Lilith knew Luz and King were already asleep, because they had told her when they were going to bed.
Lilith got up, threw her shoes on, put on Eda's old jacket, and started quietly toward the door.

• • •

Once Lilith safely got into the woods, she reached into her pocket for a map leading to the last place time pools were seen.
As she followed the map, she was internally hoping that this was still where the pools were located. Because if it wasn't, that'd be a big problem, saying as she didn't bring the device used to locate them last time...

Once she reached the destination, she took a deep breath and kneeled over to place her hand in the sand. As her hand touched the warm ground, it sunk into the sand as ripples formed around it.
She quickly pulled her hand out of the time pool and smiled.
"Yes!" She whispered to herself. They were right where she thought they'd be! Immediately, Lilith started looking for the time right before the fire.

After about an hour of searching, Lilith stuck her head through a time pool and was instantly struck with the scent of... smoke and fire?..
She looked around for a second and then caught her eye on a giant fire in the distance.. The eerie and faint sounds of terrified screams... The castle fire!! She quickly took her head out of the time pool. She had a lead! She opened the book she had in her bag and examined a page. The page talked about how certain time pools were correlated, and that, rarely, the next time pool over would be from just a few minutes to an hour earlier.

So, now knowing that information, Lilith took a look into the time pool next to it, and just as the book said, it was just a few minutes before the fire.

She cautiously climbed into the time pool, and found a stick on the ground to mark where the pool was.
"Gotta lay low.." She whispered to herself, putting her hood up and staring at the ground. It wasn't likely that she would, but she had to stay undercover just in case she ran into herself.

She repeated her plan in her head, as she headed towards the castle;

Get to the castle, stop Eberwolf, save Raine, save Eda, back to normal, the end.

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