Flashbacks, Broken Hearts, and Broken Promises (PART 2)

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"Edalyn!" Lilith ran over to Eda and hugged her lightly, "Are you okay?!"

Eda didn't know how to respond to that.. Sure, she was- well.. Sort of okay physically, but her mental state was all over the place and she couldn't even think straight. So she just stayed quiet.

"We heard the news that you survived and came to visit you as soon as we could." Luz chimes in, sounding terrified after what she had witnessed.

Eda still didn't know what to say. She was honestly so caught up in one thought, that she couldn't focus properly on anything else:
"Why the hell did I think it was a good idea to break my promise to Raine?.. Titan, I'm a fucking idiot."

After Eda didn't reply for the second time, Lilith decided to speak up about it.
"W-well, uhm- Since you're.. clearly not feeling up to having visitors right now..-" She glanced over at Luz for permission to leave, and she silently nodded.

Lilith turned around, subtly wiped away the tears forming in her eyes, and slowly walked out of the room. But Luz stayed.
"Eda..." Luz began, sitting down in the chair next to Eda's bed as she looked away, "..We all miss Raine. A-and I know, it's gonna be difficult, living without them... But, I know that they would want you to stay alive. No matter what happened."


"... No matter how much you m-miss me, or how bad or dire things get.. I-.. I want you to promise you'll st-stay safe and stay alive... N-No matter how bad things are p-please.."
"... don't do anything d-dumb.."


"I'm such a fucking idiot..." Eda mumbled, her voice gravelly and scratchy from not being used for the past few hours. A few tears silently slid down her face.

"You're not an idiot, Eda. We're all human-- well- witch in your case.. but, my point is we all make mistakes and do dumb shit, and it's gonna sting at first but you'll know, as time goes by, why Raine wanted you to stay alive."
Luz gently hugged Eda as she wiped her tears and smiled slightly.
"T-thanks, kid.. I'm sorry, I'm just-.. Nothing really- feels right without them next to me..."

Luz sighed, and sat on the edge of Eda's bed, facing away from her. "It's gonna feel like that for a while. Trust me, I-.. I know. But it'll blow past eventually. however long it takes. ...We're all happy you're alive, Eda. I told everyone about how you tried to kill yourself and everyone was so..-" She wiped her dampened eyes and continued, "Just please don't do this again. You scared us all..."




That's when Luz's ears finally kicked in, and she heard the endless high pitched noise of the heart monitor flatlining.



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