Flashbacks, Broken Hearts, and Broken Promises

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○ ~【 Eda's POV 】~ ○


".. I want you to remember something. P-please remember that- E-Even when I- I'm gone.. I won't be.. I won't be gone.. I-.. I'll always be w-watching over you and keeping you safe.. I-I love you so much, Eda.."
"I-.. I love you too, Rainestorm.."


"I- I don't want to see you hurt..."


"O-okay.. I promise.."


"I love you, Eda. N-never forget that."
"... I love you too.."


"Why did you break your promise..?"


beep.. beep.. beep..

I don't remember going to sleep... But when I wake up, I'm instantly blinded by the whiteness and cleanliness of a hospital room.
I closed my eyes tightly at the sight, groaning.
What even happened?...

○ ~ 【 Narrator's POV 】 ~ ○

Eda slowly opened her eyes again and took a slow look around. She was in a bed, a not very comfortable one to be honest. It was so bright. And white. And clean. There was a ringing in her ears. There was a sharp pain in her chest, radiating throughout her entire body.

When she woke up, there was a nurse cleaning some things up in the hospital room...
Eda looked the nurse up and down. She was short, and had curly blonde hair and blue eyes... She looked super familiar... this whole room looked familiar.... A feeling of deja vu washed over Eda as she took another look around and at the nurse..


A short, blonde-haired nurse stepped out of the room.
"Are you guys here to visit Raine?" She asked politely.
Darius and Eda both nodded.
"Alright, one at a time, please." The nurse quietly stated, and walked away.


"Rainestorm!!" Eda quickly ran over to Raine's bed. "Thank Titan you're alive!!"
"H..Hey, Eda!-" Raine chuckled, and immediately regretted doing so as they coughed and winced in pain.

Eda looked down and looked away, trying to hold in as many tears as she could.
"T-The uhm.. The doctors said you..-"
"..I know... I'm not gonna make it.." Raine sighed, breathing wearily, "Y-Yknow.. I don't-- I don't want to die..H-Hell, I'd do anything to stay here if-.. If it meant I got to stay with y-you.."


"I-I'm so glad I got to s-spend my last moments with y-you.." Raine whispered.
Suddenly, Raine's grip on Eda's hands loosened as Raine's head sunk into the pillow. The heart monitor flatlined, and the endless beep rang through Eda's ears.
"Shit.. shit, shit shit!! No, no no no!! Stay with me, stay with me!! C'mon, Come on!!" Eda yelled as tears began quickly rolling down her face. "Damn it!! Damn it, Raine, don't die on me, please!!"


A tear or two slowly escaped Eda's eyes as she realized what she had gotten herself into... She was in the exact state she promised Raine she wouldn't be in... In the exact room she never wanted to set foot in, in the same room as the nurse she never wanted to see again...

Suddenly, the nurse walked up to Eda with a smile on her face.
"Oh, you're awake! This is wonderful news!"
"I was informed by your main doctor that your stab wound, fortunately was not too big, and that it's healing relatively quickly! You'll be free to leave in about 3-4 days."

"Good.. I wanna get the fuck out of here as soon as possible." Eda mumbled under her breath, miserably.

There then was a knock on the door.
"One moment." The Nurse said to Eda, and walked to the door and opened it.

"Are you guys here to visit Eda?" The nurse asked in that same polite, high pitched, annoying voice that eda swore she'd never hear again..
"Alright, you guys can go in!" The nurse said and then walked out of sight.

That's when Eda noticed Luz and Lilith walking into the room.

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