Alone Time (Part 1)

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BadGirlCoven has left the groupchat.

GoodWitchLuzura: eda..

Abomination_Darius: Kid, just leave her be for now. I think she needs some alone time.

GoodWitchLuzura: right.. I understand..

GoodWitchLuzura has gone offline

Abomination_Darius: ..

Chilly.Lily has come online

Chilly.Lily: What's going on?-

Abomination_Darius: Well.. uhm...

Abomination_Darius: Raine, is um..

Chilly.Lily: ...I know..

Chilly.Lily: But weren't they just able to chat a few days ago?

Abomination_Darius: Well apparently they aren't able to anymore and uhm..

Chilly.Lily: ..and Edalyn isn't taking it well, I presume..?

Abomination_Darius: ..yeah...

Abomination_Darius: something like that..

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"Eda..?" Luz gently knocked on Eda's room doors, careful not to startle Eda. But she was met with silence.
"Eda?" She repeated, knocking gently again, the sound of slight sobs coming from the other side of the locked doors.

"Go away." Luz heard Eda mumble.
"E-Eda.." Luz said softly, "I just wanna talk, can you please let me in?.."

"No!.. Just- Just fuck off! Leave me alone!" Eda responded, slightly louder.
Luz paused for a minute, tears welling in her eyes.
"Oh.. okay..." She replied, walking away.


Eda was lying in her nest, a teary mess, not even sure what to do at this point.
"Why me?.." She thought, "Just why?!.."
She continued to sob quietly, tears quickly falling and soaking her face. Raine meant the entire world to her.. What was she supposed to do without them?!

Eda eyed the box of Raine's belongings that was given to her, and remembered the small dolls Raine had crocheted. She quickly grabbed the one of Raine and curled back into her nest, hugging the doll tightly.
The doll was slightly tattered and smelled of ash and soot from the fire, but Eda didn't care. She wrapped her arms tightly around the doll as her warm tears slowly fell onto it.

Once Eda's sobs had faded to slight cries, she set the doll to the side and slowly sat up.

"No matter how much you m-miss me, or how bad or dire things get.." Raine's voice echoed in Eda's suicidal thoughts, "I-.. I want you to p-promise you'll stay safe and st-stay alive.."

"Damn it, Raine." Eda whispered to herself, "Why'd you have to leave me like that?.."
Tears slowly trickled down her face.
"What am I supposed to do without you.." At this point, Eda was basically talking to herself.

"I don't know how much longer I can hold on without you here..."

A wave of anger, frustration, and despair slowly ran through Eda's head, her thoughts becoming worse and even more out of control.
Warm tears still falling from her face, Eda stood up and walked up to her room's doors. She unlocked them, swung then open and moved downstairs.

TOH Groupchat cuz everyone else is making one but mine has so much more angstWhere stories live. Discover now