Flatlining Memories

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Luz miserabley traveled back to the Owl House that afternoon. The sun was shining and there was a sort of happy aura in the air, but Luz wasn't in her usual mood. In this sort of weather, she'd usually be skipping back home whilst humming a happy tune, but today the only tunes going through her mind were melancholy.

She really didn't wanna ruin the mood for King and Lilith, but she really had no choice. She couldn't lie. Not in a situation like this.

"Hey Luz!!" Hooty exclaimed as Luz came over to the door.
"Hi, hooty..." She replied, staring at the ground as she opened the door.

When Luz walked into the living room, King and Lilith automatically noticed something was wrong. It was kinda excepted that nothing would feel right, with Eda in the hospital and all, but... This time was different. Worse.

"Luz, is-.. is everything-.. Wh..What happened?.." King asked, clutching François tightly and carefully approaching Luz, in a comforting way.

"I-..Is Eda.. Is she okay?.." Lilith questioned, a concerned look plastered on her face.

"I... I-I-.. She.. S-She's..-" Luz couldn't even get a word out before she fell to her knees and began to cry, the most painful sob one could hear. She had witnessed her mentor, someone like a mother figure to her, die right next to her.

"Luz.." King whispered, confused and concerned, wrapping his arms around her slowly and gently.


Eventually, Luz had calmed down (thanks to the comfort of Lilith and King) enough to tell them what had happened. She told King and Lilith everything that happened after Lilith had left the room. How Eda was telling her that she was such an idiot for trying to kill herself, and how She had tried to tell her that she wasn't an idiot and that people fuck shit up all the time..

"B-..But it was too late, I-.. I didn't realize she was flatlining until I had finished talking... a-and then th-the room flooded with doctors and .... and I was s-..sent back here.." Luz's voice was breaking as she spoke, so close to breaking down again...

"I-.. I couldn't do anything to help!.. I.." Luz began to cry again, feeling the embrace of Lilith and King almost immediately.

The three stayed together in silence and a mess of tears for the rest of the day.

That is, until Lilith proposed an idea...

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