Easily Convincing Eberwolf (Pools of Time Part 2)

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When Lilith got in a good proximity of the castle, she got on her staff and flew towards Eberwolf's room's window.

When she got to the window, she saw Eber playing with a few matches and gasoline.

She quickly opened the window and flew inside.

"Eber, wait!!! Put those down!!" She exclaimed.

Eber responded with a startled grunt, and dropped the unlit matches out onto the floor.
They made a few odd noises, but thankfully, Lilith was able to translate.

"How'd I get here?- Well, uhm- I'm Lilith from a few weeks in the future. I've come here to convince you not to start this fire!.."

Eberwolf responded with an angry exhale and a bark.

"No, Eber, this isn't the only way to stop the Emperor! I'm sure there are many other ways. But if you go through with this, you'll kill everyone!!" The everyone part was in fact a lie, but Lilith was willing to go to the extent to stop this fire.

He replied with a confused whimper..

"Well, not everyone, but-.. You like Raine, right?"

Eber nodded.

"Well, they're gonna end up dying, because they'll get trapped in their room before they can escape! If they die---.. If they die, Eda will die, and it will just start a whole chain reaction. You need to stop this. ..Please..."

Eber picked the matches up off the ground, handed them to Lilith, and quietly grunted what Lilith thinks was an 'I'm sorry.'
Eber wasn't usually this easy to convince.... They must really like Raine then.

She gave Eber a scratch between his ears and smiled. "Thank you.." She said, throwing the matches out the window.

Just then, the timer she set on her watch had gone off. Shit!- The time pools were about to close!!
She quickly summoned her staff. "Thanks again, Eber. Really, I mean that."
Eberwolf grunted happily in response, wagging his tail as Lilith quickly flew out the window and into the woods.

When Lilith got into the woods, she got off her staff and started running towards the time pool area.

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