Fate and Missed Opportunities. Part 2.

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~ 【 At the hospital, outside of Raine's room 】 ~

Eda sighed and leaned against the wall in front of the door.
"Are you gonna knock, or..-" Darius started.
"I-.. I dunno.. I don't think I can see them like this.. I-.."
Eda wanted to see them so bad but didn't want to see them in such a horrible state..

Darius gave Eda a quick hug, "Hey, it's gonna be fine.." He reassured.
Eda smiled slightly, and quickly knocked on the door.

A short, blonde-haired nurse stepped out of the room.
"Are you guys here to visit Raine?" She asked politely.
Darius and Eda both nodded.
"Alright, one at a time, please." The nurse quietly stated, and walked away.

"Y-you can go first.." Eda said to Darius. Darius nodded, and walked into the room and shut the door.


"H-Hey Darius.." Raine said weakly, lying on the hospital bed.
"Heya Raine.. How are things holding up?.."
"P-..Painfully.." Raine coughed and grunted in pain. "I guess I got hit pretty bad, huh."
"Y-yeah.. It was pretty bad.." Darius sighed, "Oh, also, Eda's here to see you, too."
"R-Really?-" Raine inhaled sharply and gripped their stomach. As happy as they were to see Eda, they still had to be careful..
"Yep.. I can get her if you want."
"Y-Yes.. Please.."

Darius walked out of the room, and closed the door.
"Your turn." He said to Eda, and leaned against the wall next to her.
Eda sighed, "Alright.."
And she walked into the room and closed the door behind her.

"Rainestorm!!" Eda quickly ran over to Raine's bed. "Thank Titan you're alive!!"
"H..Hey, Eda!-" Raine chuckled, and immediately regretted doing so as they coughed and winced in pain.

Eda looked down and looked away, trying to hold in as many tears as she could.
"T-The uhm.. The doctors said you..-"
"..I know... I'm not gonna make it.." Raine sighed, breathing wearily, "Y-Yknow.. I don't-- I don't want to die..H-Hell, I'd do anything to stay here if-.. If it meant I got to stay with y-you.."

"R-Raine.." Eda's voice began to break and tears rolled down her face.
"N-no, no.. Don't cry, don't cry.." Raine gently wiped the tears from Eda's face. "I-It's gonna be okay, you're gonna be o-okay.."
They grabbed Eda's hand, and rested it on their chest.
"I-.. I want you to remember something." They coughed, and then smiled softly. "P-please remember that- E-Even when I- I'm gone.. I won't be.. I won't be gone.. I-.. I'll always be w-watching over you and keeping you safe.. I-I love you so much, Eda.."
"I-.. I love you too, Rainestorm.." Eda kissed them softly on the lips and smiled.

Raine held Eda's hand as tight as they could. "I.. I want y-you to promise me something..." They said shakily, their breathing getting worse with every word..
"O-Okay.." Eda responded.
"I-.. I want you to p-promise me that-.." They winced in pain, and then continue, "That no.. No matter how much you m-miss me, or how bad or dire things get.. I-.. I want you to promise you'll st-stay safe and stay alive... N-No matter how bad things are p-please.. D-don't hurt yourself and- and don't do anything d-dumb.. I- I don't want to see you hurt..."
"O-Okay, I promise.." Eda said softly.

"I love you, Eda. N-never forget that." Raine wearily mumbled, smiling to the best of their ability.
"... I love you too.." Eda responded, trying not to cry.
Raine shakily placed their hand on Eda's cheek and kissed her weakly on the lips.
When they pulled away, they grabbed both of Eda's hands as tight as they possibly could.

"I-I'm so glad I got to s-spend my last moments with y-you.." Raine whispered.
Suddenly, Raine's grip on Eda's hands loosened as Raine's head sunk into the pillow. The heart monitor flatlined, and the endless beep rang through Eda's ears.
"Shit.. shit, shit shit!! No, no no no!! Stay with me, stay with me!! C'mon, Come on!!" Eda yelled as tears began quickly rolling down her face. "Damn it!! Damn it, Raine, don't die on me, please!!"

Just then, a swarm of doctors and nurses flooded the room, and Darius ran in to get Eda out of the way. He grabbed her by the shoulders and dragged her out, and the door shut as they left the room.

"No.. N-No no no no no!! Fuck!!.." Eda instantly fell to her knees and cried. "why.. why?.."
Darius knelt down and wrapped an arm around her for comfort, as she sobbed on the floor.

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