Chapter 2: A Little Flirty

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It has been a few weeks since Kion has become king. He has gotten used to doing Royal duties and things like that.

Kion and Rani get closer by the day, and their relationship has gotten more flirtatious. Anyone new that came to the tree would have thought they were mates, but they weren't. Just King and Queen.

Kion walked into the tree. He had just finished patrol with the Day Pride. Kion figured since they weren't in the Pridelands anymore, that they shouldn't have the same name.

Kion's eyes adjusted to the darkness. He saw Rani at the back of the tree looking at paintings.

Kion smirked and got into a hunting crouch. He quietly hopped onto the rock, and crept up to her.

Rani was still looking at paintings. She hadn't suspected him.

Kion pounced on her. She landed on her stomach, with Kion on her back. Kion playfully bit her ear.

"Ahh Kion!" Rani chuckled. Kion smirked, "Might hunter has captured his prey." "Think again," Rani threw him off her. Kion slid and landed on four paws.

Rani smirked and turned around. She jumped and pinned him down on his back, "Who's the prey now?" Kion just smirked. "It's you," Rani giggled. "Oh yeah?" Kion raised an eyebrow.

Before Rani could react, Kion started to tickle her stomach. "Hahahaha! Kion! Stop!" Rani got off him. Kion stood up and shook his fur clean.

"I got you!" Rani bragged. "Last I checked, you were the one who surrendered," Kion smirked. "Did not!" Rani got closer to him. "Did to," Kion smirked. Their faces got closer. "Did not!" Rani shouted. Kion licked her muzzle. He ran through the tree laughing.

Rani was shocked at first, but then chased after him, "Come back here!" "Can't catch me!" Kion laughed. He made a quick turn, and juked her. Rani slid and fell on her back. Kion quickly turned around, and stood over her.

"I win," He smirked.

Right then, Makini walked in, "Your majesties- Uhh," She stared at Kion and Rani, "I think I should go."

Rani and Kion looked at eachother and laughed. Kion hopped off her, "No Makini you're fine. We were just playing."

"Oh sorry," Makini chuckled, "Anyways, the Night Pride wants to know of Rani is patrolling today."

Rani looked at Kion, "I think I'll stay here." "Ok. Night Kion! Night Rani!" Makini walked out.

"You're lucky she came in," Kion smirked, "Or I would have tickled you to death."

"Not if I get you first!" Rani pounced on him. Kion looked up at her. "What?" Rani asked.

Kion licked her muzzle again. Rani stared at him in shock. "Rani, I...I uh..." Kion was trying to find the words.

Rani let him up. Kion sat down. Rani looked at him curiously.

"Rani, I-I've liked you for a long time now. And not just as a friend," Kion said, "I know you probably just see me as a friend, but I really want you to be my mate."

Kion sighed in relief. He had finally said it.

Rani didn't know what to say. She stared at him. Kion looked at her, hopefully.

"I-I like you too Kion," She smiled. She kisses him quickly and ran away. "You're gonna get it!" Kion smirked and ran after her.

Kion pinned her down on the rock. Rani was out of breath, "Looks like I win again," Kion smirked.

"Maybe, but I still get something in return," Rani wrapped her arms around Kion's neck and pulled him down. Rani leaned forward and kissed him. But this time, she held it.

They eventually pulled away. Kion smirked, "Not bad." He rolled over and layed on his back. Rani climbed ontop of him and snuggled into his chest. She started purring. Kion chuckled, "You comfortable?" Rani nodded, "Very."

They both slowly drifted into sleep.

Kion and Rani: A Bit Of TrustWhere stories live. Discover now