Chapter 5: Suspicions

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Kion opened his eyes. He smirked when he saw Rani ontop of him.

Kion gently nudged her, "Wake up Rani." Rani just purred and snuggled closer to his chest. Kion rolled his eye's playfully, "Rani C'mon."

"Just five more minutes," Rani groaned. "Oh I'll give you five more seconds," Kion smirked and started tickling her sides. Rani's eye's widened, "Hahaha! Kion stop!" She started crying with laughter.

"You going to get up now?" Kion smirked. "Ye! Yes I'll get up!" Rani laughed. Kion stopped tickling her.

Rani caught her breath. She glared at him, "Don't do that! You know I'm ticklish!" "Exactly why I did it," Kion chuckled. Rani playfully bit his ear.

"C'mon Rani, let's go," Kion said. He tried standing up but Rani held him down, "Oh no. I'm going to get my revenge."

Kion laughed, "Good luck with that, because I'm not ticklish." Rani smirked, "Nope." Kion looked at her confused. Rani layed down on him. She cuddled back in his chest.

"So is this your revenge?" Kion chuckled. "What I want isn't really revenge," Rani explained. Kion raised an eyebrow. "I want to sleep the rest of the day," Rani said.

"Rani we can't," Kion chuckled. "You tickled me. And besides, I overrule you in power, so you do as I say," Rani smirked. "Yes your majesty," Kion laughed.

They both fell back asleep.

BlueCrystal watched VioletSky and HailHeart leave the den. She growled. But she couldn't do anything so she fell back asleep.

A few hours later, they walked back to the den. BlueCrystal confronted them, "Where were you! Why are you hanging out with my brother!"

VioletSky tucked her ears back. HailHeart growled and stood defensively infront of her, "Don't talk to my mate like that!" "Your mate!" BlueCrystal shouted. HailHeart nodded and smiled and VioletSky. She smiled back.

BlueCrystal growled with rage, "BloodFang! JadeHeart!" The two wolves flew over to her.

"Let's destroy some stuff," BlueCrystal howled. BloodFang smirked and flew out. JadeHeart followed.

BlueCrystal looked at her brother one more time and flew away.

VioletSky started crying. HailHeart wrapped his wing around her, "Hey it's ok." VioletSky looked at him sadly, "Your sister doesn't like me." "So! That doesn't mean I don't love you," HailHeart licked her cheek. VioletSky smiled.

BlueCrystal howled and killed every animal in sight. BloodFang ripped through a gazelle, viciously eating it. JadeHeart destroyed trees and any living plant.

"Hey!" Fuli ran up to them, "What are you guys doing!" BlueCrystal thought of a lie, "Destroying things. Why?" "Because you are only allowed to eat what you need! And you don't need to kill the plants!" Fuli yelled.

"Oh we were allowed to do that in our kingdom. Sorry," BlueCrystal, BloodFang, and JadeHeart flew back to the den.

Fuli got suspicious and ran into the tree.

"Kion! Rani!" She shouted, but quickly stopped when she saw them sleeping. Kion opened his eyes, "Fuli?" "Sorry to wake you Kion, but the wolves were destroying everything and killing way to many animals," Fuli explained.

Kion jumped up. Rani hit her head on the rock, "Ow! Kion what the heck!" "Sorry Rani, but the wolves were destroying the kingdom!" Kion shouted. Rani raised an eyebrow.

"They said it was the rules of their old kingdom," Fuli explained. "Thanks Fuli," Kion said. Fuli nodded and walked out.

"I knew it! Something is up with them!" Kion shouted. Rani kissed him, "Kion, it was an accident. They didn't know. Now we have to go and have a funeral for the animals," Rani hopped off the rock.

Kion still looked uncertain. Rani turned to him, "Kion, it's ok. They didn't know." "I guess," Kion hopped down beside her. Rani nuzzled him, "Let's go."

Kion and Rani: A Bit Of TrustWhere stories live. Discover now