Chapter 9: Attempt

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MoonBeam, WaterLight, and BlueCrystal all went to the mountain pass. BlueCrystal was upset her brother left, but she had to get revenge on the Tree.

The rest of the pack sat in the shadows, waiting for them to start singing and the animals to come.

BlueCrystal, WaterLight, and MoonBeam started singing.

All animals that were awake were hypnotized. They slowly started walking to the three winged wolves, including the Night Pride.

The rest of the pack charged toward the tree. HawkWing flew in, while everyone else stayed outside, guarding the tree.

HawkWing smirked evilly. Kion and Rani were sleeping peacefully on the rock.

Kion twitched his ear. He heard a pawstep. He looked up and saw HawkWing. HawkWing charged at him and Rani. Kion roared and threw him to the ground.

Kion turned to Rani. She was out cold from what they did earlier. Kion had to protect her.

"I thought you were on our side!" Kion shouted. HawkWing stood up, "Your pride killed my mate!" HawkWing growled.

HawkWing slashed at Kion's chest. Kion jumped back and headbutted him under the chin. HawkWing's teeth smashed together.

He whimpered, then growled. Kion dug his claws deep into HawkWing's side. HawkWing howled and flew almost out of the tree, "We'll be back!"

Kion glared at him and ran out, leaving Rani alone.

Kion's ears were drowned with a siren like tone. He saw a bunch of animals surrounding BlueCrystal, WaterLight, and MoonBeam.

Kion quickly stuffed his ears with grass and ran to them.

Kion glared at them and sunk his claws into the ground. The rest of the pack were with the singing wolves.

"LEAVE NOW!" Kion unleashed the roar of the elders on them, making sure to not hit the Tree Of Life animals.

The wolves were blown away. Kion took the grass out of his ears.

The animals got out of their hypnosis. Kion ran back to the tree.

Rani was still asleep on the rock, like nothing happened. Kion layed beside her, but made sure to stay awake, just incase the wolves come back.

VioletSky and HailHeart had made up. They were mates again. As they were eating, they saw the wolf pack flown through the air. The two wolves went to listen.

RaggedClaw growled, "That stupid Kion!" "Don't worry. I've got a plan. When I was in the tree, I noticed something about Rani. She is pregnant," HawkWing smirked.

"You aren't going to do what I think you're going to do," IcePool asked worried, "A mother's cubs mean more than anything to her!"

"You get to keep your pups so shut it!" HawkWing growled. IcePool looked at DeathBlaze. He wasn't even defending her. She sighed and tucked her ears down.

VioletSky and HailHeart gasped.

"In about three months we head to the tree," HawkWing howled.

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