Chapter 15: Fight Begins

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Rani was still ignoring Kion, which upset him, but he knew he deserved it.

VioletSky's wing was getting better, but it was still a little broken. DeathBlaze was now a good wolf. He cared about IcePool and his pups now.

HailHeart let VioletSky lean on him, "Are you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine," VioletSky replied. She licked his cheek.

Kion walked up to Rani. She rolled her eyes at him. "Rani, I know you're mad at me, but why can't you just give me another chance!" Kion asked.

"You tried to kill pups Kion! Why would I forgive you," Rani growled. She walked over to IcePool and DeathBlaze.

Kion sighed. He sat down. He didn't know what to do.

RaggedClaw, OwlFlight, JadeHeart, FireFlame, and BlackSoot walked up to HawkWing. "When are we going to attack!" RaggedClaw growled.

HawkWing stood up, "Now." The males flew into the den to get the rest of the pack.

HawkWing glared at VioletSky and HailHeart's den, "You will all pay!"

BloodFang howled in excitement. TroubleFeather right behind her. "C'mon! Let's go!" HawkWing snarled. The pack slowly flew toward the den.

Kion's ears perked up. It sounded like the beating of wings. HawkWing landed and stood at the entrance, followed by others.

HailHeart looked at the entrance. He saw his little sister, BlueCrystal with the pack. He growled at her.

Rani and DeathBlaze stood infront of IcePool, FrostRay, SnowHail, and BlueViolet.

Kion confidently walked up to HawkWing and growled. HawkWing smirked evilly, "Attack!" The wolves charged into the den, including BlueCrystal. HailHeart was furious. He brought VioletSky behind Rani and DeathBlaze.

He glared at his sister, "Bring it on sis!"

Kion and Rani: A Bit Of TrustWhere stories live. Discover now