Chapter 13: Uh Oh

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Kion lifted his muzzle into the air. He got scent of IcePool, VioletSky, HailHeart, and others he didn't recognize. He found a den. Their scent was strong there. A hint of BrightHerb was in the air.

Kion walked into the den and roared.

(Pretend he has the Tree Of Life mark)

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(Pretend he has the Tree Of Life mark)

A sharp, and quiet howl broke through the air. Kion's eyes adjusted to the darkness. He saw VioletSky, and HailHeart standing infront of IcePool. IcePool was curled up around something.

Kion had murder in his eyes, "You killed my cub!" "No! HawkWing did!" HailHeart replied aggressively.

Kion extended his claws an shoved past HailHeart and VioletSky. VioletSky groaned at her shoulder landed hard on the ground, and she smashed her wing.

Kion growled at IcePool. She jumped up, and spread out her wings, blocking something from Kion's view.

"Please, you can kill me, but don't hurt my pups," IcePool started crying. Kion snarled at her, "My cub was killed. Only fair I..." He raised his paw, his razor sharp claws glinted in the moonlight, "...return the favor."

Rani felt the cold breeze through her fur. She shivered, and opened her eyes, looking for Kion so she could snuggle next to him, but he wasn't there.

Rani caught his scent. It was faint though. He had left the tree. Rani ran out looking for him. Outside, his scent was gone.

Rani ran around, "Kion!" She looked at all of his favorite spots, but couldn't find him. She started crying, thinking that something horrible had happened to him, she heard a loud roar.

 She started crying, thinking that something horrible had happened to him, she heard a loud roar

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"Kion! You better not be with the wolves!" She started running towards his roar.

Kion slowly approached IcePool. She closed her eyes, accepting fate.

Kion was about to slice into IcePool's throat, when he was thrown to the ground.

Kion groaned. He looked up and saw Rani had him pinned to the ground. She looked down at him, anger and sadness in her eyes.

"I-I told you! I said don't come here! Our cub is gone! I'm upset too! But we can have another one! You don't need to kill for revenge!" Rani turned to IcePool, FrostRay, SnowHail, BlueViolet, VioletSky, and HailHeart.

Her eyes widened and she looked back at Kion, "Y-You tried to kill IcePool's pups!"

"I'm sorry. I just...I'm really upset about our cub," Kion replied. "You don't need to kill Kion," Rani got off him. Kion stood up and shook the dirt off him.

HailHeart shook VioletSky, "VioletSky!" She groaned in pain. Rani glared at Kion. Kion tucked his ears down.

"You better fix your mistake Kion," Rani growled

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"You better fix your mistake Kion," Rani growled. Kion nodded.

BrightHerb tried to quietly sneak back into the den. She was suddenly pinned against the wall by her neck, "Going out late huh? Why don't you tell me where you were and why, before you get hurt."

To Be Continued...

Kion and Rani: A Bit Of TrustWhere stories live. Discover now