Chapter 3: Strange Animals

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Rani yawned. She smiled when she saw Kion sleeping peacefully underneath her. She licked his muzzle, "Wake up." Kion opened his eyes and smiled, "Morning beautiful."

Rani chuckled and hopped off him. Kion pounced on her playfully. They tussled around for a bit.

"Alright Rani, let's go," Kion chuckled. "Are we doing a lone patrol?" Rani asked with a smile. Kion nodded. They walked out of the tree.

Rani and Kion started their patrol at the mountain pass.

Rani rubbed up against Kion. He chuckled and nuzzled her.

"Looks like there isn't anything here, let's keep going," Kion said. The early morning breeze ruffled their fur.

Kion realized something. The wind wasn't coming from the sides, it was coming from above. Kion looked up, "Holy Kings Of The Past!" He fell on his back.

Kion stared at the animals

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Kion stared at the animals. Rani's jaw dropped. They flew down to Kion and Rani.

Kion stood up, Rani at his side. "Who and what are you!" Rani shouted.

"Easy there, we come in peace," One of them said, "And we are winged wolves." "Winged wolves?" Kion raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, I'm the Alpha, HawkWing. This is my youngest daughter, BloodFang, my older daughter, TroubleFreather, JadeHeart, OwlFlight, RoseClaw, VioletSky, MoonBeam, WaterLight, FireFlame, HalfFace, RaggedClaw, PainHowler, BlueCrystal, HailHeart, AquaGem, BlackSoot, and BrightHerb, our healer," HawkWing explained.

(HawkWing-34-Male-Alpha-single father-mate died)

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(HawkWing-34-Male-Alpha-single father-mate died)

(HawkWing-34-Male-Alpha-single father-mate died)

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