Chapter 12: New Pups

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IcePool tried to sleep, but the pups were making it impossible. Then, a sharp pain shot through her body. She screamed in agony.

VioletSky perked up her ears and looked at IcePool, "Hey you ok?" "T-They're coming!" She cried.

VioletSky ran out to HailHeart, "HailHeart, go get BrightHerb now!" "Why? And besides, she's with the pack," HailHeart stated.

"IcePool's giving birth!" VioletSky shouted. HailHeart heard a blood curtling scream from IcePool. He nodded and flew to the packs den.

HailHeart landed softly. He quietly walked into the den. He lifted his muzzle in the air, looking for her scent because it was pitch black. She was at the back. He swiftly crept up to her.

HailHeart nudged BrightHerb's shoulder. She groaned and opened her eyes, "HAI-" HailHeart covered her mouth, "Shh. It's IcePool. She's giving birth."

BrightHerb's eyes widened. HailHeart took his paw off her muzzle. BrightHerb flew out, HailHeart following close behind.

When they were out of the den, BrightHerb asked, "Where's IcePool!" "In mine and VioletSky's den," HailHeart replied.

BrightHerb quickly flew to the den.

Another scream broke through the air. "That's IcePool!" HailHeart shouted. They flew into the den.

VioletSky was at IcePool's side, comforting her. "I'll take it from here," BrightHerb pushed past VioletSky.

HailHeart and VioletSky walked out of their den.

"I hope IcePool will be ok," VioletSky said,, looking at the entrance. "She will be," HailHeart put his wing around her.

An hour later, BrightHerb came out, "She's ok." "What about her pups?" VioletSky asked. "All healthy," BrightHerb smiled.

HailHeart and VioletSky sighed in relief. "You can go in. Make sure the pups are warm. This is the coldest night I've experienced," BrightHerb advised. They nodded and ran in. BrightHerb flew away.

"IcePool?" VioletSky asked. She saw IcePool laying on her side with 3 pups resting by her stomach. "They are so cute!" HailHeart said.

"I thought you were too tough to say that," VioletSky chuckled. "What can I say. I've got a soft spot for pups," HailHeart smiled. They looked at eachother, then back at IcePool.

"What are their names?" VioletSky asked. "FrostRay for the oldest, SnowHail for the next one and BlueViolet for the youngest," IcePool replied.

(FrostRay-Female-Just born-Oldest daughter to IcePool and DeathBlaze)

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(FrostRay-Female-Just born-Oldest daughter to IcePool and DeathBlaze)

(FrostRay-Female-Just born-Oldest daughter to IcePool and DeathBlaze)

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(SnowHail-Male-Just born-Middle Pup to IcePool and DeathBlaze)

(BlueViolet-Female-Just born-Youngest Pup to IcePool and DeathBlaze)

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(BlueViolet-Female-Just born-Youngest Pup to IcePool and DeathBlaze)

"You used part of our names," HailHeart said with a questioning look. "Because you two helped me when no one would. Thank you," IcePool smiled.

"Of course," VioletSky nuzzled her.

Kion woke up in the middle of the night. Rani was sleeping on him. He gently pushed her off and walked out. He couldn't contain his anger anymore. He needed his revenge, now. He started running to the wolves.

To Be Continued...

Kion and Rani: A Bit Of TrustWhere stories live. Discover now