Chapter 4: Their True Intentions

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"This place is beautiful!" RoseClaw said astonished. PainHowler flapped his wings in agreement. The wolves flew down to Kion and Rani.

"We have some friends of ours we want you to meet," Kion smiled. HawkWing dipped his head.

"Stay here for a minute," Rani and Kion walked away.

As soon as the king and queen were out of sight, HawkWing growled and turned to his pack.

"Do you remember the plan?" He asked. "Yes. We kill Kion and Rani," JadeHeart started. "Then we finish off the tree," OwlFlight growled. "And we destroy everything that lives here!" HailHeart howled.

VioletSky stared at them, "What! You never said we were destroying the tree!" "We didn't tell you because you are way to kind," AquaGem rolled her eyes.

"But they never did anything to us!" VioletSky argued. HawkWing growled angrily and pinned her down. VioletSky looked up at him in fear.

"They did nothing!" HawkWing shouted, "These lions ruined our home! They killed BriarRose! My mate was killed because of them!"

"I-I'm sorry. I forgot," VioletSky apologized. HawkWing growled and got off her, "I will avenge BriarRose!"

(BriarRose-died at 26-Female-Mate to HawkWing-Mother to TroubleFeather and BloodFang-Died from rockslide)

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(BriarRose-died at 26-Female-Mate to HawkWing-Mother to TroubleFeather and BloodFang-Died from rockslide)

(HawkWing thinks the lions of the Tree Of Life killed her)

"An eye for an eye," BlueCrystal howled.

"Has anyone seen DeathBlaze? He is the best wolf we have here. Where is he?" HawkWing growled in annoyance.

A male wolf flew down, "I'm here HawkWing. No need to lose your feathers."

(DeathBlaze-25-Male-Most vicious other than HawkWing-Mate to IcePool)

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(DeathBlaze-25-Male-Most vicious other than HawkWing-Mate to IcePool)

"Finally! DeathBalze where were you!" HawkWing snarled. DeathBlaze smirked, "I was having a little fun with IcePool. She's expecting my pups now."

IcePool slowly flew down beside DeathBlaze.

(IcePool-20-Female-Mate to DeathBlaze-Expecting pups)

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(IcePool-20-Female-Mate to DeathBlaze-Expecting pups)

"IcePool, you won't be in the war. Our pups must be safe," DeathBlaze said sternly. IcePool nodded.

Kion and Rani headed toward the Day and Night Pride.

"You ok Kion?" Rani asked. "Yeah. But those wolves...there is something wrong," Kion said looking back.

Rani licked his cheek, "If there was something wrong, they would have attacked already. Ease up a little," She nudged him.

Kion smiled and nodded.

They arrived at the den.

"Guys come out!" Kion roared. The Day Pride walked out, soon followed by the Night Pride.

"What's wrong your majesties?" Nirmala asked. "We have some cool animals to introduce to you," Rani smiled.

"Yes!" Bunga jumped up. Fuli rolled her eyes.

Rani and Kion led them to the winged wolves.

"Woah! What are those!" Baliyo asked. "Winged wolves," Rani replied.

"Zuka Zama!" Bunga ran over to the wolves.

"Ahh!" IcePool screamed as Bunga jumped on her back, "Can you fly?" Bunga asked. IcePool flapped her wings, not leaving the ground, "Get off me!"

DeathBlaze growled and threw Bunga off his mate, "She's pregnant you nitwit!"

"Oops, sorry," Bunga walked to the Day Pride.

"I don't remember seeing you two?" Kion raised an eyebrow. "They came late. This is DeathBlaze, and his mate, IcePool. Please be careful with her. She's expecting," HawkWing explained.

"Of course. IcePool, DeathBlaze, we can give you your own den," Rani said. IcePool smiled, "Thank you."

Rani led DeathBlaze and IcePool to a den, while Kion led the rest of HawkWing's pack to a bigger den.

"Thank you your majesty," HawkWing said through gritted fangs. Kion smiled and walked away.

"Finally their gone!" BloodFang rolled her eyes. "We just need to get on their good side for now," BlackSoot explained. TroubleFeather nodded.

"Everyone get some rest!" HawkWing ordered. They did.

VioletSky didn't like the sound of this, but she had no choice.

HailHeart went to the side of the den and layed down. VioletSky smiled and walked over to him, "Um can I join you?" HailHeart smiled and nodded. VioletSky layed beside him.

BlueCrystal looked at VioletSky with annoyance. She didn't want the kind, nice wolf to be with her big brother.

The Night Pride started patrol. Kion and Rani walked into the tree.

"This was such a weird day," Rani chuckled. "You're telling me," Kion smiled.

"I'll have Nirmala check on IcePool once in a while. But they already seem to have a healer, BrightHerb. Still Nirmala seems to have more experience," Rani explained.

Kion nodded. They layed down on the rock. Kion smiled. He gently pinned her down, "Gotcha," He smirked. Rani flipped him over onto his back, "Oh really?"

Kion chuckled. They both tussled around, untill they were completely exhausted. They both fell asleep instantly.

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