Chapter 16: Peace

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Kion growled at HawkWing. They circled eachother. "I see losing your cub didn't help," HawkWing snarled. Kion roared and threw him against the wall.

HawkWing stood up and smirked evilly, "You'll have to do better than that!"

Rani was defending IcePool, FrostRay, SnowHail, BlueViolet, and VioletSky, alongside DeathBlaze and HailHeart.

RaggedClaw spread his wings and smirked at Rani. Rani roared at him, but RaggedClaw wasn't affected or frightened by it.

RaggedClaw started to flap his wings, but he didn't rise into the air. He charged at Rani with full speed. Rani was slammed into the wall, and went limp.

HailHeart tried to help her, but got distracted by JadeHeart who was trying to kill VioletSky.

VioletSky stood up, and walked beside HailHeart, "I'll help." They fought side by side.

Kion was pinned to the ground aggressively by HawkWing. Kion growled and tried to get up, and HawkWing used his wings and flapped then to make him have a firmer grip on Kion.

Kion's forearms were pinned to the ground.  "Say hello to your daughter!" HawkWing laughed evilly. He brought his paw to Kion's throat.

Kion turned to Rani. She was limp on the ground, with RaggedClaw ready for the killing blow.

Kion got furious. He turned back to HawkWing. Kion used his hind paws, and clawed at HawkWing's stomach. HawkWing yowled in pain and let Kion go.

Kion felt something burning in his throat. He had to roar. Kion roared the Roar Of The Elders. But this time it was different. He had so much anger, that he roared fire.

HawkWing was burned, but not killed

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HawkWing was burned, but not killed. Everyone stared at Kion. Kion growled, but remembered to control his anger, so he did.

VioletSky jumped away from HailHeart and onto HawkWing. He clawed at his stomach and howled.

HawkWing was to weak to fight back.

A bright light shined into the cave. Everyone squinted and stared at it. A beautiful female winged wolf walked in.

HawkWing, BloodFang, and TroubleFeather stared at her. "B-BriarRose?" HawkWing asked, still in pain.

VioletSky got off him

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VioletSky got off him.

"Mom! I thought you were dead!" BloodFang ran up to her mother, followed by TroubleFeather.

"I was unconscious, but you all thought I was dead. And you blamed it on them. HawkWing, love, it was just an accident," BriarRose looked at her mate affectionately.

HawkWing grunted and stood up. He stared at her. Then after a minute, he howled with joy and nuzzled her.

The wolf pack all joined in. Kion looked at Rani, she was conscious now.

Kion nuzzled her. Rani stared at him, "Y-You breathed fire." Kion shrugged with a smile, "Does it make me cooler?" "You already were," Rani leaned forward and kissed him.

BriarRose walked up to them, "I'm so sorry for what HawkWing has done. Can you forgive us?" "Of course," Rani smiled, "The Tree Of Life is always looking for new allies."

"Then you just got some. And don't worry. I'll keep HawkWing in check. If you ever need us, you know where we are," BriarRose explained. Kion and Rani nodded.

The wolves left. "Head home?" Rani asked. Kion nodded. They started walking to the tree.

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