Chapter 11: An Act Of Kindness

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Kion was on an anger rage. Rani tried calming him down, and it worked for a bit, but Kion never left the hatred.

"Kion. Please can you just calm down," Rani pleaded, "I'm upset that our cub is gone too, but I don't like this side of you."

Rani nuzzled him. Kion calmed down. "Kion, can you just stay with me. I don't want you acting out again," Rani begged him. "We need revenge. Our cub was murdered!" Kion growled.

"Kion, that would make us murders," Rani replied. Kion took a deep breath. They walked inside the tree.

"Kion, I know you are upset, and I am too, but we can't do this. We can just try again. I don't want someone's death on our paws," Rani said.

Kion nodded. Rani curled up against him, "Thank you." Kion licked her cheek, "Night Rani." "Night Kion. Oh, and if you try and sneak out, I'll shred you to pieces," She kissed him and fell asleep.

Kion decided to listen to his queen for once, because he didn't want to lose his precious soft, golden fur. Also because she was a lot smarter than he was.

Kion held his anger down. He couldn't let the wolves get the best of him. If he wanted to attack, he would need a plan.

Kion eased up. He wrapped his arms around Rani. He would get his revenge soon, but right now his queen needed comfort, and he would give it to her. Kion made sure she was warm and comfortable before falling asleep.

HawkWing howled, "We got our revenge!" TroubleFeather flapped her wings happily. BloodFang did flips in the air, "Now they know our pain! Our mother shouldn't have died!"

"HawkWing! You actually killed her cub! How could you do that! I know I'm on your side, and I want revenge to, but you can't do that! A mother's cub means more than anything," IcePool said.

HawkWing growled in her face, "If you want to keep yours then shut it!" IcePool tucked back her ears. DeathBlaze glared at her.

"Are you an idiot!" He snarled, "You don't talk back to the alpha!" "You're supposed to be on my side DeathBlaze," IcePool started to cry.

"Are you even on mine," DeathBlaze dug his claws in the ground. "Of course I am!" IcePool replied. "I don't believe you. And because you talked back to HawkWing, you can't sleep in the den tonight," DeathBlaze snarled.

IcePool gasped, "But it's supposed to be freezing tonight!" "You should have thought about that before you talked back to the alpha," DeathBlaze walked inside the den.

The sun dissapeared, and was slowly replaced by the moon.

IcePool curled up into a ball, trying to stay warm, but it wasn't working. She looked at her stomach sadly. If her body temperature got any colder, she might lose the pups.

"You can sleep with us." IcePool looked up and saw VioletSky and HailHeart. "No I can't. I-I'm loyal to my pack," IcePool cried.

"The pack doesn't care IcePool, but we do. If DeathBlaze is going to treat you like that, then you shouldn't be with him," VioletSky explained.

IcePool looked at the den, and sighed, "Ok." She slowly stood up and followed them to their den.

"It's small, so I can sleep outside," HailHeart offered. "But you'll freeze," IcePool argued. "My wings are bigger than yours. I can use them for warmth," HailHeart replied, "I'll keep guard.

"Thank you," IcePool slowly walked into the den. "I love you HailHeart, stay safe," VioletSky licked his muzzle. HailHeart smirked, "I will." VioletSky walked into her and HailHeart's den.

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