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''JUNGKOOK! GET THE HELL OUT OF YOUR BED OR YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE ON THE FIRST DAY!" An angry roommate called Park Jimin shouted in front of his best friends and roommate's door.

''Almost eating breakfast.'' A lazy voice answered somewhere in the room.

But then Jimin had enough, he opened the door just to see Jungkook standing there naked next to his bed.

''Jesus Christ!" The younger shouted as he quickly jumped under the sheets.

''What the hell Jungkook!" The elder shouted as he just looked at Jungkook.

'''What the hell Jungkook' what the hell Jimin?! Why are you here? I told you I was almost there!" The younger still shouted at the eldest.

''First, it's Jimin-Hyung. Secondly, why the hell do you sleep naked and third you're never on time.'' He now said calmly.

''Sleeping naked is much better and be happy I'm changing my life.'' The younger said with an attitude.

''Anyway, it's not like I haven't seen your dick before. But for now, I want you to be in the kitchen with three minutes. We gotta go in 15,'' Jimin said before he walked out chuckling.

''God, what the hell is wrong with that Hyung,'' The youngest mumbled while he got changed. He then walked towards the kitchen where Jimin had already made breakfast.

''Morning Kookie,'' The eldest smiled as he placed their breakfast on the table.

''Morning Hyung,'' Jungkook said as he said down.

''Ready for second year in college?'' Jimin asked the younger while he began to eat.

''Hmm, I don't think there will be a huge difference, I just want to go from there as soon as possible.'' He mocked while he ate his breakfast.

''Don't act like a kid Kook-ah, you need it.'' The elder pointed out.

''I know, I know. It's just, I'm young! I should be hanging out and going clubbing in the evenings, but instead, I'm doing shitty things for college!" Jungkook argued back.

''You're a young adult, so act like one. It's not like we didn't go clubbing during holidays, and trust me the weekends are full of clubbing so no complaining, got it?'' The elder said, scolding Jungkook slightly.

''Got it Hyung, what are you, my mum, boyfriend?'' Jungkook asked playfully.

''Since I ain't no woman, boyfriend. But I'd rather choose best friend.'' The elder chuckled.

''Ah sure, even after you've seen this dick? It could make you feel good you know.'' Jungkook said slyly.

''Yah! Jungkook, behave a bit please.'' Jimin sighed as he looked down to hide his blush.

''Did I made you shy Hyungie?" The youngest chuckled as he walked over to Jimin.

''Nope, no, no you didn't. See I'm perfectly fine.'' The elder said as he looked up only to notice Jungkook was right behind him.

''You sure?'' The youngest whispered in his Hyung's ear.

''Y-Yeah, now get a-away from me, we n-need to g-go.'' Jimin stuttered as he stood up causing Jungkook to laugh.

''Not shy my ass.'' The younger mumbled as he placed the plates in the sink.

''Ready?'' Jimin asked as he walked towards the door.

''Yep,'' The younger simply replied. They then walked out of their room and walked out of the campus towards college which was just at the other side of the street

''When are you done?'' Jimin asked when they entered the building.

''At three,'' The younger replied simply.

''Okay, I'm done at 4. Please don't make a mess in the meantime.'' The eldest chuckled.

''Oh come on Jimin-ssi, you said by yourself I'm a young adult so no need to be worried,'' Jungkook said in defeat.

''Sure Kookie, anyway. See ya at lunch!'' Jimin said as he walked towards his class.

''See ya!'' Jungkook shouted as he walked towards his first class.


''Morning Jimin-ah!" Taehyung greeted Jimin happily as he sat next to him.

''Morning Taetae.'' Jimin greeted back while he laid his stuff on the table.

''How's life going?'' Taehyung asked as he packed his stuff too.

''Nah it's peachy, although Jungkook wasn't really peachy tomorrow.'' The eldest sighed.

''Jungkook or you?'' The younger smirked.

''What do you mean?'' Jimin said as he narrowed his eyes.

''Come on Jimin, everyone knows Jungkook sleeps like a rock and you gotta scream if you want to wake him up. So with other words, he was sleeping peacefully but you had to wake him up by screaming.'' He smirked.

''Just shut up.'' Jimin groaned.

''Ahh calm your ass down, anyway, are we going to eat at Jin's today?" The younger then asked.

''Hmm, I guess so. I miss him, it's been a while since I've seen him.'' The elder then said in a sad tone.

''Be glad, when Namjoon and Seokjin are together they're always eating each other faces out. So be happy your single ass doesn't have to see that.'' Taehyung smirked.

''You can't say anything, you, Yoongi and Hoseok do it all the time too.'' Jimin pointed out.

''Yep, and I don't deny it. You know amazing it is, if Yoongi doesn't want to kiss I can kiss Hobi. And if Hobi doesn't want to kiss I always got Yoongi. It's amazing you know, you should try one day.'' Taehyung advised the older.

''Nah thanks, I'll pass on this one.'' The elder chuckled.

''You know, Jungkook and you would be great together. Everyone in our group would be together, and besides when you guys aren't there. Me and the guys talk about how cute you guys are together.'' The younger told Jimin.

''Nah, we're more like brothers. I love Jungkook with all my heart, but that's it. Not in a romantic way, I gotta say I love him most of all of you.'' Jimin smirked.

''Be happy you're my Hyung, even though it's just a few months. But otherwise, I would have beaten your ass right now.'' Taehyung hissed at the older before the professor walked in as a sign the lesson started.


''Finally, break!" Jimin shouted as he walked into the canteen.

''Yepp finally,'' Taehyung giggled next to him.

''Where are the oth-'' Jimin started but got interrupted by a young voice.

''Jiminie Hyung!" Jungkook said happily as he walked over to the two and threw his arm around the elder.

''Hey Jungkookie,'' The elder chuckled.

''Hi, are we going to Jin?'' The youngest asked desperately after all Jin was kinda like a mom to all of them.

''Yep, just wait for Namjoon-Hyung, Yoongi-Hyung, and Hoseok-Hyung,'' Taehyung replied as he smiled at the two.

''If you're talking about them...'' Jimin said as he saw the trio coming their way.

''Babies!'' Taehyung said happily as he quickly ran towards Hoseok and Yoongi.

''And here he was telling me Namjoon-Hyung and Seokjin-Hyung always suck each other faces off,'' Jimin whispered, still with Jungkook's arm around his shoulder.

''He really can't say anything.'' Jungkook chuckled.

''Let's get going guys! I wanna see my boyfriend,'' Namjoon whined to which we all chuckled. They are adorable together, but then the group of six finally walked towards the cafe in which Jin works.


Thanks for reading!💜

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