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''Alright, let's all do something this weekend,'' Taehyung said when the seven of them were sitting in Jimin and Jungkook their apartment.

''Like what? I mean, clubbing is fun but we always do that. Maybe we should do something else?" The eldest of the seven said.

''He's right,'' Jimin agreed who sat on Jungkook's lap.

''So, what do you think we should do?'' Namjoon asked his boyfriend.

"Why don't we go to the beach It's been ages since we've been there!" The latter answered excitedly.

"Sounds fun I guess?" The youngest said but still a bit hesitant.

''If Jungkook is okay with it then so am I,'' Jimin said with a small smile.

''So cute,'' Taehyung muttered as he looked at the two with a fond smile playing on his lips.

''Damn you're right babe,'' Hoseok said as he looked at the couple, too.

''But we're cuter,'' Yoongi stated and pressed a kiss on the cheeks of both his boyfriends making the two of them giggle.

''You know I don't like lies.'' The eldest said with a serious face. ''But in this case, I'll say that Namjoonie and I are the cutest.'' He then added with a smug smile.

''So in other words, you too think that Jimin-Hyung and I are the cutest.'' The youngest said after some thinking.

''Yeah, basically.'' Jin grinned.

''Anyway, we're going to the beach tonight?'' Namjoon asked to which they all agreed. ''Alright, then we're all going to our apartments now and we'll be here by 8.'' He added once he made sure everyone wanted to. And even if they didn't want to, they had to.

''Sure thing, but why won't we hang out at the Jikook apartment?" Taehyung asked confused.

''Look at them, their faces are all red. Jimin is sitting on Jungkook's lap, you think he wouldn't rub his ass on Jungkook's cock? They ain't innocent Taehyungie.'' Yoongi answered his boyfriend with a smirk.

''You traitor,'' Jimin mumbled with a face even redder than it already was.

''I'm still your Hyung brat.'' The elder one pointed out.

''Traitor-Hyung, fine,'' Jimin said with a sarcastic tone making the others laugh.

''Yeah, watch your mouth around me,'' Yoongi said as he stood up.

''Sure... traitor.'' The younger said again making the elder scoff.

''I'll get back at you later.'' He said before he walked out of the door.

''Yeah see ya!'' Jin said as he walked out, too with his boyfriend trailing behind him after the trio left.

''Bye Hyung!" They said in unison, waiting till the door was shut.

''You do know what you get yourself in to, right?'' Jungkook asked with a deep voice as he looked at the elder on his lap.

''Maybe...'' The elder said in a low voice too as he bit his lip.

''You won't be getting away from this today.'' The younger said and smashed his lips on the ones of the elder.

''What if I don't want to get away?'' Jimin asked in a seductive tone once they broke apart.

''You have no idea what you're getting yourself into.'' The younger breathed out as he rolled the two of them over so he was on top of the elder, taking in the already breathtaking sight in front of him.

''Trust me, I do.'' The elder grinned sheepishly before he brought the younger down to his lips again.

While their lips were moving in sync, the younger one pulled down his boyfriend's jeans along with his pants. Not breaking the kiss, the younger moved his right hand towards the elder's cock, his left hand supporting his weight next to the elder's head.

''Hmmm,'' The elder hummed softly as he felt the younger stroking his cock in a slow pace.

The younger began moving his hand faster making the elder break the kiss to let out a moan as he threw his head back into the pillow. And he hasn't even done that much, yet. The younger smirked as he brought his head lower and took in the elder's length all of a sudden making the elder let out a moan because of the sudden warmness around his cock.

''JUNGKOOK!" Jimin cried out as his hand flew to the youngers hair, having a tight grip on it.

''That's right baby, scream my name,'' Jungkook said in a low voice as he looked at the elder who was a moaning mess.

''I-I'm c-coming!'' The elder cried out but right after the younger let go of the elder's cock, leaving the other sexually frustrated. ''W-what the f-fuck I-I was d-damn cl-close y-you bastard.'' He panted as he looked at the younger who had a smirk on his lips playing.

''Watch that pretty mouth of you, baby.'' The latter said still in his deep voice. ''I was planning on giving you at least a bit prep, but I guess you don't deserve that.'' He then said next to the elder's ear who's breath hitched when the warm air hit his ear.

''I-I'm s-sorry?'' The elder stuttered, knowing he was in trouble now.

''Too late sweetheart.'' Jungkook chuckled as he placed his tip at the entrance of his boyfriend's hole. He slowly pushed his length in, but when he saw the elder's eyes widen and tears slipping out of his eye, he leaned down and pressed his lips against the plump ones of the elder. Distracting him a bit from the pain, once he was inside the elder he let the latter get used to his length.

Once he received a nod from the man under him, he began moving back and forth letting out soft hums because of the pleasure he was getting. It took a minute or two, but then Jimin began letting out his sweet moans which got Jungkook turned on even more.

''You're so damn sexy, baby.'' Jungkook breathed out as he looked at the beautiful mess under him. Hair sticking in every direction, sweat covering his face, eyes watery and his mouth open because of the pleasure.

''Harder...'' Jimin breathed out as he looked at the sex god above him.

''Horny today, are we?'' Jungkook grinned in a sexy way but did as he the elder wished and began moving even faster making the two moan out louder than they already did.

''I-I'M CLOSE!" The elder cried out as the younger kept on hitting his spot.

''Cum for me,'' Jungkook said in a low, deep voice making the elder cum immediately. A few thrusts more and then the younger released deep inside the elder with a loud moan. He rode out their orgasms and then fell next to the other with a loud sigh. ''You do know we still gotta go to the beach tonight, right?" That earned him a slap on his chest.



Map of the Soul: 7 has got me SHOOK I f^cking love them😭💜

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