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''Where have you been?'' Jimin asked as soon as he saw the younger enter their apartment.

''Well, hello to you too. And I was just hanging around with some friends.'' The younger replied confused.

''Are you saying you got other friends besides the six of us?'' Jimin asked with a raised eyebrow.

''That's exactly what I'm saying, babe,'' Jungkook said as he sat down.

''Where's my kiss?''

''Where's my 'hi babe, I missed you?''' The younger shot back, not looking into the direction where his boyfriend stood.

''Alright, I just was worried? You always come home right after college and I don't know I have just been stressed about the whole thing.'' The elder sighed before he walked over the younger and sat on his lap, facing him.

''It's alright of course and it's sweet you're worried, just at least greet me next time... And give me a kiss.'' He then added with a big smile.

''Yah! I'm being serious here!" The elder said as he tried to hold his smile back.

''You think I'm not?'' The younger asked in a dead-serious tone which sent shivers down the elder's spine.

''You didn't even kiss me yet.'' The elder replied while wrapping his arms around the younger's neck and bend a little forward.

''You're asking for it y'know.'' The younger said in his sexy, deep voice.

''For what?'' Jimin asked, inches away from the younger's face.

''To get fucked by your one and only boyfriend.'' The younger said in a still deep voice, which made it a turn on for the elder.

''Then why are you waiting?" The elder asked and a second later he laid on his back on the couch. ''Alright, are you really gonna fuck me on the couch?" He then asked.

''You think I wanna walk to the bedroom? It takes way too long.'' Jungkook answered before he smashed his lips on the ones of the elder who hungrily kissed him back.

''You're way too impatient.'' Jimin chuckled once they broke apart.

''You're gonna be happy with it one day.'' The younger smirked.

''Righ-AAAH.'' The elder suddenly moaned when he felt the younger's mouth wrapped around his dick. ''When the hell did y-you take my... pants off?'' The elder asked in a frail voice.

''Told you, one day you'll be happy with the fact that I'm impatient.'' The younger answered in his deep voice again as he let go of the elder's cock for a second.

''I-I'll never c-complain a-again.'' The elder moaned with his hands tangled in the younger's hair. ''I-if you d-don't s-stop I'm g-gonna c-cum into y-your mouth.'' Right after the younger let go of the elder's dick with a loud pop sound.

''You want me to fuck you?'' The younger asked with his face inches away from the elder's face.

''P-please?'' The elder said in a frail voice.

''Anything for you.'' The younger said and pecked the elder's lips. Which led to a hot make-out session. Teeth clashing, moans and pantings were the only things you could hear in the room. ''You're so damn hot.'' Jungkook breathed out once they broke apart and he started at the elder.

''Says you.'' The elder said with an unsteady voice. The younger grinned and then took off his own pants along with his underwear, after that he took off his own shirt and focussed on Jimin again who had taken off his own shirt.

''Suck.'' The younger just said as he held two fingers in front of the elder's mouth. The latter immediately obeyed and sucked at the younger's fingers while looking him straight in the eye. ''Good boy,'' The younger said in a deep voice after a minute and took out his fingers.

He immediately went to the elder's hole where he circled his index finger around the elder's hole. Receiving cute, little whines from the elder. He then pushed in the first finger, making the elder's eyes go wide after which he released a loud moan, making the younger even more turned on. After a minute he pushed in the second one making the elder's eyes go wide once again.

''J-Jungkookie.'' The elder mewled at the younger's touch making the younger smirk as he pushed in the third one making the elder scream at the sudden pain.

''Calm down baby, you'll be fine.'' The younger said in a calm voice this time, moving his fingers back and forth, curling them, rubbing them, making the elder go wild.

''P-please f-fuck m-me!" The elder begged with watery eyes making the younger go wild. The latter didn't reply but pulled out his fingers and replaced it with his dick at the beginning of the elder'sh hole. ''Are you gonna p-put it in o-or wh-Aaaht.'' The elder said but couldn't finish as soon as the younger pushed his length in making him scream in pain and pleasure.

''Who's the impatient one here, huh?'' The younger asked once his cock was deep inside the younger.

''Me, 'cause if you d-don't move f-fast I'll f-find something on t-the streets, p-pretty s-sure there will b-be p-pretty boys.'' The elder said in a dark voice.

''Say one thing more and you won't be able to walk anymore.'' The younger growled as he began moving making the elder's eyes go to the back of his head and releasing a loud, long moan giving the younger an ego boost.

''Y-you f-fuck m-me s-so g-good.'' The elder moaned as he felt the younger abuse his hole.

''Fuck... Jimin.'' The younger breathed out as he kept on abusing the younger's hole.

''AAAH!'' The elder suddenly cried out when the younger hit his spot making him lose his mind.

''Got it,'' The younger whispered as he kept on hitting the special spot, making the elder scream out in pleasure.

''I-I'M CUMMING!" The elder cried out.

''Cum for me, cum for me Jimin.'' The younger growled, making the elder release right after with a loud moan. It didn't take long before the younger released inside of the elder.

''I'll never get tired of this.'' Jimin breathed out as they laid next to each other.

''Me neither.'' The younger grinned which turned into a huge smile once he felt the elder laying his head on his chest.

''Sorry, for reacting like that.'' The elder mumbled.

''If it turns out into sex, I don't mind you greeting me like that.'' The younger chuckled, earning a smack on the chest.

''You horny bastard.''


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