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''You know, the others keep on saying we need to get together. You know, put a label on us, it really isn't fun anymore.'' Jimin complains during breakfast the next day to Jungkook who sat on the opposite of him.

''I know, Taehyung keeps on telling me we look so cute together and it's a crying shame we don't get together. He's so dramatic.'' Jungkook said too as he shook his head in disbelief like he still can't believe the elder.

''I mean I know we look good together, but I see you more like a brother than a boyfriend. Or just a really close friend who has a huge dick and fucks amazingly.'' Jimin smirked as he winked at the younger.

''Tease.'' The taller muttered. ''But anyway, you're right. But maybe we should give it a chance one day. We'll see if they're right.'' He then added.

''You... wanna try being... boyfriends?" The elder asked confused.

''That's what I said.'' Jungkook chuckled as he looked at the elder's face.

''You mean like now or?...'' The shorter male asked.

''You're cute when you're confused but I said later on.'' The younger said as he stood up, he gave the elder a quick peck before he left towards his room.

''WHY DON'T WE START TODAY?!'' Jimin yelled in the direction where Jungkook's room is, which immediately revealed a half-naked Jungkook.

''What did you say?" The younger asked, this time it was his turn to be confused.

''You heard me.'' The elder sighed as he stood up and walked towards the younger. ''I said why don't we start today?'' He then said as he pecked the younger's lip. ''There won't change much you know.'' He grinned.

''True... sure, I mean yeah why not.'' The younger said as he scratched the back of his head. ''So are we then like... fake boyfriends or real boyfriends,'' Jungkook asked, still confused.

''Real boyfriends, of course, let's tell the Hyungs as soon as we are in college, alright?'' Jimin asked as he stole a kiss once again.

''Sure thing, but if you don't mind. I still need to change and so do you.'' Jungkook said as he turned around.

''Alright,'' The elder said and walked into his room.

''Ready?'' Jimin asked once they both had normal clothes and swirled the housekeys around his finger.

''Ready as ever,'' The younger chuckled as he wrapped his arm around Jimin's waist and pulled him with him. After the elder closed the door they walked to college where the other 4 were already waiting.

''That's a different gesture than normal.'' Taehyung pointed at Junkook's arm around Jimin's waist and Jimin's arm around the younger's waist.

''That doesn't say anything,'' Namjoon then said.

''Normal it's the shoulder, this is a lot different Namjoon.'' Hoseok pointed out.

''You know, we are standing right in front of you, you can just ask us.'' Jimin chuckled.

''Alright, are you guys finally a thing?'' Taehyung immediately asked.

''Yep, since this morning.'' The youngest said as he pulled Jimin a bit closer to him.

''Possessive already I see.'' Yoongi grinned as he saw the small gesture.

''Shut up Hyung.'' The younger said as he glared at the elder.

''Since when did this happen?" Hoseok asked curiously.

''Since, well twenty minutes?'' Jimin grinned.

''I WANNA BE THE FIRST TO CONGRATULATE YOU!'' Taehyung immediately yelled and pulled Jimin into a hug. ''CONGRATULATIONS!" He then yelled into the elder's ear.

''I'm not deaf Taehyung, but thanks.'' Jimin chuckled as he broke the hug.

''We should go to Jin today, he needs to know this.'' Namjoon grinned before he gave Jungkook a hug. ''Congrats man, it was about time.'' He then added.

''Thanks, bro.'' The youngest said as he broke the hug but immediately felt a familiar arm around his waist and when he looked to his left he saw he now called boyfriend standing there which immediately brought a smile on his face.

''Damn guys, he's whipped.'' Hoseok breathed out as he saw the look on the youngest face.

''Shut up Hyung.'' The youngest groaned with a defeated look on his face which made the other's chuckle at the younger.

''Who asked the other?'' Taehyung then asked curiously.

''Well, kinda... both?'' Jimin said as he looked at the younger who thought for a second but then nodded.

''How?'' Yoongi asked confused.

''Well, we were kinda saying how much you were bugging saying that we should get together. And then well Jungkook said we should try it one day and then left for his room. But then I called him back asking why we don't start from today on and when that's when a new relationship started.'' Jimin said making the others chuckle and Jungkook pressing a kiss on his head.

''Damn, I feel lonely now,'' Namjoon said as he looked at the two and the trio.

''You'll see Jin later.'' Jimin grinned but then bell rung separating the two.

''See you, baby,'' Jungkook said as he pressed his lips against the ones of the elder.

''See you.'' Jimin smiled once they broke apart.


''So yeah we are together,'' Jungkook told Jin once they were in the cafe and he told the whole story again.

''Finally, took y'all long enough.'' Jin grinned.

''Why does everyone keep on saying that,'' Jimin whined.

''Because it's the truth, you guys took ages while it was obvious you guys are made for each other,'' Taehyung said as he looked at the elder.

''Right.'' The elder muttered.

''So, does that mean you're gonna sleep together every night?" Namjoon suddenly asked. ''I mean Jin and I have only one bed, but since you got two...'' He added.

''No idea, we'll see. It's supposed to happen naturally, you shouldn't plan a whole ass relationship you know.'' Jungkook said, who sat next to Jimin his hand on the elder's thigh.

''Since when is that boy smart,'' Jin whispered to his boyfriend.

''I've always been you just never noticed.'' The youngest said as he glared at the eldest.

''Right,'' Namjoon replied. ''Anyway, we should go back.'' He then added to which they all agreed. They bid the eldest goodbye and then they left, back to college.


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