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''I'M HOME!'' Jimin shouted as soon as he entered the apartment.

''ME TOO!'' Jungkook shouted back from his room.

''WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT MAKING A MESS?'' The elder shouted angrily as he walked towards the younger's room.

''Ah Hyung, I was just hungry.'' The younger said after he turned around to face his angry Hyung.

''You are a young adult but you eat like a 3-year-old kid.'' The elder mumbled.

''My dick says otherwise,'' Jungkook mumbled.

''Yeah I know but still, anyway, who's gonna clean the mess?" Jimin asked as he looked at the younger who looked back with puppy eyes.

''You?'' He asked cutely.

''Not a chance in hell,'' The elder said as he bent forward so he was on eye level with Jungkook.

''Hmm I don't wanna.'' The younger whined.

''I don't care, make sure you cleaned it before dinner or no dinner for you,'' Jimin said and wanted to stand up straight and walk away but Jungkook thought otherwise. ''Jungkook? What are you doing?" The eldest asked kinda shocked.

''Pulling you on my lap and you gotta sit there till I'm done with my homework.'' The younger said in a serious tone.

''But I need to do my homework too and I need to cook, so let me go and listen to your Hyung for once.'' The elder sighed as he tried to get out of Jungkook's grip, but of course, he failed. He should've known, that boy looks like a muscle pig.

''Then I'll help you with dinner and sit on your lap during your homework.'' The younger said as he tightened his grip on his Hyung.

''You're unbelievable,'' Jimin mumbled but gave up on trying to leave.

He wrapped his arm around Jungkook's shoulder, he then moved a bit so he was in a comfortable position and then rested his head on the arm which rested on Jungkook's shoulders.

''What do you need to do?'' The elder asked the younger.

''I have to make a report for literature and just some things for math. Not that much.'' Jungkook said as he began writing his report.

''Why don't you use your laptop?'' The elder asked lazily.

''That ass wants it handwritten.'' The younger sighed.

''Welcome to college,'' Jimin chuckled. ''Anyway, if you need help wake me up I'm gonna sleep.'' Jimin yawned.

''Sure thing,'' The younger chuckled and began writing.


''Jungkookie-ah? Jimin-ah?'' A voice suddenly asked.

''What the fuck Hyung?!" Jungkook whisper-shouted. ''Jimin is sleeping!" He said as he turned around.

''I see, and he has a nice place too.'' Namjoon chuckled.

''How did you come in anyway?'' The younger asked confused.

''We have your key, remember?'' The elder chuckled.

''Oh yeah, right. But what are you doing here?'' Jungkook asked, who had a sleeping Jimin on his shoulder.

''Jin kicked me out, I made a mess while he tried making dinner so I'm not allowed to go back until he calls me.'' The elder sighed as he sat down on Jungkook's bed.

''Poor you,'' Jungkook chuckled as he rubbed invisible circles on his Hyung's back.

''Yeah, but anyway, why is Jimin sleeping on your shoulder while your living room is a mess?'' Namjoon asked confused.

''Well, I kinda made a mess before he came home, and when he came home he got mad at me for making such a mess. So he wanted me to clean it up, I didn't want to so I pulled him on my lap. And after he gave up on trying to get away he fell asleep on my shoulder.'' The younger explained in short.

''Right, I'm telling you one thing, young man. Even Jin and I don't do that.'' Namjoon chuckled but somehow at a very serious undertone.

''How many times do I have to tell you that Jimin and I aren't dating?'' Jungkook sighed.

''You two look good together.'' Namjoon grinned.

''Leave my Jungkookie alone,'' Jimin suddenly said in a raspy voice.

''So you weren't sleeping,'' The youngest chuckled.

''You think I can sleep when that guy comes in?'' Jimin grinned as he pointed at Namjoon, still with his head on his arm.

''Yah! I'm your Hyung, and I didn't know you were sleeping.'' Namjoon said as he defended himself.

''Right, be more careful next time. Anyway, are you sure you have your phone on? Your boyfriend would've called you already since he wants to spend every spare minute with you.'' Jimin chuckled.

''He doesn't have spare time when he's cooking Jiminie.'' Jungkook grinned.

''Indeed,'' Namjoon said but grabbed his phone anyway. ''Shit...'' He suddenly said before he ran away without saying anything.

''I guess you were right,'' The youngest chuckled as he turned back towards his desk.

''I know, anyway, how fare are you with your homework?'' The elder asked Jungkook.

''Hmm, almost finished. I just need to do math and then I'm done.'' Jungkook said lazily.

''If you make dinner, I'll finish your math.'' The eldest sighed as he pushed himself a bit up so he was sitting straight up now.

''Really?'' The younger asked excitedly.

''Yeah sure, but don't burn the kitchen,'' Jimin chuckled while he stood up as Jungkook did the same.

''I won't Hyungie and thanks!" He said happily before walking away and started making dinner.

Meanwhile during dinner by Namjin.

''I swear baby when I came in. Jimin was sleeping on Jungkook's shoulder while Jungkook was doing his homework. You should've seen it! It was so cute!" Namjoon told his boyfriend happily.

''I knew it, they are just made for each other.'' Jin chuckled.

''They definitely are, anyway, the party Friday. I got this feeling some things will happen between them. I just don't know if it is a good or a bad thing.'' The younger sighed.

''Just because everyone loses their virginity at that party, doesn't mean Jimin and Jungkook will baby,'' Jin said softly.

''I know, but I can't help but really hope they will.'' Namjoon chuckled while he boyfriend shook his head.

''You'll never grow up.'' He mumbled.


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