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"You ready for this?"

"Y-yes!'' Jimin said getting impatient. ''Just f-fuck me a-already.'' He then breathed out as he looked at his best friend above him who looked at him with lustful eyes.

''Be a little patient baby,'' The said person chuckled as he bent down to capture the elder's lips who immediately kissed him back.

''Y-Your l-lips are s-so soft.'' Jimin brought out between de kisses they shared.

''I know,'' The younger grinned before he suddenly ripped off the elder's shirt and attacked his chest with open mouth kisses.

He moved his mouth towards the nipples of the elder where he began swirling his tongue around the sensitive part of the elder's body.

''Ahh J-Jungkookie~'' Jimin moaned as he felt the younger's muscle doing wonders to his body when it moved all over his chest and slowly moving lower towards his pelvis where he began sucking, biting, and licking. Creating colorful hickeys on the others' body.

''Tell me what you want baby.'' Teased the younger as he looked up at the elder with a smirk.

''I w-want y-you to f-fuck me h-hard so I won't r-remember my o-own n-name!" The elder brought out aching for the younger's touch.

''That's a good boy,'' Jungkook smirked and in one move he pulled down the elder's jeans. And dived his head between the other's thighs where made a few hickeys.

In a swift motion, he pulled down Jimin's boxers, the cold suddenly hitting his already hard cock causing the elder to let out a breathy moan.

''J-Jungkook, p-please,'' Jimin begged, not knowing for what exactly he was begging.

The younger moved his lips along the elder's cock before he took it in whole, skillfully sucking his length making the elder moan out loud while moving his hips up and down.

''J-Jungkook! I-I'm coming!" The elder screamed out because of the pleasure which all of a sudden vanished away. ''W-why d-did you s-stop?'' He asked confused as he saw Jungkook sitting on his knees taking off his shirt. Showing his well-build body to the elder who drooled over the sight.

''I want you to cum the first time when I'm buried deep inside of you, baby'' Jungkook said as he bent down to kiss the elder's sinful lips who immediately moaned at the feeling.

Soon the younger broke apart and pulled his jeans down along with his boxers just to toss them somewhere in the room. As soon as he dick sprung out, the elder gasped and wrapped his tiny hand around the huge dick of the younger, moving it up and down.

''A-ahh b-baby y-you're doing s-so well,'' The younger moaned at the pleasure the elder was giving him. Suddenly the younger pushed the elder down and kissed his lips once again. ''You sure you wanna do this?'' He whispered above the elder's lips.

''Y-Yes p-please!'' The elder begged once again which made the younger smirk before he pressed his lips once again on the ones of the elder and then slowly inserted one finger into the elder's ass where he began moving it back and forth in a slow rhythm. When he was sure the elder was used to it, he inserted a second finger. Now scissoring the elder open who was already a moaning mess. After a few minutes, he pushed in the third finger, jabbing right into the elder's prostate. ''I'm c-close J-Jungkook, p-please.'' The elder moaned at the immense pleasure.

''Your wish is my command, baby.'' Said Jungkook in a low tone as he pulled out his fingers but soon replaced it with his huge cock and circled it a little around the elder's hole, teasing him a bit before he slowly pushed in his length.

When he entered the elder fully, he waited a bit until he was sure the elder was already and began moving inside the elder. Making the elder cry out because of the huge pleasure the younger was giving him.

''F-faster d-daddy,'' Jimin moaned, causing the younger to be shocked at the nickname before he smirked.

''My baby wants it fast, huh?'' He smirked and suddenly set up a damn fast space. Pushing his huge length in and out the elder who didn't know what to do with the pleasure he received. He grabbed the sheets but with the fast spaced the younger had it wasn't a huge help. It didn't take long for the elder to cum since the younger had teased him two times before.

''I-I'M C-CUMMING!" The elder cried out and a second later his white liquid covered his and Jungkook's body.

''I-I'M C-CLOSE!'' The younger moaned, just a few thrusts later he released himself deep inside the elder. He rode out their orgasms before he felt down beside the elder and pulled him on his chest.

''I'm tired as fuck.'' The elder was the first thing the elder said as he pressed a small kiss on the younger's chest which made the younger chuckle.

''I found it amazing too baby, but alright go to sleep.'' He grinned while placing a kiss on the elder's crown. They both closed their eyes and soon after they fell asleep.


Thanks for reading!💜

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