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''GUESS WHAT?!" Hoseok said excitedly as he sat down next to the couple.

''Do we even want to know?'' Jimin sighed with a loud sigh.

''No, you don't just look at the look on his face.'' Jungkook grinned who had had his arm wrapped around the elder.

''I had the best sex ever last night.'' The eldest said ever so happy.

''Didn't we need to go somewhere?'' Jungkook sighed with a frown as he looked at his boyfriend.

''Yeah, no idea where but let's go.'' The elder said sarcastically as he stood up but someone held his wrist.

''Alright, alright I'll shut up but please stay,'' Hoseok begged while looking at the younger with big eyes.

''Fine but say one more thing about your amazing sex and we are out,'' Jungkook said sternly to which the eldest nodded eagerly.

''So, what did you do last night?'' The eldest asked once the couple sat down again.

''Let me think.'' Jimin started. ''Oh right, I went to the beach with my friends and boyfriend, I almost forgot. Hellooo? You were there too?'' He then added in a sarcastic tone making his boyfriend chuckle in his ear.

''I meant after we got home you dumbass.'' Hoseok sighed as he rolled his eyes at the younger.

''None of your business.'' The youngest quickly said but the elder smirked.

''We fucked, and hard,'' Jimin answered with a proud look on his face.

''And here you are telling me your sex life when you just got mad at me for doing so.'' The eldest claimed with a raised eyebrow and crossed arms.

''The difference is you asked us, we didn't ask you,'' Jimin answered nonchalantly as he shrugged his shoulders.

''You're a pain in the ass,'' Hoseok mumbled as he looked away.

''No, I have pain the ass.'' Jimin grinned proudly while Jungkook facepalmed himself.

''O my god I'm outta here.'' The eldest said before he practically ran away.

''You really are a pain in the ass,'' Jungkook chuckled while wrapping his arm around the elder's shoulder once again.

''I know,'' The elder grinned as he leaned into the younger's chest.

''Oh God,'' The younger suddenly breathed out making the elder look up at him in confusion.

''What's wrong?" He then asked concerned.

''Look,'' The younger only said and nodded his head towards a certain direction.

''For the love of God, no.'' Jimin now whined too.

''So since you told basically told me Jungkook ripped your ass apart.'' Hoseok started with a proud smile while having his arms around the shoulders of his boyfriends. ''I ripped two apart.'' He added with a sly grin.

''Jesus Hyung, grow the fuck up.'' Jungkook groaned.

''What Jeon, are we jealous?'' The elder just grinned, his grin never leaving his face.

''He was on fire last night. Like goddamn.'' Taehyung breathed out, probably recalling the memory.

''Why the frick frocking frick frock are we friends with you.'' Jimin groaned and buried his face in his face.

''What the hell did you just say?!" Yoongi asked dumbfounded.

''Frick... frocking... frick... frock,'' Jimin repeated slowly making the eyes of the three in front of them go wide.
(Lol it's just a thing me and my friends use when we're in class.)

''Where the hell did you get that from?!" Hoseok asked, still with his eyes wide.

''Oh, I just saw it somewhere.'' Jimin shrugged but happy that the other topic was over.

''Could you repeat it?'' Taehyung asked still confused as ever.

''Eat my ass.'' Jimin just stated but then frowned. ''Actually no, I take that back. It's only for Jungkook to eat.'' He then grinned.

''Why did you have to go in that direction, babe. I was so happy the topic was dropped.'' The youngest whined.

''Oops, sorry,'' His boyfriend chuckled sheepishly.

''Hey guys, where is Namjoon-Hyung?" Yoongi suddenly asked to which they all went silent.

''I have no idea,'' Jungkook said sheepishly this time as he scratched his head.

''Maybe at Jin's café?'' Hoseok said a bit hesitant.

''You know honey, we could just look around the school first,'' Taehyung said in a soft tone.

''Or we could just call him,'' Jimin said as he shrugged his shoulder.

''On it.'' Yoongi only said as he grabbed his phone.

Yah you idiot where are you?


You could have told us, brat


Right, yeah see you

''Where is he?'' Jimin asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

''That idiot in the music room and decided not to tell us.'' Yoongi groaned as he looked unamused.

''Why are you so angry about it Hyung?'' Hoseok asked a bit confused while he sat down next to Jimin.

''It's the music room Hoseok, the place I love the most in this whole stupid building and that asshole decided to go there all by himself,'' Yoongi replied with anger in his voice.

''You are swearing way too much for my liking,'' Jungkook commented as he looked at his Hyung.

''Sorry kid. Didn't know you just came out of the diapers.'' The eldest replied sarcastically.

''If you hate it so much, then why don't you go there?'' Jimin then said.

''I'm already on my way, kid.'' Yoongi answered and basically ran away.

''What is wrong with him today?'' The youngest groaned as he let his head fall on his boyfriend's shoulder.

''He's just upset because I ripped his ass apart last night.'' Hoseok shrugged as the sly grin on his face appeared on his face again.

''Alright, Jungkook come on we're out of here,'' Jimin said as he pulled his boyfriend up and ran away with him.

''AH COME ON YOU ARE NO FUN!" Hoseok shouted but the two didn't hear it as they were just focussing on running.


Thanks for reading!💜

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