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''HYUNG! HURRY UP THE OTHERS ARE HERE ALREADY!'' Jungkook shouted towards his Hyung's door who got in there twenty minutes ago.

''I'M COMING!'' A voice shouted back and ten seconds later Jimin walked in, looking as stunning as ever.

''Damn... you look breathtaking Jiminie.'' Jungkook breathed out as soon as he saw his Hyung.

''Thanks JK, you don't think it's too much make-up?'' The elder asked a little worried.

''For once, no. You look amazing.'' The younger said as he wrapped his arm around the shoulders of the elder.

''Thanks, anyway, let's go the others are waiting,'' Jimin said as he nodded towards the others who were watching them with a knowing look.

''You lovebirds ready to go?'' Taehyung asked with a smirk.

''Ready as ever,'' Jungkook said and walked out, still with Jimin under his arm.

''You know the way kid?" Yoongi asked with a raised eyebrow.

''No, I don't but Jimin-Hyung must do.'' The youngest of them said with a smirk.

''Yep I do, and hurry up Namjin, we're already late.'' Jimin sighed as he looked back at the couple who were sucking each others' faces off.

''We're on time Jiminie, and let 'em have their moment.'' Jungkook chuckled as he pulled the older with him.

''Respect your Hyung for once!'' Jimin whined as he walked with Jungkook who just grinned at the elder's reaction.

''One rule though,'' Jin started all of a sudden. ''We're leaving altogether, not leaving the others behind go it?'' He asked in a stern voice to which they all nodded.

''Alright, are you ready Kooks?" Hoseok asked when they arrived at the party.

''Ready as I'll ever be.'' The younger said, who still had his arm around Jimin's shoulder.

They walked in and immediately got greeted by loud music and a huge amount of people. While trying to find a place they all grabbed a drink and finally found a place where the seven of them could sit together on some red couch.

''Damn, why the hell must it be this crowdy?'' Yoongi groaned who sat between his two lovers in.

''This is the party of the year baby, of course it's crowded,'' Hoseok said as he placed a kiss on Yoongi's cheek.

''Still,'' Groaned the elder.

''C'mon Hyung, grab a few more drinks, loosen up a bit and dance.'' Jungkook said who already drank his first drink.

''Indeed Hyung, you probably get laid later tonight by your two lovely boyfriends but get in the mood already.'' Jimin nodded, totally agreeing with the younger.

''Alright, I'm getting a Sex on the Beach, at least I hope they have this shit here. Who wants one?'' The youngest asked as he stood up.

''Me, but I'll go with you,'' Jimin said as he stood up too.

''Why are you getting a Sex on the Beach when you're at a party? The weather isn't even that sunny, we aren't on the beach. Literally nothing, so why?" Namjoon asked confused at the two.

''Namjoon-Hyung,'' Jungkook started with a sweet smile. ''A Sex on the Beach is damn tasty and I don't give two single fucks about the weather or the beach. If I want a Sex on the Beach then I want one and no one's gonna stop me.'' The younger said and turned around on his heels towards the bar.

''You were kinda disrespectful towards Namjoon-Hyung, you know,'' Jimin said once they sat down with their drink.

''I know, I'll apologize tomorrow.'' Jungkook sat down as he looked at his Hyung.

''We both know you're gonna forget that,'' Jimin said as he took a sip of his drink. ''This will never taste bad.'' He then nodded satisfied.

''Told ya,'' Jungkook grinned. ''Wanna dance?'' He then asked the elder.

''Sure, just a vodka,'' Jimin said. ''Two vodka please,'' He then asked the guy behind the bar.

''Hyung, I drank a lot. But I've never had vodka.'' Jungkook whispered to the elder.

''No worries, you'll like it.'' The elder whispered back as he gave the drink to the younger.

''Damn... my troat's on fire,'' Jungkook said once he drank the liquid.

''But you like it,'' The elder chuckled and pulled Jungkook of his chair. ''C'mon show me your moves.'' He then said.

''You'll be impressed Hyung,'' The younger grinned as he walked on the dancefloor with his Hyung.

''Hmm, show me.'' The elder said as he began dancing in front of the younger who looked at him with a dark look.

''You still have it in you Jimin,'' The younger grinned as he began moving his body to the beat too.

It didn't take long for the two to dance closer to each other to the point where they were practically dancing against each other. Moving their bodies against each other, hands all of each other, grinding against each other. No personal space.

''Turn around,'' Jungkook whispered into the elder's ear who immediately turned around so his back was pressed against Jungkook's front.

The elder wrapped his around the younger and moved his neck a bit to the side after he laid his head on the younger's neck. His empty, silky neck on full display for the younger who had his arms wrapped around the elder, his hands roaming all over the elder's body.

''I'm horny bro,'' Jimin whispered into the younger's ear.

''Then be a good boy and don't call me daddy later instead of bro. I may can take you somewhere.'' The younger whispered back as he started placing feather-light kisses all over the elder's neck.

''Not here Jungkook,'' The elder whispered as he pushed himself off the younger.

''Alright come with me,'' Jungkook said as he pulled the elder towards the other's who were still on the couch. ''Jimin and I are going to the rooms on the second floor, no questions asked,'' Jungkook said and pulled Jimin with him upstairs and opening a door where he pushed the elder in and pushed him against the wall after he closed the door behind them.

''You ready for this?" He whispered in a dark, low tone.


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