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''Jungkook! Hurry up for once! The party starts in four we need to hurry up!'' Jimin whined as they walked towards their room.

''Calm down Hyung, we only need to eat and change.'' The younger chuckled.

''Yeah but you know it takes me an hour to choose an outfit and I need to do my make-up. And I need to cook dinner! Four hours isn't that much Jungkook!'' The elder said slightly scolding the younger.

''You'll look perfect in whatever you wear, and you know I don't like it when you wear too much make-up Hyung,'' Jungkook said softly as he held the arm of his Hyung so they stood still.

''I know Jungkookie, but I wanna look good!" Jimin sighed as he looked at the younger.

''I get it, but I swear of you wear too much, I'm gonna remove it from your face. Got it?'' Jungkook threatened the elder who grinned.

''Yeah I got it, now let's go!" The elder said excitedly and started walking away while dragging the younger with him.

''Sometimes I wonder who the youngest is here,'' Jungkook mumbled as he walked next to Jimin.

''Never forget you are.'' The elder chuckled as they entered their apartment.

''Alright, you get changed. I'm gonna do nothing, just make sure you make dinner on time.'' The younger grinned as he let himself fall on the couch.

''Brat,'' Jimin mumbled under his breath but grinned afterward.

Jimin went into his room where he opened his closet, trying to find a good outfit for the night. Keywords, trying to. It didn't take ten minutes before he shouted for the younger.

''JUNGKOOKIE-AH I NEED HELP!" He shouted towards the living room but got no answer.

''JUNGKOOK!'' He shouted again, but still got no answer so he walked into the living room where he found the younger playing a game he doesn't know the name of and was in a completely other world.

Jimin walked over the younger and brought his mouth towards the younger's ear who still hadn't noticed him.

''I'm gonna kill you.'' The elder whispered in a dark tone into the other's ear causing the younger to scream and jump from the couch, falling onto the ground.

''JESUS HYUNG!" The younger yelled as he still laid on the ground.

''You did it yourself.'' The elder shrugged.

''You scared the hell outta me, anyway, mind telling me why you're walking around in only your boxers?" Jungkook asked as he eyed his Hyung from head to toe.

''Yeah, I need help with choosing my outfit,'' Jimin said as he crossed his arms.

''That's the reason you scared the hell outta me?!'' The younger asked in disbelief.

''Bro, I called you twice but your ass was playing that stupid game so I had to do it this way,'' Jimin said as he frowned.

''Yeah right, but can't you do it yourself? You haven't been in there for ten minutes.'' Jungkook said as he nodded towards Jimin's room.

''I tried, but I want your help so if you don't help me. No dinner for you tonight.'' The elder said, lowering his voice at the end.

''I really need to learn to cook.'' The younger muttered as he stood up.

''Oh don't worry, I don't mind cooking for us.'' The elder smirked.

''You know that's not what I meant,'' Jungkook said as he walked over to his Hyung.

''I know, but I liked it more that way,'' Jimin smirked at the younger.

''Yeah sure,'' Jungkook mumbled before he lifted the elder up and carried him towards his room.

''Mind telling me why you're carrying me? Not that I'm complaining though.'' Jimin said as he chuckled.

''I just wanted to.'' He said as he placed the elder on his bed while turning towards the closet and well, the ground. ''How can you make such a mess in just ten minutes?'' The younger asked in disbelief.

''It's not that difficult.'' The elder shrugged as he stood next to the younger.

''Right, what color do you want?'' The younger asked while eyeing the mess.

''I don't know,'' The elder shrugged.

''Long sleeves or not?''

''I don't know,''

''Light or dark?''

''I don't know,''

''Alright, I'm leaving.''

''I don't kno- I MEAN STAY!" The elder suddenly shouted as he saw the younger walking away.

''Jimin you freaked out about choosing an outfit but here you are not knowing what you want.'' The younger said with a raised eyebrow.

''Just... choose one?'' The elder asked hesitated.

''Alright, and believe me when I say you look amazing okay?'' Jungkook asked while walking back into the room.

''Yes, sure,'' Jimin said, looking relieved the younger still wants to help him.

Jungkook searched through the closet and ground, picking up clothes, shaking his head, throwing them away. Picking a new pair, thinking, shaking his head, throwing them away and searched further till he found the one.

''You are gonna wear and you are not gonna complain,'' Jungkook said as he threw some clothes at the elder before walking out. ''I'm gonna change too!" He shouted at the elder who shouted an ''Okay and thank you!" back.

When Jimin was done changing, he walked towards the kitchen and began making dinner since it was already 5. After half an hour he was done and called the younger to eat.

''Damn bro, you look amazing!" Jungkook said as he looked at Jimin who blushed by his compliment.

(I'm dead)

''Thanks, you too though.'' He then said with a dark blush.

''Thanks, anyway, let's eat before we need to go.'' Jungkook chuckled as he sat down.

''Yeah, thanks for helping me though,'' Jimin said as he sat down too.

''You're welcome Hyung,'' Jungkook said, smiling softly.


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