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''JUNGKOOK GET YOUR ASS HERE RIGHT NOW!'' Yelled an angry Jimin from the bathroom.

''I'm BUSY HYUNG!" A frightened Jungkook yelled from his room.


''What do you want Hyung?" Jungkook asked 8 seconds later as he scratched the back of his head.

''What the hell is this?" Jimin asked angrily as he pointed at the bathroom floor.

''A bathroom floor.... with clothes.... and underwear?'' The younger answered nervously.

''And why the hell is that?" The elder said as he glared at the younger.

''Because I showered? And I was too lazy to put them in the baskets?'' Jungkook answered again, still nervous.

''Exactly. Mind to explain WHY THE HELL YOU DIDN'T INVITE ME?!" The elder yelled all of a sudden again.

''Jesus Hyung I'm so- wait what?'' The younger asked confused.

''I asked why you didn't invite me!" The elder shouted as he walked to the younger. ''We haven't fucked for a week, I want your huge dick deep inside of me. And I want no complaints, got it. Fuck your best friend, right here and now!'' Jimin said angrily but horny at the same time.

''Jesus are you on your period?" The younger mumbled but the elder caught it.

''You don't want to? Alright, I'm sure someone out there wants to fu-'' Before the elder could finish his sentence the younger smashed his lips on the ones of the elder.

''I didn't say I didn't want to fuck you, did I?" Jungkook said in a deep, angry voice as he looked at the elder when he broke apart. But held his face inches away from the elder's.

''Y-you didn't,'' Jimin said as he stuttered a bit but let out a loud gasp when the younger cupped his dick.

''Already hard, huh? Such a horny little boy.'' Jungkook growled into the elder's ear, making him moan just because of his voice and his hand on his own dick.

''P-please f-fuck me,'' Jimin begged as he looked at the younger.

''Don't you think... you deserve a punishment for making daddy mad?'' Jungkook asked in a deep voice while moving his hand back and forth over the elder's dick.

''J-just do s-something to m-me, d-daddy, p-please.'' The elder begged as he couldn't wait any longer to get pleasure again from the younger.

''Such a horny boy aren't you?'' The younger said before he picked the elder up and threw him over his shoulder while slapping his ass making the elder moan. As the younger walked into his bedroom he threw the elder on his bed and then turned around to walk towards his wardrobe. Meanwhile, the elder got impatient as he saw the younger searching for something and already took off his clothes to free his rock hard dick.

''Jungkook?" The elder asked in a fragile voice making the younger smirk.

''That's not my name baby.'' The younger spoke up, still with his head in the wardrobe.

''Daddy?" The elder asked again.

''I'm coming baby,'' Jungkook said as he turned around, now holding a red box. ''Already undressed, huh. Never thought you could be this horny.'' Jungkook said as he placed the box on the nightstand before he hovered over the elder. ''But I love it.'' He whispered and then smashed his lips on Jimin's plump lips. But soon after he broke the kiss and took off his own clothes. Making the elder drool over his body, like always.

''H-hurry up p-please.'' The elder whined as he looked at the younger above him who just smirked.

''Oh baby, you got nothing to say in this.'' He smirked before he stood up and picked up the red box and took a cockring out of it. ''Guess what's gonna happen?'' The younger said as he put the ring onto the elder's cock.

''N-no, da-daddy d-don't.'' Jimin whined again but the younger just smirked.

''Didn't I say you got nothing to say in this?" Jungkook said in a dark, low yet sexy voice. But the elder didn't reply, he just tried to focus on the fingers of the younger which made their way into his tight hole. ''I love you tight you will always be, baby.'' The younger spoke up while scissoring the elder open.

''AAH!" The elder suddenly moaned when he felt something cold and vibrating into his hole.

''Surprise.'' The younger just smirked sexily as he looked at the elder who lay moaned on the bed with a vibrator inside his hole.

''T-this f-feels s-so g-good!" The elder moaned and cried at the same time because of the pleasure.

''It does? How about this?" The younger spoke up and turned the vibrator on his highest level. Causing the elder to shed tears while moaning out loud.

''P-please l-let me c-cum.'' Jimin begged as he looked at the younger with watery eyes.

''Not yet, baby.'' Jungkook grinned sexily while looking at the elder with a hard cock. ''I wanna be inside you first.'' He then added in a low tone and climbed on the bed, removed the vibrator and pushed his rock hard cock into the elder's hole.

''DA-DADDY!" Jimin immediately moaned as the younger pushed his cock in and out the elder's hole in a merciless space.

''You feel so damn good, baby.'' Jungkook moaned while he kept on moving. Tears streamed down the elder's face as his hole got wrecked by the younger's dick and the immense pleasure he was receiving from it. ''You look so beautiful under me, completely wrecked because of me.'' The younger breathed out as he looked at the breathtaking view under him.

''D-DADDY.... P-PLEASE L-L-LET ME C-CUM!" Jimin cried out as the younger kept on hitting his G-spot. A second later the cold air hit the elder's cock, making him cum immediately because of everything he was receiving. ''P-please c-cum i-inside o-of me d-daddy.'' The elder moaned feeling the hot load of the younger a few seconds later deep inside. Jungkook rode out their orgasms and then he felt down next to him.

''All of this because I didn't invite you into the shower with me.'' He grinned making the elder chuckle.

''I just missed you inside of me.'' The elder said as he cuddled into the younger's arm.

''It felt amazing, baby.'' The younger said as he pressed a kiss on the elder's head.

''I wanna sleep.'' The elder muttered making the younger chuckle.

''Sure, sleep as much you want,'' Jungkook said but didn't get a reply back, just some cute snores, making him smile fondly at the elder. ''Sleep tight,'' He said softly before he closed his eyes.


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