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''How was the sex?'' Taehyung asked as he leaned against the doorframe.

''Not that it's any of your business...'' Jimin answered who opened the door. ''But it was fucking amazing.'' He added with a smug smile.

''Well, I see you're still able to walk so I guess he didn't go too hard on you, huh?'' The younger asked with a smirk playing on his lips.

''You should've seen the way he walked to the door.'' Jungkook's voice suddenly sounded behind Jimin as he wrapped his arms around the elder.

''He decided to fuck me raw,'' Jimin muttered as he leaned back into the younger's hard chest.

''Oof, that must hurt. Hoseok did it to me once, holy mother of god that hurts.'' Taehyung said with a painful look on his face, probably recalling the memory.

''But you loved it,'' Hoseok said who stood behind Taehyung with one arm around the younger's shoulder and the other one around the shoulder of his older boyfriend.

''Maybe I did, maybe I didn't,'' Taehyung smirked as he leaned into his boyfriend.

''You wanna do it again since you aren't sure?" Hoseok whispered into his boyfriend's ear while a sly smirk was playing on his lips.

''Only if you take me too.'' Yoongi suddenly said with a monotone tone.

''Sure baby.'' Hoseok grinned as he looked proud at the other couple. ''You maybe won't see those two Monday, just so know.'' He then said.

''Thanks for the warning, where are Jin-Hyung and Namjoon-Hyung though?'' The youngest asked confused as he leaned his chin on his boyfriend's shoulder.

''They're probably fucking,'' Yoongi shrugged.

''No, that's for tonight, unlike those two.'' The voice of the eldest suddenly sounded behind them.

''Great, nothing more about sex, let's go to the beach alright?'' Jimin said as he pushed himself away from his boyfriend and walked (read as limped) out of the door.

''You didn't have mercy on him, did you?'' Taehyung whispered to the younger once the others were already gone.

''It was his own fault.'' The younger shrugged and locked the door before he walked away.

''I feel sorry for him.'' The elder said as he slightly shook his head.

''Believe me, you don't have to.'' Jungkook grinned while they walked down the stairs.

''Where the hell were you guys?'' Hoseok asked as he saw the two of them walking to the cars.

''We just had a small conversation, calm your ass down bro.'' The youngest said as he stepped in the car next to his boyfriend.

''Yeah, chill a bit babe.'' Taehyung also said as he gave his boyfriend a quick peck on the lips before he entered the other car, sitting next to his other boyfriend.

''Alright, are we gonna sit with the duo or the trio?'' The eldest said while he looked at his boyfriend.

''We are not gonna sit with the duo, they just had sex, there's no way they can control their hormones now.'' His boyfriend said with a slight smirk playing on his lips.

''Good choice,'' Jungkook shouted from his car and closed the door with a loud thud.

''Let's go.'' The eldest said with a sigh as he entered the car where the trio was seated.

''Jungkook, keep your hands to yourself. I'm driving for fuck's sake!" Jimin said frustrated as he removed his boyfriend's hand from his thigh.

''I'm your boyfriend, I can touch you whenever I want to baby.'' The younger said while a smirk was playing on his lips.

''I think the hell not.'' The shorter complained as he again removed the youngers hand from his thigh.

''You are no fun.'' Jungkook pouted and crossed his arms while looking outside.

''When we come back, this body is all yours, kay?'' The elder sighed as he smiled at his boyfriend.

''You said it, you can't take it back.'' The younger said cutely.

''I know, I know,'' Jimin replied with a fond smile.

''IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE WE'VE BEEN HERE!" Hoseok shouted excitedly as he ran on the beach with his arms wide open.

''Sometimes I really wonder how it's possible that he is older than me.'' The youngest of the seven mumbled while watching his Hyung running on the beach like a small kid.

''Stop wondering, you'll never find out.'' Yoongi grinned while letting himself fall in the sand.

''I hate that you're always right.'' Jungkook pouted as he let himself fall down next to the elder.

''Some people are genius, some people just aren't.'' The elder said as he shrugged his shoulders.

''Again, you're right.'' The younger mumbled.

''Who's going with me for a swim?'' Hoseok voice suddenly sounded next to them.

''It's fucking 8:30 PM Hyung, you wanna catch a cold?'' Jimin said with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow.

''Calm down babe,'' Jungkook said softly as he pulled the elder next to him in the sand.

''I am calm, I just don't wanna catch a cold.'' The elder said as he leaned his head on the younger's shoulder.

''We'll just keep our shirts on when we're done swimming we'll just make a fire to warm ourselves up,'' Namjoon said who had his arm wrapped around the shoulders of his elder boyfriend.

''Alright,'' Jimin sighed and pulled his jeans off, the other six doing the same.

''It's fucking freezing,'' Yoongi said as soon as their feet were in the sea.

''Leave your grandpa talk for in bed when Hoseok and Taehyung fall asleep,'' Namjoon commented who was already to his waist in the sea.

''He always falls asleep first,'' Hoseok said dryly.

''Alright, then it sucks to be Hyung, but you ain't gonna whine.'' The elder answered as he shrugged his shoulders and turned around before he dived into the cold water.

''He needs to learn how to respect his elders,'' Yoongi mumbled while moving further into the water.

''You'll never get used to the water if you go this slow.'' Jungkook grinned behind the elder.

''I swear to God I'll cut your balls if you-'' Yoongi started but got pushed into the water.

''I didn't quite hear you?'' Jungkook laughed a few meters away from the elder.

''Get here you brat!" Yoongi yelled as he began swimming to the younger.

''We should do this more often,'' Jimin said as he sat on his boyfriend's lap while watching the fire.

''We should it was really fun,'' Jungkook agreed as he rested his chin on the elder's shoulder.

''True, turns out other things then clubbing can be fun too,'' Hoseok grinned.

''Brat,'' The elder said as he slapped the younger.

''I've heard that more often,'' Hoseok still grinned making the elder scoff.

After that, it went silent and the only thing being heard was the faint noise of the fire with seven friends around watching the lighting in the dark.


Thanks for reading!💜

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