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This is gonna be the last chapter, I deeply apologize for this. This is definitely not the best book I've ever written. If you followed up you know it got deleted and I had to start again. Even though I had a lot of chapters downloaded, I still had to change a couple of things. I don't feel like writing anymore for this book, I believe my style has changed, and don't wanna continue like this. I'm also not gonna make promises for new books, that way I can leave no one disappointed. We'll see how things will go, I surely hope this won't be the last chapter I'll ever write. But still, I want to take this moment to thank all of you for supporting me all the way. Some people even came from YouTube :) so thank you for that. Lots of love!<3

''We need to talk'' Jimin softly said to Jungkook the next morning after waking up in his arms.

''Morning beautiful'' Jungkook mumbled in his morning voice. ''What is it?''

''We should move in together''

''You know, kiss me if I'm wrong. But I believe we already live together.'' The younger smiled as he pulled the elder closer to him.

Jimin sighed while cuddling more into his boyfriend and pressed a soft kiss on his chest. Oh, that hard chest he loved so much.

''I mean like not in a dorm but a house or an apartment for the both of us and where adults live and not just a bunch of gross teenagers or adults that behave like teenagers who come home late every night and make lots of noise.''

''I love the idea Jimin, but how are we gonna afford that? This is perfect for two students, I agree with you on the noisy people part. But we are not able to afford a whole house or an apartment with what we're earning.''

Jimin sighed once again as he sat up straight to face his beloved boyfriend.

''I may or may not have quite a bit of money I got from my late granddad. Since my dad was an only child and so am I, I'm the one that got everything. And well, you know my granddad was quite well off.''

''You are telling me your granddad was that well off, we can afford a house?'' The younger asked kind of shocked as he looked at his boyfriend with wide eyes.

''Yeah, well you shouldn't expect something like a mansion or anything but just a nice, small house for the both of us where we won't have to worry about other people.'' He replied while looking at Jungkook with a soft smile.

''Trust me, I love it but how do you think I feel when you're the one paying for the house?''

''Look at it as if I gave you a little present.''


''Nah baby, don't worry about that alright? I didn't work for it, I just received it and if it would make you feel any better my relationship with him wasn't the best.''

''Yeah you know it makes me feel a lot better knowing your relationship with your family is absolutely amazing,'' Jungkook replied sarcastically. 

A small smile painted Jimin's face while climbing out of the bed.

''That's a story for another time, now get out of bed and please get dressed. We need to go.''

Confused, the younger got out of bed and walked slowly towards the closet.

''Mind telling me where we're going?''

''I may or may not have been looking for a house over the last couple of days and I found like this really cute house, and I hope you're gonna love it as much as I do, even if you don't I don't care but please be honest and if you don't even wanna go it's fine by me too just be honest and-'' Jimin rambled when he got cut off by the younger as he pressed his lips against his.

''Stop rambling, and let's go.'' He smiled. ''I love to see what you picked out for us.''

''Thank you.'' Jimin smiled after a short pause.


''It's so cute!'' Jungkook squealed as they got out of the car and were walking towards the house.

''You like it?''

''No I love it.''

''Cliché...'' Jimin mumbled.

They pressed the doorbell and waited impatiently for the owner of the house to open the door for them. It took a while but then an old lady opened the door with a lovely smile.

''Mr. and Mr. Jeon?'' She asked sweetly what caused the younger to look confused to the elder who just shrugged his shoulder.

''It was easier that way.'' He murmured. He then looked up to the lady. ''Yes, that's us, it's so nice to meet you.'' 

''It's lovely to meet the two of you too, please come in. Would you like something to drink?'' She asked as she turned around and walked inside the house. The couple following her while taking a look around the house already.

''Yes please ma'am.'' Jungkook said. 

''Please take a seat'' she gestured toward the soft couch that was standing in the middle of the room.

As they took place she walked towards the kitchen to get them something to drink.

''It's really cozy,'' Jungkook said as he took a look around the living room.

''It is, isn't it?'' The elder answered while also taking a look around.

''So, you like what you see so far?'' The lady asked as she came back while holding two cups of coffee.

''It's really nice ma'am.'' Jimin said as he accepted the cups. 

''I know, and I hate that I'll leave it behind.'' She said as she sat down opposite of the boys. ''The only problem is I hated men and never got married.'' She smiled. ''I'm very happy that the two of you got each other, being men and dating a man. But I could never, never met the right man who could take care of me the way I deserved. The only problem is I have no one who can take care of me now. Which means I have to leave.'' 

''Trust me, men dating men isn't always roses either.'' Jungkook grinned while sipping his coffee. 

''I know...'' The lady smiled.

They chatted some more and eventually, the lady stood up again.

''Would you like a tour?''


''So, what do you think?'' Jimin asked once they stood outside again. The sweet lady showed them the whole house while telling stories from back in the day. It was really nice listening to her as she told her stories over the span of 50 years. 

''Let's start a new chapter.''


Thanks for reading!💜

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