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''Wakey wakey Hyung,'' Jungkook said as he woke up his Hyung.

''Hmm I don't wanna, what day is it even?'' Asked Jimin in a raspy voice as he rubbed his eyes.

''It's Saturday evening, but we need to eat Jimin,'' Jungkook said while sitting up straight.

''We maybe have had sex, but that doesn't mean you don't have to add the honorifics,'' Jimin said trying to act mad but didn't succeed.

''Don't try to act cute Hyung, you're way too cute for that.'' The younger grinned as he pecked the older's lips.

''Brat,'' Jimin whispered under his breath as he sat up too now.

''I'm going to make dinner, get changed before coming downstairs,'' Jungkook said before he stood up and walked towards the kitchen to make dinner for the two of them.

It didn't take long before he felt a pair of arms wrapped around his waist and a face in his back.

''There's no way you got changed this fast.'' Jungkook chuckled while he kept on cooking their dinner.

''You forgot to give me a morning kiss.'' Mumbled Jimin to his back making the younger turn around in his hold immediately and pressed his lips onto the ones of his Hyung. Suddenly someone knocked hard on the door, making them scream, not expecting it at all. Jungkook walked to the door and opened to be met with Namjoon-Hyung.

''Hey Namjoon-Hyung,'' Jungkook greeted as he looked behind the older to see his boyfriend standing there. ''And Jin-Hyung,'' He added with a grin.

''Hey Jungkookie,'' Namjoon said as he stepped inside.

''Morning!'' Greeted Jin-Hyung as he followed his boyfriend.

''Jesus Jimin, you have enough clothes, why don't you wear them?'' Namjoon asked as soon as he saw Jimin in just his boxers.

''I do, but I don't see a reason why I should wear them when I am with my best friend in our apartment.'' The younger said with raised eyebrows and crossed arms.

''Maybe you should eh... wear something Jimin-ah,'' Jungkook said as he scratched the back of his head.

''Alright, I'm back in a minute,'' Jimin sighed as he pushed himself off from the counter on which he was leaning and walked to his room.

''Why does he listen to you, and not to me? When I am the older one.'' Namjoon asked confused.

''I'm more special, and more loved by him Hyung,'' Jungkook grinned as he walked to the couch and let himself fall on it and turned the TV.

''You found clothes.'' The eldest said when he saw Jimin walking in wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. The younger just scoffed before he let himself fall next to Jungkook and stared at the TV.

''So, are you guys gonna tell us what happened last night?'' Namjoon asked who sat on the other couch next to his boyfriend.

''Give me one reason why we should,'' Jimin said lazily while the youngest was beet red.

''Hellooo, you just walked away and never came back!" The eldest of the four said annoyed.

''We fucked alright?'' Jimin said casually.

''HYUNG!" The younger immediately.

''What? It's the truth Jungkookie,'' The older grinned before he pulled the younger on his chest and started caressing the younger's head.

''Damn, they're cute,'' Namjoon whispered to Jin who nodded with a fond smile.

''So... are you guys dating?" The latter asked curiously.

''Nah we're not,'' Jimin said who still caressed the younger's head.

''WHY NOT?!'' Namjoon yelled as soon as the words left Jimin's mouth.

''I don't know, just friends with benefits.'' The younger shrugged.

''You mean, our Jungkookie, our baby knows what that means?'' Jin asked teasingly.

''I ain't no baby Hyung!'' Jungkook said offended.

''You'll talk differently once you know how he is in the sheets, sadly you'll never know,'' Jimin grinned making the younger blush.

''Alright, alright please don't give more details,'' Namjoon said with his hands up in the air causing the others to chuckle.

''Don't act as you've never fucked Hyung,'' The youngest said still grinning.

''Alright, we're leaving,'' Jin said and stood up, pulling his boyfriend with him and left.

''Have a good fuck!" Jimin yelled when the door was already closed.

''I'm gonna continue cooking,'' Jungkook said as he stood up but the elder grabbed his hand pulled him on the couch, causing the two of them laying on the couch. Jimin under the younger who looked at him with a confused look.

''I need your warmth, you're not allowed to leave.'' The elder pouted causing the younger to smile fondly at the elder.

''I'd love to stay with you but we need to eat Hyung,'' Jungkook said and pecked the elder's lips before he stood up and walked to the kitchen to continue cooking, as he expected felt he a pair of arms wrapping around his waist just a few seconds later.

''If you don't want to lay with me then just this way,'' The elder mumbled into the younger's back.

''You're way too cute,'' Jungkook grinned.


''I still don't get how you can cook this well.'' Jimin said once they were done eating.

''Practice Hyung, practice. Anway what time is it?'' The younger asked.

''Ehh it's 8,'' The elder replied after he checked the time on his phone.

''So, a movie and popcorn?'' The younger grinned.

''And cuddles?'' Jimin added with a cute smile.

''And cuddles.'' The younger added with a wide grin.

''Hell yes,'' Jimin grinned and walked to the couch to find a nice movie while the younger grabbed the popcorn. ''Wanna watch Hustlers?'' Jimin asked the younger.

''Isn't that the one with those girls in the strip club?" The younger asked once he sat next to the elder.

''Yep,'' The elder nodded.

''Nah, but Taehyung said I need to watch Project X so...'' The younger said and searched for the movie once the elder nodded.

''Enjoy Hyung,'' Grinned the younger as the elder laid his head on his lap with a mouth full of popcorn to watch the movie.

''Hmm twhanwks.'' Jimin said with his mouth full making the younger grin at the elder.


Thanks for reading!💜

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