I thank God for these magnificent brains that work in ways that always blow my mind!
And thank you, Jessi and Odette, for reading this as I wrote it, y'all kept me at it! If I had y'all when I started in 2009, I would've finished it WAY sooner... but the story might not have been the same!
And, Aniah, my baby sister who's love for books rivals my own! I'm so glad you loved TTSC—even though you hated me for the cliffhanger! I hope you love this one as well!
And thank you, awesome readers who have enjoyed the first book Through Time She Came! (If you haven't read that one, go read it before you start this one!)
Through Time Again
Science Fiction((SEQUEL to Through Time She Came)) "Our family was always important to the Maggios, Anet. In your timeline, we had managed to stay well-hidden. Something changed and brought us back out into the game." 2010 is not how she left it. The Maggio and th...