★ Chapter 1: They're on their way! ★

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They are at the boat about to board when Garmadon comes running.

 "Lloyd! Don't board that boat." He cried.

 "Dad?" Lloyd said in surprise.

 "Yes son. If you board Chen's boat, you may never return. Trust me."

 "But Dad! If we go to Chen's island, we'll see Zane! Chen claims he's alive. We have to go and see." Lloyd pleaded.

 "Zane? He died, he can't be alive! Don't you see, son? Chen's trying to trick you." 

 "We have to see. We may never know, and if it's true then we will have missed out chance to see an old friend again."

Before Garmadon could reply, someone else appeared. Someone that our dear Garmadon knows, and doesn't particularly like.

 "Clouse." Garmadon said, his voice laced with disgust.

 "Well... If it isn't my old friend Lord Garmadon. Oh wait... It's Sensei Garmadon now, isn't it?" Clouse replied in a monotone voice and with an evil grin on his face.

 "To be honest, I'm not that surprised Chen still has you doing all his work." Garmadon remarked, "But I guess there are some people who will do whatever it takes to get what they want." 

 Clouse snarled at the comment but Garmadon just turned to his son. "But very well, if you are going then so shall I. I must keep my only son safe, especially from someone like Chen."

 Just as they were boarding, Clouse stopped Garmadon. "Sorry, but there's not enough room" but Garmadon just looked at him and said: 

"Not enough room? Then I'll just make room" And with that, he threw one of Chen's followers overboard. "There. Now there's room."

 "I suppose so." Clouse said with a growl.

 Now the boat has departed, and they are on their way to Chen's island. Skylor went up to the group of six and shook Kai's hand, soaking up the power of fire.

 "Nice to meet you. I'm Skylor, Master of Amber." She said with a small blush.

 "It's great to meet you too. I'm Kai, the Elemental master of Fire!" Kai answered, obliviously. 

 "What in the name of the First Spinjitzu Master is Amber?" Jay asked in disbelief.

 "Well, I can absorb another Elemental Master's power by touch. Basically, because I shook Kai's hand, I can now use the Element Fire." Skylor said, moving her hand out of the way to make a demonstration.

 "That's cool!" Cole piped in.

 "Yeah!" Lloyd praised. Both he and Cole could see that Skylor likes Kai a little but they could see Kai has no genuine interest in her like that. Cole was a little relieved.

Later on, they have made it to Chen's island. Everyone looked in awe as they made their way off of the boat and into the tall building. They looked around and I'm not sure if it's just me but it looks bigger on the inside. Like the Tardis-

Lots of different elemental masters were in the room, and they looked to see a man with a weird snake head thing sitting in a throne. Before Chen spoke, Clouse came up next to him, letting him know that Garmadon was there and was looking out for his son. Chen just looked ecstatic and grinned like a child. 

 "Everyone has shown, I see!" Chen sounded excited, "Well you are all here to die! Just kidding. I'm a very fun guy, you know! You are all here to participate in the Tournament Of Elements! Everyone of you here has an element, except really one."

He turned to face Garmadon. "Hello, Lord Garmadon! I heard it's Sensei Garmadon now, if I'm correct?" He only gave a small nod before Chen continued, "Anyway, lots of different games will happen at at time so be prepared. Or not, whatever suits you. I don't really care. I'm bored of this now, you all have your own rooms specialised to your element. My staff will now escort you there! Bye bye!" And with that, lots of Kabuki came to escort the masters to their rooms. One for each elemental master.

Later, Chen was heard through some speakers saying about the first task. Everyone has to get a Jade Blade and the person who doesn't get one is eliminated. Once he had finished, he announced that it starts now.


 "Thinks it'll be an easy fight." Jay scoffs, while kicking a punching bag with Cole's smug grin on it. "I'll show him an easy fight. Except, I'll win!"

 "Jay, remember. Don't hold any grudges about the fight you two had about Nya. You know he apologised, he also mentioned that he doesn't even like her anymore!" Kai assured Jay, seeming a bit relieved when he said that last part. And unfortunately for him, Jay noticed this and saw his chance to mess with Kai for a minute.

 "Oh? You seem a little relieved when you said that, Kai. Does the all so great Fire Ninja have a crush on a certain Earth Ninja?" He asked, teasingly.

 "N-NO. Ahem, sorry. I don't know where ever you heard that but it's wrong. I don't like Cole." Kai tried his hardest to not show his flustered face and walked away before Jay could say anything else.


 "He thinks I'm the least valuable ninja? I'm gonna win!" Cole punches the bag down off of the chain that was holding it.

 "Don't forget Cole, that argument was ages ago and you two cleared it up. Besides, you had mentioned to everyone that you don't even like Nya anymore." Lloyd reassured Cole, "I believe you like the other Smith child, don't you?"

Cole blushed at the thought, "Quit it, you little runt. You don't start teasing now. I believe I remember an old crush of yours from Darkly's." Cole remarked, slyly smirking. He has the upper hand now.

 Lloyd was caught off guard. "H- how did you, uh, know?" Lloyd stuttered, his face flushed red with embarrassment. "You know what, I don't even want to know right now. Just remember Cole, fight fairly. Work it out with Jay." He tried hiding his flustered face and was failing. Miserably.

 "Hey, don't change the subject so quickly. I'll try to figure it out with Jay. But I want to know, do you still like Brad?"

 Lloyd looked sad. "I don't know. I haven't seen him for ages. It couldn't work either way because of the ageing tea."

 "It's okay kid. I'm sure you'll find someone else." Cole only got a small nod from Lloyd. Suddenly, a horn sounds, signalling for Lloyd to go and the fight to start.

Little do they know, Cole is gonna find someone for Lloyd soon. He's gonna bring his spirits up once more without even trying. Lloyd's gonna see his bestie again. At one point. Eh, who knows when but it'll happen.

A.N. It isn't long but it's more than last time. Next chapter will be all about the fight scene, but with a bit more pizzazz than the actual series because I feel like it. It might not be AS long though. But you never know. Woo, suspense. 1186 words!

Edit: 31/07/2023

Basically, like last chapter, I added something to the title and made the speech a little different bc I felt like it. I hope everyone is having a lovely day/night. Who knows what time it is when you're reading this. Bye!

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