★ Chapter 12: Home all together again ★

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They are on their way to the Samuri X cave. They are still on the dragons and they are talking about anything they can think of. Mainly about what happened with Skylor and Brad.


 "So how did you manage to annoy Chen enough to go to Darkly's?" Lloyd asked as Brad and Skylor had informed him on the plan that they had.

 "Ha, wel-" Brad started.

 "Before he starts, I'm gonna stop him. He was just being his little annoying self. That's all you need to know." Skylor interrupted.

 "Hey!" Brad whined.

 Everyone laughed as Brad pouted. Lloyd thought that it was really cute and blushed slightly but that did not go unnoticed by our favourite nindroid; Zane.

 Zane flew his dragon closer to Cole's. "Hey, Cole? Do you see Lloyd blushing over there?" He whispered.

 "Oh my god. Zane, I'm so glad you know how to make fun of people now." Cole said, trying not to laugh at Lloyd making goo goo eyes at Brad. He flew over to where Lloyd is.

 "Heyyyyyy Lloydddd!" He said, getting ready to tease him.

 "Whattttt???" Lloyd asked, scared for what is to come.

 "Are you blushing at a certain someone?" He asked but he immediately for his answer when Lloyd turned bright red. He started laughing.

 "Cole," Lloyd said while clenching his teeth into a smile ( if that makes any sense ), "kindly shut up."

 "Ouch." Cole said. "But no. I shan't shut up." He said shut up in a mocking version of how Lloyd said it.

Lloyd kind of looked like he was about to burst. But then...

 "Lloyd? What's he talking about?" Brad asked, pretending to have innocence in his voice. He knew exactly what Cole was on about.

 "Nothing! Don't worry about it." Lloyd said, nervously.

 "You sure?" Brad asked.

 "Yup." Lloyd responded, popping the 'p'. 

"Oh, look! We're here! Let's hurry!" Lloyd said, hoping to change the topic.

 Brad silently laughed at this and everyone's dragons started diving down to get to the entrance of the cave. Everyone finished their little side conversations and focused on getting down and landing.

 "Welcome back! Lloyd! Great to sssee you, sssson!" Garmadon exclaimed.

 "Hi dad!" Lloyd said as he ran to hug his father.

Everyone smiled at this little reunion. Brad couldn't help but feel guilt though because he had to kidnap Lloyd for Chen to trust him even more for more information. He couldn't help but feel sad that he doesn't have this relationship with his father. He did not feel jealous though. His smile hid his sadness. But Lloyd knows.

 "Hey, Brad? Can I talk to you?" Lloyd asked, worriedly.

 "Of course!" Brad said, his voice cheerful.

 "Follow me then." Lloyd said, his voice laced with concern.

 "Are you okay? You seemed very sad when we got in. Is something troubling you?" Lloyd asked.

 "Oh, you noticed that, huh. I'm okay, I just wish I had a good relationship with my father. And I wish that he wasn't an evil villain." Brad said, quietly.

 "Ohhh, I see. Well if you marry me, my dad could be your father in law. Then you'll have a great dad!" Lloyd said, pretending to say this innocently to see Brad's reaction. He was right in thinking that it would be funny. Brad turned as red as Kai's ninja gi. 

 "W- Wha?" Brad was speechless. Lloyd started laughing at Brad's flustered face.

 "Let's go join the others. We need to create a plan to make sure Chen doesn't get to Pythor first. And a plan to stop Chen." Lloyd smiled. Brad nodded, trying to calm his flustered face before following Lloyd back to the others.

•~~~~ Meanwhile, on the other side of the door of the room that Lloyd and Brad spoke in ~~~~•

 "That's so sad, what Brad said." Nya whispered.

 "Okay, but did you hear what Lloyd just said! Gold!" Cole also whispered.

 "I know right! He technically just proposed to Brad!" Jay whispered too. 

 "We have to remind him of that one day." Kai whisper laughed.

 "Quick! Let's go! They're coming!" Zane whisper-yelled.

And they all ran back to Wu, Garmadon, Misako and the other elemental masters.

A.N. Thanks for reading this chapter! Did you like the Llrad? I didn't. It was really cringe. Sorry I didn't upload for a little while. I just kept forgetting to charge my kindle (my device). Thanks to everyone who read this and I got so many more views since I've been gone! I now have 619 reads! Thank you all! 756 words.

Edited: 01/08/2023

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