★ Chapter 10: Meanwhile with the others ★

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A.N. The title says it all! This is basically all of the elemental masters and their POVs during the time of last chapter. For Garmadon and Skylor, their speech will be different because they're snakes. So it'll be like 'ssss' where a 's'  is in a word. While I'm writing this, all I can hear is the little brat of a brother that I have. He was yelling and screaming for a stupid reason and I want to cry 😢. Anyway, onto the story.

Bold = Character thoughts

Normal = Normal writing

Italics = Character speech

Kai POV: (btw, they are in the Samuri X cave)

Ugh! Why did Brad have to betray us?! Poor Lloyd. I know how much the kid missed him and he just had to go do that. Why can't some of us just catch a break?! 

 "KAI!" Skylor yelled, catching my attention.

 "Hm? Sorry, I zoned out. Just thinking murderous thoughts." I said, with a forced smile.

 "Yeah well, don't. If you pay attention, you'll hear what I need to tell all of you." She informed me.

 "Okay then. Just hurry up." I impatiently demanded.

 "Alright, pussssshy much?" I glared at her but she continued, "anyway, jussst to let you all know, Brad issss my little brother. Hisss betrayal was all part of the plan. Before you asssk any questions, let me explain. For yearssss, Brad and I have been making a plan to leave thisss island properly once and for all. He wasss to make ssso much trouble for our father to the point when he wasssss ssssent away to Old Ninjago City but he ssssent him to a sssschool - which didn't help on our behalf. The plan, then, wasssss when he wassss sssent away, he wasss to get sssomeone to help ussss both. But, obviousssly, he couldn't do that at Darkly'ss. Then Lloyd had sssstarted going. They became friendssss and blah, blah, blah. Then Lloyd left, but went back one day asss the Green Ninja. Ssssoon after that, Brad could come home and he told me all that happened at Darkly'ss. He alsssso told me about a little crusssh he developed." She paused, laughing a little.

 "Oh really?" Cole asked, teasingly "I know this is a serious moment but this is gold!"

 I laughed, "Cole, be quiet! We need Skylor to finish telling us her plan so we can help Lloyd, and Brad I guess."

 "Anyway, at this point Brad and I had persssuaded our father that if he invitessss all of the elemental masterssss to his island, then he can take your powers." She said, looking at everyone. "Obviousssly, we thought about everything that could make thissss plan work. But we knew that one of ussss was going to betray him for it to work. It couldn't be both of ussss though. We ssssaid for it to be me because if Lloyd came, which he did, then he could give our father fake info, and save Lloyd and him in the processss. The reason we couldn't both betray him iss that we want asss much information asssss possssible. Brad ssssaid it to be him to sssstay becaussse father trustssss him more and he thinkssss that Brad issss more evil."

 "That's a lot of information." I said.

 "Yeah well, you have a half a brain cell to let information in so you probably only got one word from that." Nya teased, giggling at my reaction.

 "Please, we both know growing up I had more education because I'm older." I fired back.

 "And yet, I'm smarter." She stated. I just glared at her.

 "Ladies, ladies, calm down. You're both pretty. Can we move on now?" Cole asked. I just rolled my eyes.


 "Are you done now? Becausse we ssstill need to ressscue Lloyd and Brad." I said.

 "Yes, yes. But what should we do?" Jay asked.

 "Well Brad texted me sssaying that Lloyd doesssn't believe him about the plan, sssso we need to get them. He told me where they are ssso we can jussst go get them." Skylor informed.

 "Okay, good. Except, WE DON'T KNOW HOW WE ARE GOING TO GET THEM OUT OF THERE!!! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO? JUST GONNA WALTZ IN AND SAY 'yeah we're taking Lloyd and Brad. Have a nice day!'!!!" Jay exclaimed.

 "Actually... That'sss not a bad idea." I informed.

 "There's no way we're actually doing that, is there?" Kai asked.

 A.N. I finished the chapter! Finally. Some of it may not make sense but that's because Kai and I share that half a brain cell. It isn't as long as I would have hoped it to be but it's fine. 773 words.

Edited: 01/08/2023

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